Submitted by GTripp14 t3_11zr11j in nosleep

Transcript of Oakland Grove Police Department calls received on 3/12/2023 regarding “The Teddy Bear Abduction”

5:23 PM: A young girl identifying herself as Emily Brown contacted the 911 operator, Jennifer Morton, to report being abducted by a man in a teddy bear costume. This transcript has been made available due to the poor audio quality of the call. The victim speaks in hushed tones and can often be difficult to understand. A recording is available upon request.

911 Operator: 911, what's your emergency?

Caller: Please help me! My name is Emily Brown and a man in a bear costume [Inaudible] from the park on Lover’s Lane. I think he’s going to kill me.

911 Operator: Okay, I’m having trouble hearing you. Can you try to speak up?

Caller: I can’t. He threw me in the back of a van and I don’t want him to hear me. It’s loud back here and [Inaudible] windows are painted black. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.

911: Okay, sweety. Keep whispering. Do you know where he is taking you?

Caller: No, I can’t see out of the windows and there is a metal wall between the back and the cab. It’s completely dark in here. We’ve only been moving for a few minutes. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God… he’s going to kill me.

911 Operator: Okay, we're going to send officers to the area around the park. Can you describe the suspect and the vehicle?

Caller: He's a man wearing a filthy teddy bear costume with a big, creepy smile on his face. It looks like that bear that jumps out and scares you from the video game. I don’t remember the name. [Inaudible] looks like one of those white vans that delivery drivers use. There were no stickers or anything. The windows are all covered with black paint.

911 Operator: Okay, we have a description of the suspect and vehicle, Emily. Can you tell me anything else about him?

Caller: I was just walking in the park to meet a friend. He was standing near a swingset and waved at me when I walked by. I waved back. He looked like he was there for a kid's birthday party or something, but then he started following me and calling out to me. He's got a really deep voice. And he kept saying things like "You're going to be my little bear.”

911 Operator: Alright, we have officers en route. Can you tell me anything else at all, Emily?

Caller: I can hear the sound of other cars passing us. I think we’re on the highway. Am I going to be okay? Please come get me. [Inaudible] just want to go home. I want my mom.

911 Operator: Okay, stay on the line with me. We have officers at the park and others are being directed onto the highway. We'll do everything we can to get you out of there.

Caller: Please hurry! He’s going to kill me. Oh my God, I’m going to die…

911 Operator: Okay Emily, we have officers in the area looking for the suspect's vehicle. We are going to find you. Concentrate on the sound of my voice. Is there anything inside the van with you? Anything that could help us identify it?

Caller: It's really dirty and there are stuffed animals everywhere. I saw them for a second… [inaudible] before he slammed the door. There's a weird smell like something's rotting. The floor is sticky. I think it may be blood.

911 Operator: Okay, we have a description of the van. Just hang in there, Emily. We're doing everything we can to find you.

Teenager: The van is starting to slow down… Oh shit, we’re going to stop soon. I’m going to try and kick the window out.

911 Operator: No! Just stay quiet and be as calm as you can. Please just…

[Audible thumping sounds coming from the caller's line followed by a pounding noise. An inaudible male voice begins to yell in the background. The sound of a door opening is followed by screams and inaudible speech from the caller]

5:35 PM: End call.

5:25 PM: A secondary 911 call, received by Deborah Jenkins, related to the abduction is received. A witness, identifying himself as Matthew Bowman of Oakland Grove, provides an eyewitness account of the abduction of Emily Brown.

Operator: 911, what's your emergency?

Caller: Yes, hello, I just witnessed something… shit. I don’t know, maybe it was a joke. You know how kids do all that weird garbage now for TikTok videos?

Operator: Sir, what is the nature of the emergency?

Caller: Sorry, yeah. I was sitting on a bench at Lover’s Lane Park I saw a man dressed in a damn bear costume grab a young girl and force her into the back of a van.

Operator: Is the van still there, sir?

Caller: No. After the guy slammed the doors, he peeled out of the parking lot like a bat outta Hell. Do you think this is some sort of video prank?

Operator: I don’t know, sir. Did you see what direction the van was headed?

