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Cmyers1980 t1_jdvdyny wrote

You don’t need a supernatural entity to explain the mundane reasons why people do wrong.


InternetPeon t1_jdvgb3l wrote

Maybe replace that guy with someone more competent.


Kangar t1_jdvh1m2 wrote

So this is all part of God's plan, if you will?

What a dunce and what a shitty plan.


jxj24 t1_jdvjq0m wrote

That would explain the great success!


SelectiveSanity t1_jdvs1vz wrote

The only thing the Devil ever needs to do is sit back and leave idle men to their vices.


Mrcoldghost t1_jdvs7sn wrote

I always see statements like this as a excuse to not actually talk about what’s really happening.


TechFiend72 t1_jdw2ntg wrote

There is certainly evil in the world. You don't need to attribute it to supernatural force. Usually human greed and a lust for power are plenty a reason for people to do evil things.


SupportLeather1851 t1_jdwfsbz wrote

While that’s true (I want to preface this by saying I’m not religious), don’t you still feel like it’s hard to wrap your head around how people are able to commit awful acts? Like for example child beaters. I work in a school, and I work with kids for a living, because I care about them. I can’t imagine lifting a hand against one. Like it’s just baffling to me that people CAN do these things. I don’t think calling someone possessed by the devil is the answer, and it’s rooted in deep psychological science, but even hearing the reason it happens doesn’t make it any more believable. Even after studying psychology to work here, it still baffles me, no matter your environment you were raised in or what you experienced.


Fishtank-Brain t1_jdwfvvp wrote

hitler survived over 30 assassination attempts. god is either evil or impotent


ja_maz t1_jdwg84d wrote

The thin blue line has never bin thinner. Fire this idiot


_paaronormal t1_jdwgr77 wrote

And this is but one example of why religion is dangerous


RiskHour2275 t1_jdwjqml wrote

If this worked, we wouldn’t have problems right now. They’ve had 2000 years to use god to solve problems. They have failed.


chibinoi t1_jdwlnpj wrote

It’s certainly used as a tool for shifting blame. The devil exists for people to project their lacking traits, feelings, habits etc. that they don’t want to fix or are unable to fix.


Catnip1720 t1_jdwltrj wrote

It’s easier to explain wrong actions with a supernatural evil devil rather than accepting we all have the capacity for evil. It’s people like you and me who do fucked shit. No devil or deity makes them or us do these things. It’s human nature


Allaun t1_jdwp0lg wrote

It's simple really. You BELIEVE you are in the right. The same way you believe the sun rises and the sky is blue. It's a FACT. A law of your existence, Everyone else just doesn't get it. They are wrong and refuse to listen to you. You try to explain to them but they don't listen. YOU are the one under attack, not the person you are hurting.


Cheerqee t1_jdwvtop wrote

Maybe that's why the cartel is at large. Not because they are Satanist, but because the police try to fight them with prayers


JacktheBoss_ t1_jdwyoz3 wrote

He needs to be removed from his position immediately.


MarkC209 t1_jdwyztg wrote

Many people give attribute more power and credence to the devil 👿. For many God is good for travel mercies,finding lost car keys and making all stoplights green. They blame the devil for all the starving children but cannot thank God for feeding them.


alexjewellalex t1_jdwzwt3 wrote

My concern with religion is never when someone has unverified beliefs, it is always in how they compartmentalize those beliefs from their Real Life responsibilities.

Are you a medical professional? Okay, let’s make sure you distinctly separate your hobby of talking to magical, invisible friends from how you treat my health.

Are you a politician? Okay, let’s make sure how you think about policy and governance is not a product of your subjective belief systems, but of how a secular democratic society runs to represent and protect the widest spectrum of citizens - not just those who share your specific dogma.

Are you a goddamn police chief fighting cartels? Okay, perhaps we don’t fight crime with spiritual horror movie themes and think about objective reality instead.

Pray to or believe in whatever you’d like as long as it is carefully and surgically separate from how you do your job, affect those around you, etc.


