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drpvn t1_j6swgr8 wrote

This is a fiscal nightmare. We have what looks like it will be at least a $1 billion recurring cost, with zero help from the feds and NY State’s proposal being to cover just 1/3 of that cost—with tax funds that are largely derived from NYC in the first place.


scribbles23 t1_j6t4n4t wrote

Raise taxes. New Yorkers wanted this; they got what they asked for.


forhisglory85 t1_j6tdgwz wrote

We are BROKE and bleeding tax revenue! When are people going to say enough is enough? Easy to be a bleeding heart when you're a corrupt official with zero accountability and no worries like affordable housing, inflation, public transportation and other major quality of life issues the average new yorker has to deal with on a daily basis. It's always business as usual no matter how preposterous things get.


MrMagaHat t1_j6tedwf wrote

People give the border states and DeSantis crap for sending the migrants up north, but dammit if it isn’t getting the message across. Hard to deny a crisis exists when you’re stuck paying a billion big ones for it.

Not to get too political, but I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve tried to discuss the gravity of mass illegal immigration with people, just to have them roll their eyes and drop some smug quip about how I’m “just afraid of people who look different from me” or some nonsense along those lines.

Some folks won’t listen until there’s a price tag attached.


CarlCarbonite t1_j6tf8an wrote

Part of the reason the Roman Empire sank was due to mass migration. It’s a problem that has no good solution. The issue majorly is that these people are not very employable, so they are at the mercy of what the state gives them. Each migrant right now costs more per month than the average income earned per New Yorker. It’s absolutely unsustainable. I’m all for helping people when I can, I get it, it’s a crisis. This can however bring NY and maybe the US to its knees. Even with affordable housing, NYC is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. So even if we gave every migrant a home, they would still require classes to learn the language, learn a trade or find a way to get a job. The issues can pile up through the ceiling. Sad truth of it all.


Infectious_force t1_j6tfo61 wrote

The federal government should take border security seriously so no state.. Texas ny Cali no states should have to deal with this this a border problem that the federal government ignores I'm glad they shipped them here so now the democrats can't deny there is a problem


dproma t1_j6ther6 wrote

“Mayor Eric Adams is heading to El Paso, Texas this weekend to witness first hand the southern border crisis whose economic hit to the city he now says will be double the $1 billion he had projected.

“Our price tag could be anywhere from $1.5 to $2 billion. That’s the price tag that we are facing,”

What caused the the costs double? Will they be staying at the Four Seasons eating caviar and wagyu steak every day?

Who knew that immigration would be such a cash cow…

Never let a crisis go to waste.


Entire-Builder-9836 t1_j6to4xe wrote

Ah yes New York, a city of immigrants where checks notes we have no manufacturing sector or low skill labor market big enough to absorb South American migrants and all our real estate is being gobbled up by the Chinese noveau riche who built their wealth after we sent them all of our jobs lol


wefarrell t1_j6tvu31 wrote

This isn't mass illegal immigration though. These are asylum seekers who entered the country through ports of entry, presented their case to border patrol, and are waiting to have it heard by an immigration judge.


captainktainer t1_j6u1aeq wrote

Yeah, this is "Cuba and Venezuela are collapsing and there's a mass wave of human suffering moving through the Americas," not the "illegals" boogeyman. Most of that happens with visa overstays - a phenomenon which NYC has always been an epicenter of - and not border hoppers.

Like, people think the Cuban refugee crisis was bad when Elian Gonzalez was on everyone's mind - this year is by far the worst emigration crisis since the Cuban Revolution.


civilityman t1_j6u1m8v wrote

There should be an option between asylum seekers’ children put in cages and thousands of migrants bussed to northern city where there is absolutely zero infrastructure/funds to handle them.


badtarepanda t1_j6u41q1 wrote

It was the mayor of NYC and lots of the residents saying so much shit about them being a safe haven and that they will accept all illegal immigrants. And even passed a law about it. The southern border states takes hundreds if not thousands PER DAY. But here is NYC doing a back pedal about what they are willing and can do for the immigrants.


uona1 t1_j6u72s4 wrote

What I dont understand is why these figures are even being given at all. Im not going to study the numbers and everything in depth so ill just assume that somehow someway 1 billion = 42,000 asylum seekers.

What makes people think it will stop at 42,000? You literally have hundreds of thousands more at the border waiting to apply for asylum.