Caller: Yeah, sure. Fella took a left turn onto Fairview Avenue in the direction of the highway. Can’t remember the road number.

Operator: Can you give me a description of the girl and the man in the bear costume?

Caller: The girl looked to be around 15 or 16 years old, with long brown hair and wearing a pink jacket. She was walking alone and the bear guy started hollerin’ at her.

Operator: And the man in the bear costume? Can you describe anything about him?

Caller: The man in the teddy bear costume was tall. Over six feet, looked like. Could be skinny, could be fat. Hard to tell with that buffy damn bear costume. Looked like it hadn't been washed in months. Be patches of dark stains on it. Large smile on the mask. Creepy lookin’ shit. Woulda been in place in one of those haunted houses at a carnival.

Operator: Okay sir, we have units on the way to your location. Can you stay on the line with me and give me any additional information you may have?

Caller: Yes, can do. I didn't see the license plate of the van, but it was a white panel van with windows on the sides. Too far away though to see inside. No stickers or logos or nothin’ on the outside. The man drove off very quickly, so I didn't get a chance to see anything else, really. I'm just really worried about that little girl now. More I talk about it, I don’t think it was any kinda joke at all.

Operator: Understood sir, we'll do everything we can to find her. Can you tell me your name and contact information?

Caller: Yes, my name is Matty Bowman… uh, Matthew. My number’s [Redacted]. Shit… that poor kid. I shoulda tried to help her.

Operator: Thank you, Mr. Bowman. The police will be there shortly to speak with you. Please stay where you are until they arrive.

Caller: Yes, I'll wait here. Please find that little girl. I'm really worried about her. I can’t believe I just watched him take her…

5:29: End Call.

The following transcript is a dispatch call made by Officer Joshua Brian to the Oakland Grove Police department on 3/14/2023. A state-wide manhunt beginning on 3/12/203 resulted in the tip leading Officer Brian to the location of an abandoned 1998 Chevrolet Express Van parked in a private timber lot.

11:29 AM: Begin dispatch call.

Officer: "Dispatch, this is Officer Brian. I'm calling in with a possible crime scene."

Dispatcher: "Go ahead, Officer Brian. What's your location and what's the situation?"

Officer: "I'm on a private wooded lot near the intersection of Highway 41 and Beulah Farm Road. I've found an abandoned van parked fifty yards from the road behind a dense woodline. It's filled with what appears to be blood and… stuffed animals. There is a broken Samsung Galaxy on the floor, also covered in what I believe to be blood."

Dispatcher: "Copy that, Officer Brian. Can you confirm if anyone is around or inside the vehicle?"

Officer: "Negative. There's no one in sight. I've checked the immediate area and it's clear. But the amount of blood is substantial, and it looks like there's been a struggle inside. There are footprints on the windows and streaks in the blood. It appears someone was pulled from the rear with force."

Dispatcher: "Copy that. Please remain on the scene and secure the area. We'll send a crime scene unit and detectives your way as soon as possible."

Officer: "Understood, Dispatch. I'm securing the scene now."

Dispatcher: "Understood. Please stay safe and keep us updated on any developments."

Officer: "Copy that, Dispatch. I'll be standing by."

11:35 AM: End Dispatch Call.

Crime scene technicians were able to collect DNA samples from four unique individuals. The amount of blood located in the abandoned Chevrolet Express van was determined to be of an amount that subjects from samples #1 to #3 were unlikely to have survived.

Sample #1 was determined to match DNA from the toothbrush provided to the Oakland Grove Police Department by the parents of Emily Brown.

Samples #2 and #3 were determined to belong to yet unidentified females. These samples are being cross-referenced with missing person cases in various jurisdictions throughout the region. Efforts are ongoing to identify unknown subjects.

Sample #4 was determined to belong to a yet unidentified male subject. The source of the DNA is considered a person of interest in the abduction of Emily Brown.

Emily Brown or her remains have not been recovered. Investigative efforts are ongoing. Similar abductions attributed to a mysterious individual in animal costumes have been reported in locations throughout the East Coast and southern United States.