I_might_be_weasel t1_jdx00gp wrote

There are a lot of cliches about religious gangsters. And they aren't worshipping Satan.


StaMike t1_jdx1lti wrote

Indeed, the existence of the devil is certain, but only if you believe a devil exists.


Baron_Karza77 t1_jdx2iqh wrote

I'm laughing at all those mocking the reality of genuine good vs evil is exactly what's going on in the world Not the first time Faith was mocked nor will it be the be the last. .


Eightarmedpet t1_jdx344v wrote

“Fun fact” - there are religious symbols/artefacts in Brazilian tube stations to keep crime away as Cartels would see them as religious places. I’ve worded that terribly.


regular6drunk7 t1_jdx37j7 wrote

There was no need to invent the devil. Anything you can imagine the devil doing to you has already been done by people here on earth.


JusticiarRebel t1_jdx6v5p wrote

Thoughts and prayers have worked so well in the US to curb school shootings, I don't see why it can't be a valid strategy to combat drug cartels.


blueblurspeedspin t1_jdx6voc wrote

USA shoots weather balloon aliens, Colombia has holy water. gotta explain the defense budget somehow.


Breys t1_jdx7ey4 wrote

Oh the US uses thoughts and prayers to stop school shootings. Pretty much the same results.


HessLook t1_jdx8vpn wrote

So if “god” was almighty why would it do all of this. Loser religion bs. He should say, I can do my job so I just hope something will change. Try praying to your shitty god about other things.


Bhimtu t1_jdx9de3 wrote

I can get with this. Ever seen a Colombian necktie?


dion101123 t1_jdxakkg wrote

Yeah well Satan's got an ak so fuck that


BambooRollin t1_jdxdbim wrote

They're probably sending bad notes to Santa Claus about the criminals as well!


TopCheesecakeGirl t1_jdxdqqu wrote

Well there goes the theory that god is all powerful. Obviously not.


Calamitous_Stars t1_jdxe5t4 wrote

Okay- ik its popular to shit on Christianity on reddit..

But this is a Police Chief in Colombia.. can you imagine the shit he's seen or at the bare minimum had to be made aware of? I mean, colombian neckties aren't famous for their fabric.

I can see why this person would believe in the Devil specifically as their role in society is to oversee the actions of the worst people in a brutal locale with a historical Latin-Catholic culture.


000Spectator t1_jdxegvp wrote

I think they need MD’s and PhD’s…not witchcraft or priests. That resolve hasn’t worked for the past 500 years…


willyolio t1_jdxgsvb wrote

sounds like it's a good time to be a criminal in Colombia


Flavaflavius t1_jdxj0fn wrote

Shit, Sante Muerte...Santeria. Plenty of stuff that's downright cultic out in cartel country. It doesn't surprise me at all that he's doing this, since locals there can be very superstitious, and the cartels have developed their own mythology. This is no more unreasonable than burning sage on rez, or going to confession. I'm sure there's psychological benefit at play here, even if you don't actually believe.


Calamitous_Stars t1_jdxk56w wrote

Oh so this just makes perfect sense..

I wasn't even considering the occult symbols and mythos down there that could be used to further a cartel's purposes.

The exorcisms and prayers would work as a level of social crowd control too. Driving out the "evil spirits" that are controlling the cartel. It gives the people a narrative that emboldens hope, rather than defeatism in spite of the circumstances of their environment.

The Cartel consists of people possessed by the devil, but god is on our side, so don't give up just yet


peensteen t1_jdxni2p wrote

Pray the yayo away. Nothing else seems to be working. I guess next is the Holy War on Drugs, no one expects the Colombian Inquisition!


PF4LFE t1_jdxr2ir wrote

Reads like a ‘national enquirer’ headline


redditusernamehonked t1_jdxvr14 wrote

"thoughts and prayers" have most certainly been decisive in the efforts against mass shooters here in the USA. In fact they have been the most effective, since nothing else has been tried or will be tried.