If you budget based on your needs now then of course your going to run out of money.


uona1 t1_j6u8g10 wrote

Theres actually a simple solution to this but the libs will go insane :P

"The US is a racist country with an epedemic of gun violence. All of these liberal groups say so. Therefore we cannot consider the US a safe country for asylum. All claims denied"

Checkmate :P


throws_rocks_at_cars t1_j6uh5ky wrote

On what grounds? They’re not Texas citizens, and they’re not legally the responsibility of Texas. Even if they were Texas citizens, they’d still not be the legal burden of that state. Tell me on what grounds.


drpvn t1_j6uhq3c wrote

These migrant threads are usually pretty depressing because, with a handful of exceptions, the comments are generally from (1) people who clearly don’t live in NYC and don’t give a shit about NYC, and possibly actually wish bad things to happen to NYC; or (2) people who do live in NYC but who are either unable or unwilling to understand the threat that the migrant situation poses to the city.


CyanCazador t1_j6un9cl wrote

The Roman Empire didn’t sink due to mass migration. That’s just an alt-right dog whistle. The empire fell because the city of Rome became less and less relevant as time went on. The Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire which was still just as powerful and influential at that time.


movingtobay2019 t1_j6uxgwh wrote

And what the fuck do you think happens when their asylum case is denied, as is the case the vast majority of time? They just get up and leave?

NYC is seeing first hand why fiscal reality > feelings. Hopefully the bleeding hearts wake the fuck up but I am not holding my breath.


KidAstoria t1_j6v2ked wrote

Ok but not from raising taxes on all NYers.


Puzzleheaded_Check11 t1_j6vbo47 wrote

What is the point of this? We do not need more immigrants to take up more housing, drive up home prices, take up underpaid cash jobs and kicking Americans out, driving down real wage growth. We need employers to fight for employees so they can raise wages, not uncontrolled mass migration.


wefarrell t1_j6vc01p wrote

Well yeah, if they face death back home then they probably won't return and I don't blame them. Either way they didn't enter illegally, they're not here illegally and they've followed the legal asylum process.


CyanCazador t1_j6vfaw8 wrote

I mean sure if you consider the abuse of the Visigoth tribes by Western Roman officials such starving them and selling them into slavery which inevitably caused them to rise up as an issue with immigration then yeah you are correct.


koreamax t1_j6w332s wrote

It's kinda funny how much dehumanizing people do that are defending this, without even knowing. Assuming that all of them are from warzones and are only safe in the US.

There's a reason so many towns in Central America have so few men. They all come here to make money to send to their family. That's fine, but if the situation was really that dire, they wouldn't leave their children there.


ShenmueFan1 t1_j6w3pio wrote

Sorry but anyone who voted for Hochel instead of Zeldin, this is YOUR fault!

We all KNEW Hochel and the Democrats are HUGE cheerleaders of illegal immigration and that they would do all in their power to make sure illegal immigration surge would eventually destroy NYC. But you voted for Hochel anyways. Your fault!

This is the beginning of the end of NYC. That's why residents are leaving NYC in massive numbers including those that pay the most taxes, the rich!


Longjumping_Vast_797 t1_j6wrmdy wrote

First safe country absolutely would be Costa Rica for anyone coming from South America. It's a fucking tourist destination. Noone can claim it isn't a safe haven. Literally any place beyond is truly an economic migrant, which isn't seeking asylum.


Longjumping_Vast_797 t1_j6wscdd wrote

Sadly, I think you're right. I truly believe there is no way this continues and that isn't the end point. Despite enormous levels of empathy from the left, at some point they will have to face the fiscal reality of unfettered immigration. It's a really easy policy win when it doesn't affect most of the geographic area of your constituents. That is rapidly changing.


Henry1502inc t1_j6x7ws9 wrote

My understanding of one of many reasons it fell was because they had been outsourcing their military and eventually got weak on that from. They also suffered from a weak ruler. Immigration didn’t even make the top list


Entire-Builder-9836 t1_j6xff70 wrote

Yeah, they’ll probably end up taking over more jobs like dishwashers, porters, illegal contractors, and delivery guys, all at lower than a fair price or even minimum wage. While most people will get reap some benefit for the product of their labor it almost certainly has to harm everyone to basically import a bunch of scabs who will gladly put up with unfair or unsafe working conditions and never make a peep to fight for fair pay when the price of everything continues to go up up up


iv2892 t1_j6y1j2m wrote

The ones footing the whole bill should be the federal government , and also Texas shouldn’t be allowed to bus migrants for political purposes . They should deal directly with the feds for the border issue. Busing them to liberal cities they hate should be illegal


drpvn t1_j6y1w5e wrote

Ah. I agree, this should be borne by the federal government. But it isn’t and NYC apparently has no leverage to demand that it is. Yet we nonetheless voluntarily assume a crippling financial burden.