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Thatlittlegremlin t1_jdepzth wrote

As a 911 dispatcher, this one fucked with me a little


vadkender t1_jdgt6p2 wrote

As a man in a teddy bear suit, it fucked with me too


[deleted] t1_jdhllcu wrote



[deleted] t1_jdi530r wrote



[deleted] t1_jdiqg2i wrote



[deleted] t1_jdixufs wrote



[deleted] t1_jdiyf54 wrote



[deleted] t1_jdjl6z7 wrote



HorrorJunkie123 t1_jddq24j wrote

Okay, this seriously exacerbated my distrust of people in full body animal costumes. I really hope they find those poor girls and catch the freak that abducted them.


TadaoSiimply t1_jdi16g3 wrote

Come to think of it, I recently saw someone standing in the side of the highway wearing a full body frog costume, but that’s probably for a different reason


Lifedeath999 t1_jdyded5 wrote

I would assume that one indicates that he really likes frogger.


Numerous-Transition3 t1_jdeokq7 wrote

Is it FNAFs Freddy or Naughty Bear?


Astrid579 t1_jdesdou wrote

Who is Naughty Bear? I immediately thought it was FNAF.


Numerous-Transition3 t1_jdesywz wrote

A game that came out in 2010 for the PS3, where you play as titular Naughty Bear, a stuffed bear who's "friends" he kills in increasingly violent ways. He has a move where if you are hidden you can jump out and "scare" them by screaming in their faces.


Astrid579 t1_jdf0548 wrote

Oh, thanks for explaining! Sounds like an fun game


Alien_Goatman t1_jdhjdws wrote

Wouldn’t surprise me if it was one of the devs doing this horrible act! A lot of sick, twisted people work for that company.


Chaotic_Trashmouth t1_jdi4rzc wrote

I haven't thought about Naughty Bear in ages. I remember watching my brother play it when I was too young. That game still rocks after all these years.


Maliagirl1314 t1_jddwld1 wrote

Poor Emily... I hope they find this Teddy bear I can't imagine how creepy that thing looks


Astrid579 t1_jdecyaq wrote

Emily was describing Freddy from the scary video game Five Nights at Freddy's. It really is creepy looking.


scarymaxx t1_jde96fv wrote

Okay, if anyone here is in the used van business, DON'T sell one to a guy in a bear outfit. Just don't.


Lunnaris t1_jdekcdm wrote

I have spiralled into thoughs of "but what if that was not a prank/social experiments and I just dismissed it" por a couple of hours to months so I'll send OOP my therapist's bill for a long time...


johnsonbrianna1 t1_jdg9lwi wrote

I stick to “if you see something, say something” and “better to be safe than sorry”


MidwesternGothica t1_jdsmq0l wrote

Yeah but at the same time let's be careful about further guilting others. We're imperfect by nature and with the societal onslaught of social media and all that brings, it's understandable that the whole "see something say something" doesn't always come to mind like it did ten or twenty years ago.


Gamaray311 t1_jdfau8b wrote

Poor Emily- this doesn’t help my helicopter style parenting


loafums t1_jdh00c0 wrote

911 probably should have asked Emily to check her gps/map app these days, she could have shared her exact location in real time


xEllimistx t1_jdhp638 wrote

As a 911 dispatcher, we might not even need that. There’s software now that can pinpoint a cell signal to a few feet. My agency uses one called RapidSOS.

It’s not 100% perfect(which is why we still want addresses from the caller) but a good ping can get me your location and, if you stay on the line, will continue to track even in a moving vehicle.


TadaoSiimply t1_jdi1fip wrote

Woah, technology these days scares me


xEllimistx t1_jdi302h wrote

To be honest, it was public outcry that catalyzed 911 centers into getting this sort of tech.

Even with the benefit of smart phones and Google Maps, too often, callers simply don’t know where they are. Maybe they’re new to an area or they’re just so panicked they can’t think but RapidSOS has lead me to addresses on open line disturbances where I can clearly hear a fight going on but no one is answering questions. One of my partners took a call from someone who had hung themselves, then second guessed it so they managed to dial 911 before dropping the phone but were basically hanging themselves on the phone.

