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t1_j505kjb wrote

This is the problem with putting everything under software control. Not everything needs to be 'smart' and connected. Sometimes low-tech solutions are the best.


t1_j5081zr wrote



t1_j50iemy wrote

>My car has no backup camera or any fancy detection shit. It turns on with a metal key.

Weird flex but okay


t1_j50od1r wrote

Yeah, I'm not a fan of IoT stuff but my minivan's backup cam is a blessing.


t1_j512abx wrote

A backup cam on a car is not IoT


t1_j51crbr wrote

Most of the things they listed aren't IoT either. Washer/dryer could be I guess - but their comment was on the appearance of theirs vs others lmao.

Light bulbs are basically the only halfway common IoT device they specified.

But they're not tech phobic like their boomer parents guys, don't worry. /s


t1_j54xr3b wrote

I like turning on my lights with my phone. I can make them different colors, which is cool.


t1_j51kl2d wrote

Agreed. I resisted the backup cam, got rid of my 01 ranger in 2018 for a 2017 taco. Backup cam is amaaaziglng.

House shit, nope. Ive talked to a lot of electricians and they say the same thing, shit is crazy expensive and lasts a year. Do not smarten your house unless youre rich.


t1_j5206uh wrote

To be fair, a lot of electricians (and end users) dont know what the fuck they're doing with "smart" lightbulbs and the like.

If you put a smart bulb on a switch not made for a smart bulb, yeah, you're gonna fry it because you're constantly turning it off/on when it needs to always be "on" and is turned "off" via software.

When used properly, the reputable brands work pretty well.


t1_j53xtqs wrote

Why would you want a smart lightbulb? Just make the lightswitch the "Smart" part.


t1_j559yso wrote

If all you want is a lightbulb that turns on/off, sure, it's totally an option to do at the switch!

Most people getting into smart lighting want more than that though, and are using products like Phillips Hue to do different colors/temperatures, save lighting profiles for different activities: watching movies, playing video games, just hanging out, cool christmas party lights, synchronizing lighting throughout multiple rooms, making it match your music, all sorts of stuff. At that point it becomes more of a decorative hobby than just "lighting your house" as a goal.


t1_j52rxn2 wrote

I had a rental car that had a backup cam and it was just unnecessary and gave me an extra thing I needed to check.

I just back up slowly, even if I hit something I won't damage it.

If you back up like a maniac off to the races or can't turn your body slightly for some reason they could be useful but I just had even more anxiety trying to check to the side/back and also the front now.


t1_j54xxuu wrote

Ever had a kid dart behind your car? They damage pretty quickly.


t1_j5533nz wrote

Nope, I always check behind my car before I back up, and go so slowly that as long as it's not a baby crawling unattended they would be able to move at a slow ass pace to get away from my car.


t1_j557w5p wrote

I have seen plenty of dumbass parents who don't hold their child's hand and kids are unpredictable AF in a parking lot regardless of you checking and going slowly.


t1_j524muy wrote

Right, like in Canada it’s law all cars made after May of 2018 must have a backup camera. They’re literally so helpful that Canada made a law for them


t1_j524uxj wrote

Yeah... Imagine bragging about not having safety features?


t1_j52e9yz wrote

I can tell you that they are nice when they work but sometimes lane keep assist jerks the wheel at a really inopportune time. Also these things break and are very expensive and also need to be recalibrated at times. They are nice. What's nicer is being completely aware and in control at the wheel. You get used to technology and start to rely on it and then become a worse driver. Just my opinion.


t1_j52tro2 wrote

As someone who lives in a super rainy area that doesn't believe in making lane markers visible in the rain -- lane assist is dangerous at best. That thing will pick up on anything in the road that happens to be more visible than the paint and try and steer the car accordingly.


t1_j50pcox wrote

A backup camera doesn’t have anything to do with IoT or really anything you wrote at all.


t1_j51udxj wrote

They're also really fuckin sweet. It makes backing up so much easier and generally just safer, allowing you to see way more than just turning your body.