iv2892 t1_j6y5u4r wrote

Which is so stupid because if the feds don’t supports the city financially nyc would go bankrupt and the federal government would have to step in and pay even more money in the first place . I think , either way . Biden needs to do something . Instead , these idiots are playing right into Gregg Abbots hands


VodkaSliceofLife t1_j70lw9r wrote

Lol Texas is bussing the immigrants coming through due to extremely lax immigration laws to cities and states that voted for it.....and in NYC's case literally said IMMIGRANTS ARE WELCOME here.


Entire-Builder-9836 t1_j710d7w wrote

I sincerely think that we should be accepting of asylum seekers who have been or would be persecuted for their race ethnicity ability creed sexuality gender, but literally most of the fuck up in this law is that everyone knows now that you can hop a plane or get to the border and just declare “asylum” when actually you’re just another immigrant trying to make money to send straight out of the country and burdening the economy because no state taxes corporate entities enough to build a welfare surplus solely based on non-individual taxation, which is why many people are quickly turning on these people while we get the brunt of inflation, no rent relief, dwindling housing, inability to buy, no opportunity to save, paying individual healthcare, grocery prices increasing, and Joe Biden owes me $600 for his fake out second pandemic check


INFJ_in_NYC t1_j725aev wrote

I'm a black woman . I was in NJ in October looking for a dress for a wedding (not too far from Paramus). Anyways there were some older white people on an overpass with a sign saying abolish the GOP. I walked up and asked what this was all about. They listed their talking points : abortion (btw they started talking to me like a child because they assumed since I'm black I'm not intelligent to understand these big discussions). I said I think people are more concerned with crime and inflation. They asked me if I was republican. I told them I vote based upon issues not party. This made them very mad. One guy came up, got in my face and told me "I wasn't black" because I don't support either party. I wish I was lying. I have it on video.

People in the north east have lost their fucking minds. Team red team blue no independent thinking, no uniting on issues that affect our quality of life, no discussion about ideas and why someone would think a certain way. To be told to my face I'm not black, as you are looking at me, because I say I vote on issues, you are crazy.

This is why I moved out of NY on Weds. I'm in the Midwest and so far, people treat me like a respectable woman. No in your face political dogma, just people living their lives. Yesterday I spent all day driving around. I only saw 1 police car, all day. The streets are clean, no graffiti, trash, homeless, druggies, political signs, depressed looking people, none of that. People here are happy and friendly and it's diverse. Talking to folks they said when they visited NY everyone was mean and it was very dirty.


INFJ_in_NYC t1_j726yc4 wrote

I left Wednesday and I'm so happy. Moved to the Midwest (I'm a black woman ) and everyone so far is kind and welcoming and friendly. Even on the plane from LGA the flight crew and passengers were nice. I drove all day yesterday and saw 1 police car. There are no homeless, no druggies, no graffiti, no trash, no sketchness, no fart cars, no vendors on sidewalks like a third world market, no loud music. It's diverse and there are immigrants here. I'm not in bumfuck middle of no where either, it's a city area. Hell I even went to the bathroom and it said "men" "women", it's been a long time since I've seen that. What I notice the most is how free people are. No government controlling every single aspect of their lives. People are trusted to do the right thing and they do. Even in the "poor areas" it's nice. Crime happens but it's between people that know each other already.

I voted for Zeldin and was clearly outvoted. As a born and bred new Yorker I saw the writing on the wall. I was born in 1980 but remember how Sketchy NYC was when I was a kid and how it got better and was amazing in the 2000's. Then DeBlasio got in and the slide into the abyss happened.

I'm still on this sub to see what's happening because I still have to return for oncology anniversaries and my friends and loved ones live here. But I will never ever ever move back. NY and north east has been destroyed.

All I ask is if you move, please leave your garbage attitude where you came from. Leave your shit ideas where you came from. I won't tell people which state I moved to because it's nice and it's free and I want it to stay that way.


Krudark t1_j72dkk7 wrote

Appreciate the reply and you for being an independent thinker. I don’t talk to too many people but the ones I do speak to are very much team red/blue by the numbers.

Your story was a bit shocking to hear that they got mad at you in person. Just for having a different viewpoint.

Wondering if you will share where you moved to? I’m just curious. I’ve lived in NYC my whole life. Often think about moving away from cities someday. Chop some wood and poop in the woods.