Malcolm_X_Machina t1_jdxwb7e wrote

The devil is 1000% real. Only you don't need to sure to see him.


necbone t1_jdxxle4 wrote

Cocaine is a helluva drug


drumscrubby t1_jdxxqm4 wrote

Manifestations of mythology. It’s real if in your mind it is. Imagine crop dusting humans who believe in the devil with a cloud of LSD. They’d wrestle the devil their mind and that is was themselves along. Zoinks


KittenKoder t1_jdxxrgc wrote

In this day and age and people still believe in demons, angels, and magic.


RantControl t1_jdxyc06 wrote

Well, we can see why the war on drugs is such a shitshow.


_TenaciousBroski t1_jdy1jp4 wrote

I've noticed a lot of demons having a really bad coke problem lately, so it checks out


Jlx_27 t1_jdy2zfi wrote

This is the content I subbed here for. 👍


4-Aneurysm t1_jdy8o8i wrote

I want to tell them to just admit you don't care enough to actually do something. Quit voting for second amendment assholes so maybe we can start taking actual steps to actually address the problem.


Flavaflavius t1_jdy8shp wrote

Actually not as crazy as you'd think. Cartels are very superstitious, as are many people in Columbia (and other places with a cartel presence). Syncretist folk religions like Santeria and Santa Muerte pop up all the time, so even if you don't believe, it makes a certain amount of sense to try and assure people that you have things under control spiritually. As weird as it sounds, encouraging more normal forms of prayer directly discourages the ritual behavior of narco cults, and I wouldn't be surprised it has tangible psychological benefits in reducing people's toleration of the cartel.


obsertaries t1_jdy9fl2 wrote

Metaphors are ok I guess but I hope they don't seriously believe that humans aren't capable of evil (or good) without supernatural help.


Calamitous_Stars t1_jdy9o3p wrote

Eh, you'd be surprised when it comes to communities with strong cultural values.. latin america tends to value interpersonal familial relationships higher than the average westerners and religion spreads through families. (Source: am Latin American immigrant raised in the U.S. 1st generation, raised catholic too hah!)

Like i said, ik it's popular to hate on christianity, but in this scenario, it's not as crazy as jim jones or scientology b.s. it's more of a cultural thing, you can't really blame them for having their culture mixed with catholicism.

I mean, you can blame them, but that'd just be because you're being willfully ignorant.


4-Aneurysm t1_jdy9rtd wrote

Proof please. Good v evil is an excuse to do nothing to actually solve problems. Prayers or whatever are absolutely not going to get it done. Not mocking, believe that actual steps are needed not superstition


smokin_monkey t1_jdya2m1 wrote

I say the existence of payoffs to the police and government officials is real. But he will not do anything about that.


4-Aneurysm t1_jdybe6b wrote

Yea, can't blame them for for cultural superstition. Plenty here in the US. Just do your job, and take steps to actually address the problems. Mass shootings lead to hypocrites sending "thoughts and prayers " then voting for NRA ass holes who do everything possible to perpetuate the problem. Just tell us you don't give a f and spare us the invisible companions.


Calamitous_Stars t1_jdycvgo wrote

Yeah, the NRA is very different from literal drug cartels- so it's understable how one could confuse lessening the psychological grip a cartel holds over an area with •checks notes• United States political theatre..

Like, this is one of the good parts of religion: comforting people in dire situations..

Colombia cartels are globally funded.. the drug trade there is not just local dealers..


DFWPunk t1_jdyg1wf wrote

How's that working out for ya.


ItsABiscuit t1_jdyiskx wrote

Cool, cool. Definitely sounds like the guy you want in charge of it all.

I suppose if he's a religious nut who thinks his targets are literally agents of Satan, he might be less likely to accept bribes from them?


OldWierdo t1_jdym815 wrote

True, but when you're fighting a fully-funded military with all the military weapons, well, you've heard the term "there are no atheists in foxholes."

Which isn't true, btw, and this dude has said some REALLY weird stuff, not just about this. Dude's a crackpot.


