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BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j4bss39 wrote

50 hours over what kind of timeframe? Is it like, 50 hours over 6 months? Because that’s only about half an hour a day, and no one can tell me that they haven’t just absolutely wasted half an hour on the clock doing something stupid, or even nothing at all. The fact that the time frame isn’t mentioned is kind of chilling, because it leaves it to us, the readers, to determine who is in the right when we don’t even have a frame of reference for when the supposed “crime” occurred.

The use of monitoring software or personal computers is a very uncomfortable idea, and the fact that companies can monitor your every second of activity and determine what you’re doing and for how long is certainly a big brother-esque line of monitoring.

I think at the end of the day, businesses should only care about the results. If remote work lets people deliver the same results using less time, then adjust for that. But there’s no reason to do shit like this, when it’s a well known fact that corporate wage theft steals far more every year than someone taking a 20 minute shit on the clock


Randel1997 t1_j4cyqg3 wrote

I waste half an hour every hour I’m at work


Alexstarfire t1_j4eyhqh wrote

I'm probably not too far off. Sad part is I'm still the top performer in my group by a wide margin.

I actually think a lot of it is because others spend a lot of time trying to figure things out themselves instead of getting the information from someone who already knows it. The second I realize it's going to take me a long time to figure something out on my own I'm like "OK, who the hell can tell me how this works? I'm not wasting my time on this shit."

I'm a software developer.


Maatix t1_j4flfsw wrote

>The second I realize it's going to take me a long time to figure something out on my own I'm like "OK, who the hell can tell me how this works? I'm not wasting my time on this shit."
>I'm a software developer.

Same way here. And somehow people look at me funny when I say "No, I'm not going to spend 30 mins researching this when there should be a readily available answer, someone just has to tell me where to find the answer and save us all time."

Why is common sense so uncommon? It's almost like I'm trying not to waste your time by not wasting my time.


Squeezitgirdle t1_j4fdsk0 wrote

Used to work for a company where I automated everything.

(made the mistake of going above and beyond and helping my colleagues and was rewarded with an annual 15 cent raise to $15.15 for taking months of work and turning it into an hour).

I also had that same manager who gave me my shitty raise get pissy with me when I had no work to do and when I asked for work, she told me to figure it out.

So I worked roughly 30 minutes every day, and sat on my ass browsing imgur and reddit for my entire shift, because hard work came with punishments.

I did the same exact work as my colleagues, I just did it ridiculously faster than them because I was the only one who knew code and was licensed with the marketing software we used.


fartingfreddy1 OP t1_j4dgu5q wrote

This. 50 hours could be over 6 months or a year.What's next? They are going to make us pay back if we take multiple bathroom breaks? Plus tell me that as a wage worker you never logged in hour extra here and there. Not to talk about privacy issues. We are losing privacy, basic human right, in small increments every day. It became normal to track our phones, it became normal to steal our data, it became normal to observe every little move we make. It's just futile to even fight that fight in this day and age.


Shishire t1_j4h464h wrote

We just read the judge's decision. It's over a period of one month. And it's clear that she was being deceptive in some way from the evidence provided, as she kept offering new excuses that changed the nature of what she was claiming every time she was presented with evidence challenging her previous excuse.

Also, this is in Canada, so we're less familiar with the specifics of the laws there. It does, however, present a nasty precedent for companies to take advantage of even in dissimilar situations.


Netsrak69 t1_j4f3e9f wrote

>They are going to make us pay back if we take multiple bathroom breaks?

Actually yes, that's a thing that happens in corporate America.


Regulai t1_j4fjwop wrote

1 month, or an average of 2 and a half hours per day.

In addition she admitted to submitted bad timesheets and of lying about hours worked as well and offered up no proof of work on outside PC work. Notably whenever she claimed she was doing offline work she never at any point uploaded any results of said work or offered up any other proof.

Also she only had productivity software due to bad performance previously.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j4frd7x wrote

Is this in this particular article and I’m just a bad reader or was it from another article?

I mean l, blatantly ripping off hours at a time is plain stupid. If this was over a long period of time and they were just snooping it’s quit me different.

I stand by my claim that businesses get far too much leeway in wage theft, so if someone wants to wait 5-10 minutes every so often before flouncing out I’m not gonna complain; but if she effectively just punched in and left, then it’s on her.


SteelRiverGreenRoad t1_j4fdn15 wrote

It’s also partially about plausible deniability - “no you aren’t getting promoted/kept on, due to resisting my sexual advances, the timesheets are the problem!”


soks86 t1_j4f7njq wrote

She was logging time per file but the software showed she never opened some of the files. She admitted to this.


JoeKingQueen t1_j4gmmqf wrote

Yes, result based measuring is the best method of measurement for employee productivity. It's simple, accurate, easily measured, and useful for productivity predictions. It also contributes to a more relaxed and stable work atmosphere. Also it forces employers to have clear, measurable goals and expectations. Which too many are lacking.

Timing screentime is just a silly game that over-controlling people feel like arbitrarily playing. It's inaccurate. People can spend all day working and get almost nothing done, and the other end of the spectrum exists too (which is punished by this method). It's also demeaning, people should be respected not treated like children and micro-managed.


subzero112001 t1_j4fptg9 wrote

Stealing over 50 hrs worth of money is “not a crime” to you?

It was worth $2,746. I feel like stealing such an amount is big enough to deem it a crime.


DltaDFoxtrot t1_j4ebnwy wrote

How about she shouldn't steal time in the first place?


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j4ecy75 wrote

Ok. Make sure you punch out for every bathroom break, every personal conversation, and smoke break if you take them, and you better not work slow.

Look. If she actually just sat around and did nothing for hours on end, then yeah she should get in trouble. But the fact that they don’t mention a timeframe makes seem as if she sat for a week without working at all, when we’ve all been guilty of wasting time on the clock, and in the strictest sense, that’s stealing time. But I’ve also done favors for and helped people without being on the clock after being asked to do so, and that is on me, but for other people they are required to do work off the clock and that’s wage theft.

So you can sit here and sniff this companies taint if you want, but I don’t feel bad for them. If she truly stole time, then she got caught; I just hope that we eventually start catching more companies that are stealing time from its employees.


DltaDFoxtrot t1_j4eesl6 wrote

Okay most companies are okay with paid smoke breaks and shitting. This woman had to do something egregious to have the company tell her to pay em. Most companies wouldn't go so hard if it wasn't that serious.

If I had an employee dicking around while they should be working and I was paying em I'd be pissed. Wouldn't you?


Nivosus t1_j4erfdu wrote

Damn, capitalism really has you simping for corporate America.


samiwas1 t1_j4exy0k wrote

If they are getting the job done to your needs, then you damn sure shouldn't be pissed.

I spend half my work day on reddit, Facebook, or working on hobbies, because my job has a lot of wait time built in. There is nothing else to do. My job is to be there, waiting for instruction. Would you be pissed if I was waiting and not pumping metrics?