I remember one case a few years ago, which was probably the incident that really pushed it nationwide, a woman crashed into a creek. Car was filling up with water but she was trapped. She had no idea where she was so she couldn’t give the call taker any location information. She ended up drowning before anyone could find her. Turns out, the cell tower routed her call to a completely different agency. They had no idea where that poor woman was because it wasn’t even their city.

Something like RapidSOS probably would’ve given responders a chance to find her and save her.

That being said, I do understand the privacy, or lack thereof, implications


matkamatka t1_jdm4f1q wrote

What happened to the guy who hung himself?


xEllimistx t1_jdmg4q9 wrote

Survived. It was a teenager and mom, I think, came home and found them in the closet and was able to get them down before the worst happened. PD was on scene just a minute or so later and would’ve kicked the door in due to exigent circumstances


nightforday t1_jdr1jh8 wrote

I'm so glad to hear that they survived. I can't imagine the horror of attempting suicide and then changing your mind after it's (almost) too late to do anything about it.

Thank you for the job that you do. It must be incredibly stressful, traumatic, and disheartening, but hopefully the times when you're able to help someone help mitigate that a bit.


BLAKKLIGHT t1_jdei7i6 wrote

This man deserves to be put down via the most horrific way possible


NovaIBoo t1_jdgik1l wrote

If you see someone in a animal costume that looks and is acting suspicious the best thing to do is to try to stay close to as many people as possible, the odds of someone stepping in is far greater this way


Alien_Goatman t1_jdhjojx wrote

I think I may have watched this event take place on last nights CCTV. I live next door to the abandoned building, it’s a popular spot for drug deals and other horrible sh*t, Should I share the footage with authorities?


Automatic_Tear9354 t1_jdg1j5a wrote

Interesting there’s really no news coverage on this. I’d like to see an update or how the investigation is panning out.


[deleted] t1_jdfpcbd wrote



kai325d t1_jdgax1j wrote

I mean the guy's name is William Afton


TadaoSiimply t1_jdi1mrh wrote

For a moment I thought the other guys name was Henry Emily not the other way around and I almost jumped


Reaper3993 t1_jdfqu2v wrote

those god damned furries, i knew they pretened to be animals but i didnt expect they would kidnap people to eat em


modvavet t1_jdgpfim wrote

It's the bear from Showbiz Pizza.

Kind of lost it after they went out of business.


TadaoSiimply t1_jdi1177 wrote

My sister has a big teddy bear doll in her room, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted it. I will torture it until it speaks about its true intentions now.


ifiddlkids t1_jdhg9zz wrote

100% this costume

or perhaps this one


maybe with less stuffing as he says that he looks skinny but he also said he looked fat which could mean the stuffing has just flattened. how horrible.


i can only assume it was either custom made or because of the amount of dirt being described on it but perhaps because it was dark it looked like freddy .


flamurmurro t1_jdhlle1 wrote

Wat da hell lol that lady sees a girl forcibly grabbed off the street and stuffed into a van and she’s like “hmmmm gotta be a prank, kids these days smh.” At least she called 911 just in case.

#streetabductionchallenge #bearsuitlevel #karencalled911 #shetoolatelol


TadaoSiimply t1_jdi1uc5 wrote

Yeah, it’s the problem with social media these days. There’s so many pranks that society can’t trust people, thus causing incidents like these.


ArgiopeAurantia t1_jdg829f wrote

I've just realized that I would be a very bad 911 operator. When the young lady said that the bear dude was going to kill her, my immediate response was "no, you'll be fine, he's just going to turn you into a little bear! That will take a while, and I'm sure we'll find you before then."


NotReallyExclusive t1_jebttoh wrote

The worst part is that this doesn't seem like something that wouldn't actually happen, other stories take a less realistic route.


EducationalSmile8 t1_jdh9d67 wrote

Poor Emily and those girls! This bastard bear reminds me of Ted Bundy...


Sat_Thu t1_jdmjy2k wrote

Damn any updates? Did they find Emily and the rest of survivors if any?