OldWierdo t1_jdyn00c wrote

I get it.

The Good Guys have deep-seated religious beliefs there. So do the Bad Guys. An immutable Law is "Don't Attack People in Religious Sites." While the Bad Guys will do a TON of really horrible things, that's often a bridge too far, so they'll wait til someone is out of the tube to hit them. Makes the tube safer.


OldWierdo t1_jdyp2mm wrote

It's not an excuse to do nothing except with lazy people who will use ANY excuse to do nothing. It's an explanation of WHY that person is so effed up. They're evil. Still gotta stop them, but some people are just evil.

Now pretty much all "evil people" had INCREDIBLY abusive childhoods, with few exceptions. Even that 11 year old multiple murderer in England. Evil - how could someone that young do those things to 4- and 6-year olds, have a body count, unless she's just evil? Then you learn about what her "mother" did to her. That's a better Why than "evil," because it's a Why we can try to short-circuit. But either way, "because Evil" is not an excuse to do nothing.


OldWierdo t1_jdyqx1n wrote

No, when they fight them, and arrest them, sentence them for 120 counts and extradite to the US to face even more, towns get shut down by the cartel, any vehicle passing a road gets torched, and any cops that show up are killed.

Cartel is at large because Money. The head guy of the Gulf Cartel was worth an estimate of $10 mil, the organization being a multi-billion dollar establishment. Over 3,000 strong. Poor people need money. Well to do people want money. These guys have it, and are making more. Cartels have a MUCH bigger budget than the cops, and fewer rules to follow.

They caught the head of the Gulf Cartel, and while they probably prayed about it, they went out and got him. Extradited him.

The fallout was reported in the middle east:


truenecrocancer t1_jdyr6p4 wrote

Ive always come at it from the front that belief is fine but claiming sole ownership of the truth is stupid. No one is entitled the truth as truth isnt inherited, its earned through evidence and logic, not faith that it is. You want to believe in 12th century wine gods? Sure thats fine but when you claim a natural disaster is caused by gay marraige, dont get pissy when i call it blatantly stupid lol


inaeya t1_jdytb9q wrote

All I have to say is Hallelujah. I thank God for using this man who has the courage to be obedient to Christ who overcomes even death.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Evil works come from evil spirits.

I seek for all these poor souls to wake up and to walk with Christ.


RheaButt t1_jdyz48u wrote

The funniest part is that all the cartel members are probably catholic


Lucyferiusz t1_jdz098h wrote

"Sir, step out of the vehicle or I'll pray for you harder"


Hassan_99 t1_jdz4qt9 wrote

Just go on r/NSFL type in cartel shit and behold the great wonders of our world. Hell is here on Earth. If you’re dealing with that shit on a daily basis you will believe in evil.


Bowman01PMC t1_jdz5w5v wrote

I'd like to think that Columbian drug cartels are actually all secretly vampire gangs. Because that's the only way this doesn't sound lame


HawkinsT t1_jdzdi7d wrote

> Sanabria claimed criminals use witchcraft, and said in one operation a police officer had been able to kill one of them by "praying while shooting."

Yeah, I'd definitely focus on the prayer aspect of that being the effective part.


The84thWolf t1_jdzdphu wrote

Cool! So cops don’t need guns right? 🙄


Mod_Accountability t1_je009ok wrote

> If you’re dealing with that shit on a daily basis you will believe in evil.

Only if you're predisposed to believe such nonsense. People who don't allow religion to run their lives are perfectly capable of acknowledging the horrible things people can be capable of.


Calamitous_Stars t1_je02dd6 wrote

You replied to me 3 times, you're not calm enough to have a discussion- and information can exist outside of a single article?

I mean, you could just admit you dont understand other cultures and how other groups could be heavily influenced by their local religion?

I mean, you're not even in colombia and you've heard about this guy's prayers.. it's doing something- look up more about the colombian cartel until you can recognize it's a globally funded criminal organization that commands enough force to basically exist tactically unopposed when their enemy is just local police.


