philmatu t1_j6zb096 wrote
It's only a matter of time. City employees are paid very low wages, usually are way understaffed and overworked, and the benefits aren't guaranteed as well anymore. The benefits are the only thing keeping workers and even those are eroding, why would anybody capable stick around? The mayor is going to have to give in somewhat otherwise functions will simply grind to a halt which will affect his reelect-ability.
boomzgoesthedynamite t1_j6zf3d9 wrote
Yeah he will consider it and say no.
StOlaf85 t1_j6zkzpt wrote
😳 OMG YES! 😳
smallint t1_j6zpdrb wrote
Game changer
mowotlarx OP t1_j6zsmk4 wrote
I think he also needs to understand that city workers vote. And most of them are fucking pissed. Most cops don't even live here so he can't just rely on them.
sanjsrik t1_j6zuwqq wrote
Shitty mayor who is a shitty human being notices people have left their underpaying jobs.
[deleted] t1_j7035bd wrote
pythonQu t1_j70e9m8 wrote
Uh, you mean workers can wear pajamas to work remote? 180 degree reversal of what the mayor had previously stated about the nature of work in nyc..
Tsquare43 t1_j71cfpq wrote
I'll believe it when I see it. Adams isn't to be trusted.
mowotlarx OP t1_j71izbc wrote
...Which is an 180 from what he said on the campaign trail when he praised hybrid work and said he'd maintain it. He just says things. He believes what the voters want before the election and what the donors want after the election.
BrendanRedditHere t1_j71l8m5 wrote
"Those mom and pop stores" is a weird way to refer to a midtown cvs
slicknyc t1_j71lrsy wrote
"consider" = dont get your hopes up.
mowotlarx OP t1_j71v0qi wrote
There are, I guess, mom and pop "food carts" around midtown and downtown, but most of the small businesses he's proclaiming he wants to save are in the neighborhoods most workers live in and commute away from during the day....
47mmAntiWankGun t1_j71zpmz wrote
This is almost certainly because the Medicare Advantage move (which, to be fair to Adams, was negotiated under DiBlasio) is now likely dead in the water. The Office of Labor Relations is now expecting to be short $600M and likely can't afford the raises that Unions are demanding, so they're trying to sweeten the deal with perks that don't cost the city any money.
That said, having hybrid work explicitly included in the labor agreement will make it virtually impossible for the city to rescind it (unlike private sector policies which can be changed at a whim), and so would be a pretty big step forwards for enshrining the right to hybrid work in the future in the face of current and future economic downturns. I wouldn't be happy about the loss in wage rises, but having 20-40% of the workweek be hybrid would probably be worth it in my opinion.
[deleted] t1_j72341u wrote
Chrisnyc47 t1_j7235tj wrote
Exactly what I was thinking. There’s no way hybrid work in being considered without the unions giving something up in return.
shant_jan t1_j72ekab wrote
"working people's" mayor my ass
Edwunclerthe3rd t1_j72g4yo wrote
You want traffic to suck less, air pollution to improve and people to be happier? Why Mr Mayor, why?
mowotlarx OP t1_j72je6x wrote
I think that too. Hybrid will be the trade off for little to no raises. Honestly, having the extra time and flexibility a huge perk. And save a little $$ on public transit and office lunches.
TeamMisha t1_j730xod wrote
People want flexibility, I'd say make city wide policy that... there is no policy. Instead, let folks coordinate with their team/manager about it and let them figure it out. If a whole team can work remotely, efficiently, then let em. Who cares.
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j73tbw8 wrote
He needs his low skill city workers to come into the office to buy overpriced lunchtime meals.
No-Cut6023 t1_j74gng6 wrote
Half of all of the applications submitted on LinkedIn in 2022 were for remote roles, even though less than 20% of job postings were for remote jobs.
If employers want access to more talent, then they need to offer more remote roles.
lupuscapabilis t1_j773eaa wrote
Employers will do as we tell them if we just stay firm about it.
SwampYankee t1_j777a6z wrote
Too late. Any of the good people that could find a remote option left long ago. Mostly the slugs and those close to retirement are left
Chacochillin t1_j77yybu wrote
This is why i went private now i make almost triple what I’ve made with the city, can work from home, and have great colleagues. I do miss the free city healthcare, and private is a lot more work but when you’re compensated right and you like your co-workers it’s worth it
LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_j78waej wrote
City employees are among the lowest paid man
I work in the private sector/ Wall Street and man what those city people get paid especially traffic cop / school safety is so so low dame near min wage man.
They got to do like 90 Hours of OT to live average
LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_j78x573 wrote
Your on to something
Add all the money going to migrants , where is the money for there raises coming from ?
No wear …
I’m a wallstreet guy and last year was horrible
I have no capital gains taxes to pay cause I and many did. It make money
Many ain’t gonna pay any taxes as there was ver very few gains if any it was brutal and still is
oldtrenzalore t1_j6z9mb7 wrote
I’m shook.