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gonzo5622 t1_j9dbw1f wrote

Jesus, I need to leave and go back to CA. Having a federal, state and city tax, with nothing to show for it sucks. At least CA let’s you know you’re on your own and you keep more money.


SockDem t1_j9dfujm wrote

Yeah, and zero public transit, piss-poor public parks network, and a homeless problem that’s orders of magnitude worse than in NY.


Zlec3 t1_j9du9ao wrote

California has amazing natural parks what are you smoking lol.


SockDem t1_j9dubse wrote

I meant inside cities.


Zlec3 t1_j9duj2d wrote

San Diego has balboa park which is significantly larger than Central Park. But yeah LA has very few although if you count Griffith park that’s a pretty bad ass park too


brooklynlad t1_j9dzqeu wrote

What about Echo Park?


Zlec3 t1_j9e03ns wrote

Was horrible until they cleaned it up a year or two ago. But yeah it’s a dope spot too. Lots of nature all over SoCal. I mean just having the canyons to explore is amazing. Santa Monica mountains etc. the nature is absolutely stunning


SockDem t1_j9durcx wrote

Sure, but I meant on the basis of the system as a whole, NYC is pretty unparalleled in the US in that regard. Although Balboa park does look awesome and something to add to a potential future visit.


Zlec3 t1_j9duzzg wrote

Def recommend check it out. It’s an amazing place ! Nothing beats nyc parks for me but I also have spent a lot of time in San Diego so wanted to defend SoCal a bit haha


atyppo t1_j9dx30h wrote

California sucks for a lot of reasons but public parks aren't one of them. Cities or statewide.


sutisuc t1_j9dfmtd wrote

CA also taxes high income earners at a higher rate than NYS while not taxing low income earners at a lower rate. NYS taxes all income earners starting at 4 percent and going up from there. CA starts at 1 percent for lowest income earners then works up from there. Plus the parts of California that are equivalent to cost of NYC are much nicer than NYC


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9dgrqs wrote

SF and LA are much nicer than NYC? I beg to differ


AceContinuum t1_j9dj6gh wrote

The previous commenter may be thinking of places like Palo Alto or Marin County that are plenty expensive ("equivalent to cost of NYC"). But those places are really much more comparable to Westchester or the North Shore of LI than NYC.


magnetic_yeti t1_j9dnovy wrote

Palo Alto is not particularly nice, though it is absurdly expensive. It’s fine if you’re OK sitting in your car for 30+ minutes every day, and having to drive everyone everywhere, including if you want to go for a run or to the dog park. But don’t expect to hang out with friends unless all your friends make $500k/year or more, or you drive for an hour each way (so you better not drink!)

It also practically only has 3+ bedroom homes: in NY you can buy a place for around 1 million, in Palo Alto those don’t exist. There is currently ONE 2 bed townhouse at $2 million for sale, right on the border of East Palo Alto. Then there’s a 2 bed bungalow (900 square feet) for sale for 2.6 million.

And you need a car! I cannot stress enough: you can’t live in Palo Alto comfortably without one. And your neighbors are all driving $60k+ cars, so add at least $1k each month in payments, insurance and maintenance. And enjoy your one “downtown” street with about as much to do as exists on the third-most-interesting commercial street in any Brooklyn neighborhood. Like imagine if the only place you could go grab a bite was the time out market building in dumbo. That’s as exciting as the entirety of Palo Alto’s downtown.


AceContinuum t1_j9dogbj wrote

Exactly! Yet to a certain demographic - those who live in Palo Alto, and those who wish they could afford to live there - that kind of "premium suburban" lifestyle sounds like a dream. Wouldn't it be so nice to sit in traffic in a $60k+ car??


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9dticw wrote

It's a stockholm syndrome type thing. Their job forces them there so they have to pretend to like it if they want to be satisfied with their life.


payeco t1_j9ejt0k wrote

I don’t know man. I spend a lot of time in the Valley and a lot of people really do love living there. I mean the weather really is incredible year round if you’re not someone that cares about really warm weather.


PomegranateChance502 t1_j9e24jn wrote

Plenty of people could and would say the same about new York City lmfao. Get over yourselves


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9fvga6 wrote

Lmao does your life consist entirely of nyc bashing?


PomegranateChance502 t1_j9i4gj0 wrote

No. I just find it ironic how small minded many New Yorkers are about the world. I don't think anyone who values quality of life could really stand to live in nyc. But the people living there fiercely defend the city. Which is a pretty great comparison to Stockholm syndrome if you ask me.


oreosfly t1_j9djb4c wrote

I'd throw Orange County to that list as well.


PostPostMinimalist OP t1_j9dkdu7 wrote

There is not a single place in the USA much nicer than NYC (only reason I'm bothering with this).


lemonjalo t1_j9dorco wrote

I guess it’s your definition of nice. I moved away because I couldn’t stand it anymore. The city is nice but it’s just not worth the premium.


huebomont t1_j9droxy wrote

you’ll pay for it with car payments and gasoline


jae343 t1_j9dppxx wrote

Maybe if you moved to San Diego definitely not that hell hole in SF or LA areas.


payeco t1_j9ek2np wrote

I spend a lot of time in LA and SF as well and I don’t get how they haven’t elected an Eric Adams type candidate running on a campaign of getting rid of all the tent encampments. Whole city blocks just completely blocked by mountains of garbage and tents. It’s nuts people there just treat it as completely normal.