t1_j51gsyl wrote

im not reading 'tech literate' from this comment - backup cameras and fancy detection shit are not IoT tech and washers being globlar plastic blobs is a design thing and has nothing to do with technological advance or change

tech phobic and averse to change in general i would say


t1_j52tpbt wrote

Backup cameras are required in new cars because people kept running over children. Not having one doesn't make you cool lol. Car safety features save lives. Do you complain about airbags and seatbelts too?


t1_j529jyh wrote

The next vehicle you buy will likely have a backup camera at a minimum. Any vehicle made in 2018 or later is required to have a backup camera.


t1_j54352k wrote

First IoT is internet of things, cars and related tech don't count and while I agree having networked devices in the home usually is unneeded, smart offline devices are far better, they run more efficiently and often preform they're function better. As for the backup cam, you're an idiot to think that's a good thing. It's like saying that a car is better because it has no mirrors, a backup cam adds vision and removes blind spots, you literally lose zero function by adding it.


t1_j52ipn7 wrote

Jeez, people just latch onto the backup camera thing like lemmings, eh? I agree with you, but I had to buy a car last year when there weren't a lot of options. So I had to get one with a backup cam and all the bells and whistles. My car has remote start, but it only works with the app. People who are saying modern cars aren't IoT aren't paying attention.


t1_j52tkrc wrote

It's weird because the purpose of backup cameras is to avoid running over children... It comes off as really psycho when people get mad about it or refuse to use it.


t1_j52wo0i wrote

I guess that makes weird sense if you don't want to be observant, but it isn't like there was an epidemic of child squishing before backup cameras. Before I had a car with one, I would see around me if there were someone nearby that could possibly be near my car when I backed out. If there were, I'd tell them to stay back, and then I'd watch them in my mirrors. Somehow, I managed to not run over any kids or bikes or anything.

The unintended consequence with tech like this is that it will only lead to people paying even less attention to their surroundings while operating a 2 ton machine that can go 100 mph.

People and things are still getting backed into even with cars with backup cameras because people are allowing themselves to be too distracted. There is no fix for willful obliviousness.


t1_j52x4ph wrote

17,000 injuries and 200 deaths a year, and half of those are children. You literally cannot see a child in the review of a large truck, SUV, or crossover. It doesn't matter how observant you are. Really disheartening to see people so callously dismiss the deaths of over 100 children a year.


t1_j52xrui wrote

Oh Christ, you sound like an Evangelical


t1_j52xxzy wrote

Good argument. I guess "I don't care about kids dying" isn't very convincing so you might as well turn to personal insults.


t1_j52yb1v wrote

That's literally what pro-lifers say. It is a dishonest response from them, and is from you too. Not thinking backup cameras are the bees knees does not make someone pro-child death. Crappy emotional logic to deflect the point is exactly what Evangelicals do.


t1_j52ys2y wrote

Did you just equate a woman getting an abortion with someone running a kid over lol


t1_j531260 wrote

If that's what you take from it, sure. Again, another thing Evangelicals do is make a statement that is only possible by willfully ignoring the content of the entire argument. Maybe you're a troll, and that's cool, but if you are being honest with your responses, then yes, you argue in a dishonest way that is very similar to that of pro-lifers. I am not trying to insult you. I am just saying that you may share a certain "logic" that is not open-minded nor fully rational. If you want to help the world, being dogmatic and obtuse isn't helpful.


t1_j53236w wrote

You're hating on child safety features in cars for no logical reason other than "technology and internet bad" and somehow I'm the dogmatic one.

You have no argument and, again, are using personal attacks and calling me a christian evangelical (???) instead of actually defending your position. Your argument being that evangelicals also base their arguments around child safety so I'm like them? Hitler didn't like smoking, does that mean that people who are anti smoking are nazis?

I'm not a troll, I was trying to see if you had any empathy for dead toddlers but I guess not.


t1_j54y7ss wrote

If a fetus was behind my car that would be a salient argument. Just take the "L" and move on.