Sir_Penguin21 t1_je06ogq wrote

So if we just made everyone religious it would solve crime? Genius. Looks back at history Wait a minute…I think I have been bamboozled.


Yaguajay t1_je08lcj wrote

Stupid cop is confusing drug cartels with Dracula.


Malefic_Mike t1_je0cung wrote

You guys are going to be sweating when the watchers return in full. There are already a few here now.


nick_shannon t1_je0k481 wrote

How embarrassing to go on live TV and say something so monumentally stupid as a serious statement.


act1295 t1_je0k49v wrote

As our president says, the guy has wacky ideas but he's not incompetent by any means. I had not read about him pulling out a crucifix in a police operation, but other than that I don't see the problem. Remember that most of the wacky things he's said was through his personal social media (like his personal WhatsApp) and in this particular interview the reporter was asking specifically about his personal beliefs.


Ract0r4561 t1_je0rl04 wrote

No. We’re all animals but have morals due to intelligence and how were raised, and taught what’s wrong and right. The cartel has people who deny the empathy part due to being raised by murderers or experiencing horrible things in their childhood. It fucks up their brains and how they perceive reality. Just like how animals do horrible shit, kinda like how cats play with their victims, they do the same thing. It’s fucked up indeed.

Nothing to do with “hell” or whatever made up shit people made thousands of years ago. It’s easier to control people when you say they’ll go to hell if they don’t do x or etc.

Another reason might be uncontrolled psychopathy or sociopathy. Mental illness doesn’t inherently mean you’ll have the urge to skin people alive. Depending on the environment you’re raised in, you’re most likely to do it. And kids born around cartel are easily persuaded as they’re kids.


Ract0r4561 t1_je0sc4e wrote

Let me ask you this. If god is almighty and powerful and can see everything, why does he let these horrible things happen? Why do we have to ask for it’s help? And don’t say that “god can’t interfere”. That doesn’t do well in your argument since you literally can’t get god’s help if he can’t interfere.


Hassan_99 t1_je0txxs wrote

If we are taught what is right and what is wrong and have morals due to our intelligence, then those people can indeed say what is good and what is evil. look around you evil is everywhere and good is everywhere. Interpret it how you want. Devil vs god, good vs bad. I don’t care. Hell is here on Earth and you know it.


Ract0r4561 t1_je0ufty wrote

Interesting thought. Isn’t that literally wrong? According to your religious book, which is most likely Quran due to your name. Isn’t hell the farthest place from God, with fire and darkness? So not only you don’t real your own holy book, you’re also ignoring what I literally said before. Way to go.


Ract0r4561 t1_je0vhem wrote

Assuming you’re in a different religion that has hell, I don’t think those books say hell is on earth either. And if you don’t believe in any religion, you’re making up your own definition of hell.


Hassan_99 t1_je0yfer wrote

I’m not religious but I am very interested in religions and superstitions. I 100% agree with your first reply. My point I was trying to make but failed at is this: Hell is here on Earth.

The Holy books state that the devil roams free on earth tormenting people and luring them to do bad things. There are many stories, urban legends, superstities about devils demons etc. Now many people believe it as a entity or being or whatsoever.

I interpret it as an idea. There are moments in life where one has to make a choice or act upon a situation. Those choices or acts can be and will be interpreted as good choices or bad choices by the social construct we live in OR personal preference an individual has.

Lets take this to the cartel example. For the normal human being it is just fucking insane. Some will call it bad, some will call it psychotic and some will call it the Devil’s work.

See where I’m going? There is no right answer. You have to take into account the culture, religions and mindset the people THERE have. Yes ofcourse the murderous cartel are out of their minds and must have multiple sorts of mental issues. But in the eyes of religious people or even spiritual people they are just plain evil.

I have seen too many dark shit in real life but even more on the internet. For me the religious notion of Hell is here on Earth. Many people on Earth have and are suffering on a scale I can’t imagine. And to think the religious notion of Hell is worse ? No I do not think so.