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Ok_Application_962 t1_j9tt6y6 wrote

It is both left and right and not deplorables , there is as much on the left if not more.


MediocreJerk t1_j9tu5oc wrote

Not even going to bother with this one...


numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9tup0c wrote

I dont agree with him but he is def right that traditionally the left has not been a friend to Jews.

NYC alone has hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews that came here as refugees due to discrimination in the Soviet Union.


n3vd0g t1_j9txox0 wrote

But it’s not a tenet of even the furthest point of leftism. At first, one of the most important outcomes of the February revolution led by Lenin was the abolishment of antisemitic policies within the government. But, the Soviet Union was not a perfect communist regime and was ruled by a dictator, Stalin, who after WW2 became even more paranoid and deranged. As a result, many policies were created to target minority groups. Regardless, you could say the same about the policies of the American government that targeted black people, Hispanic people, poor people, leftists, and even at one point Jews. I mean, at least the USSR wasn’t founded With antisemitism in mind, unlike the Nazis. However, America was built by white slave owners who wanted to avoid paying taxes who also committed genocide against the indigenous people of America in order to take their land. Like come on, if we’re gonna start pointing fingers, I don’t think we as a country have much a right to.


numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9tzbgc wrote

I dont give a shit about pointing as an American. Im saying as Jew that Communist regimes have fucking devastated my people and are evil. Im not saying that it was as bad as Nazism but antisemitism is very common among left wingers.

Im not even arguing about stuff in the past or just from a hypothetical POV. As a Jew I would say about 50% of the hate that I received in my life has been related to Israel and a lot of it has been from left wingers.

>USSR wasn’t founded With antisemitism

The USSR did go through its own "Jewish question" though.


n3vd0g t1_j9tzvnb wrote

Yeah, pretty much every country has. Regardless, you’re running defense for Nazis by “both sides-ing” this argument, even if that’s not your intention because the core tenet of Nazism is antisemitism. That was not the core tenet of the USSR and it’s extremely important that we get our facts straight when discussing this topic because no one’s hands are clean and the only way we’ll stop the spread ia if we examine everyone equally.


numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9u0vvl wrote

Ideologically I agree with you that Nazism is not equivalent in evil to the USSR. Im saying that in person especially in NYC left wing anti semitism is a massive issue.

Before I left NYC I thought people being openly hating of Jews through old stereotypes or Nazi beliefs was something in the past or something you saw on the internet. I thought that because while in NYC me and most of my friends had most hate directed at us by people who hate Israel who are very often left wingers.


n3vd0g t1_j9u7irj wrote

Are you equating anti-zionism with antisemitism?


numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9uea1l wrote

I've litterly had this happen more then a dozen times to me. When people find out I'm Jewish I've litterly had people say "Why are the Jews killing people? Do you support this?" or some shit like "Why are the Jews and Israel controlling our government and media"

You dont have to support everything that Israel does but the main enemies of Israel today dont like Jews.


n3vd0g t1_j9ukkyi wrote

Your point is missing much needed nuance. Israel today is no doubt an apartheid state and is moving further to the right. It's only going to get worse. And yes, some of its enemies just hate jewish people in general. However, imo, plenty more simply hate the actions taken by the Israeli government and hate the fact that our country financially supports all of it. Only dumbasses believe there is some sort of ethnic cabal of Jewish people running the media. However, there is also a substantially large lobby group named AIPAC that pays our politicians and influences media groups to use soft language when discussing Israel state crimes. Obviously, this subject is complicated enough that AIPAC can use antisemitism as a shield when it's subject to complaints about its treatment of second class citizens in Israel. But anyone who is using blanket statements like "Why are the Jews controlling our government and media" is obviously an antisemitic racist and they're not worth being around. Last thing, even when I've been plenty sensitive to the subject while discussing my issues on Israel with Israeli citizens, every single one of them has blown up in my face about it. I'm sure plenty of them have labeled me antisemitic as a result, but that's a ridiculous notion. If any left-winger is hating you for simply being Jewish, or hell, even Israeli, they're not a leftist imo and they should be told as such.


numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9ul9qj wrote

>Last thing, even when I've been plenty sensitive to the subject while discussing my issues on Israel with Israeli citizens, every single one of them has blown up in my face about it.

People get mad when you tell them their nation doesn't have the right to exist. More so when that nation not existing means most of their family members will be exterminated or ethnically clensed.

>If any left-winger is hating you for simply being Jewish, or hell, even Israeli, they're not a leftist imo and they should be told as such.

Weird my entire family spent more then a century being oppressed by leftists.


n3vd0g t1_j9umyy5 wrote

> People get mad when you tell them their nation doesn't have the right to exist. More so when that nation not existing means most of their family members will be exterminated or ethnically clensed.

I've literally never said that.

> Weird my entire family spent more then a century being oppressed by leftists.

Well, I guess that means it's Israel's turn to oppress others then! :)

Regardless, there's clearly no discussion to be had here with you and you would rather discuss how bad leftism is in a thread about right wing fascists planning a protest against Jewish people. Gee, I wonder why that may be...


numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9upaxj wrote

>I've literally never said that.

You said anti zionism. Zionism is the idea that Jews should have a Jewish state. It doesn't say you need discrimination or anything else. The vast vast majority of Jews consider anti zionists their enemy as anti zionists deny their right to self determination and would rather see half the Jews in the world placed in a dangerous situation.

>Regardless, there's clearly no discussion to be had here with you and you would rather discuss how bad leftism is in a thread about right wing fascists planning a protest against Jewish people

Its almost like that wasn't the only topic being discussed in this thread

>Well, I guess that means it's Israel's turn to oppress others then! :)

Where did you get that from?


koreamax t1_j9usinb wrote

Yes. It's a thin line that a lot of people cross


koreamax t1_j9usg5f wrote

Downvotes for what reason? A lot of people here act like themselves and who the align with are morally superior


biggreencat t1_j9vhu42 wrote

give a Left example


Ok_Application_962 t1_j9wfqhh wrote

Bds movement and anti zionism is just another smoother way.


MarbleFox_ t1_j9x9yvq wrote

Anti-Zionism isn’t hateful nor anti-semitic.


Ok_Application_962 t1_ja1khqr wrote

It def is ...


MarbleFox_ t1_ja1ybge wrote

Lol, you’re still hung up on this? No, it’s not. It’s not antisemitic to be anti-Zionist.


Ok_Application_962 t1_j9xa6q1 wrote

Oh yes it is ..especially if you understand is the land of Abraham Isaac and jacob..


MarbleFox_ t1_j9xau2b wrote

> Oh yes it is

Except for the fact that it’s not.