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mooseillest t1_j9p07oo wrote

I mean you’re walking around New York with half a grand on your head. Not victim blaming but not surprised


RedOrca-15483 t1_j9p8ch9 wrote

I'm looking forward to knowing what excuse will be given to not throw the fucking book at them after robbing 21 people, most of them females.


thisfilmkid t1_j9p8vrr wrote

NYC or not, no one should be going around robbing people of anything.

Wearing expensive bright Apple headphones is no different from wearing Louis Vuitton heels, boots, or fancy Gucci glasses or wearing a $100k wedding ring.


Grass8989 t1_j9ppzpy wrote

Don’t they do this in third world countries?


No_Throat_7938 t1_j9qiofi wrote

Bet these are the same hoodlums who brag about “gETtiN’ mOnAyy” on social media


LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_j9ql8k4 wrote

That why I don’t try to look rich outside

U a target in these nyc streets for some one to take your Chet

Even if U beat him up He might sue u for injury’s or u get charged.


atyppo t1_j9qqvji wrote

It's not victim blaming to use common sense. Apparently the expectation to have a bit of common sense has disappeared though. How extreme does something need to be before it isn't "victim blaming" on your arbitrary scale? Is telling someone to not leave valuables in the back of their car in Downtown SF victim blaming too when their car inevitably gets broken into? What about being white and walking through Mogadishu unaccompanied? Is that extreme enough for your scale? At what point does common sense take precedence over "victim blaming?"


Sickpup831 t1_j9qrnzx wrote

What you’re essentially saying is the same thing. People shouldn’t be allowed to wear nice headphones in the street because criminals can’t control themselves.


app4that t1_j9qt8j4 wrote

I ride NYC mass transit all the time and nobody has ever even looked twice at my corded headphones, much less ever tried to take them, but that may be partly because they cost $490 less than the Apple headphones.

Then I saw a bunch of clones of these Air Pod Max style headphones retailing the other day in lower Manhattan for around $15. Which makes me curious as to how crooks would know the difference just at a glance. But then I noticed that unlike Apple's noise-cancelling model, the clones even come in other colors besides silver.

While I am happy enough with my own corded SONY $10 cans (MDR-ZX110AP), which are reasonably comfortable, fold for slipping into a pocket or bag, work perfectly well for laptop, iPhone for handling calls and music well enough (when using the not-included lightning adapter) or work computer for Zoom, I did consider if I should upgrade to to the Max clones just to give them a shot, although perhaps in a different color than silver.

Anyone here try wearing a set of the Air Pod Max clones on the subway yet, or is that -in light of recent events- just sort of asking for crooks to rob you?


thotgang t1_j9rub5m wrote

>What you’re essentially saying is the same thing. People shouldn’t be allowed to wear nice headphones in the street because criminals can’t control themselves.

Nah he's saying signs of wealth make you a more likely target for robbery, which isn't wrong. Airpods are extreme cause everyone has them but saying something like "don't go crazy flashing expensive watches cause u might get robbed" is valid


FrankBeamer_ t1_j9s5dda wrote

It’s common fucking sense lmao. We don’t live in a perfect world. I would call wearing a Rolex in the subway also fucking stupid. Same with walking alone on the streets of East New York at 2am. Do they deserve to be robbed? Absolutely not. But is it a stupid thing to do? Yes, because it dramatically increases your chances of getting robbed.

We don’t live in a perfect world and it’s not victim blaming to point that out.

And the fact you compared this to rape shows you completely lack nuance in your argument.


FrankBeamer_ t1_j9s8u65 wrote

If crime and criminals didn’t exist in the world, there would be no problem, but they do exist, which is why it’s up to us to exercise caution when we can and reduce our risk of getting robbed.

But I guess individual accountability is a dying art in society these days


FrankBeamer_ t1_j9u20iu wrote

The criminal is clearly the issue here and needs to be off the streets. Crime is bad and shouldn't exist.

It's also the individual's responsibility to protect themselves and mitigate risk, since this is not a perfect fucking world, and crime exists. That includes being wary of displaying items of wealth in public spaces.

Both can be true. It's not an either/or. And it is not victim blaming to advocate exercising caution. We don't live in a fucking utopia.


GrreggWithTwoRs t1_j9uzch2 wrote

That makes me also wonder why AirPods pros (the earbuds) aren't stolen more. They're obvious, retail for $200-250+, and have the noise cancelling as well so people wearing them are less aware. That said, maybe they do get stolen a lot and I just don't hear about it.


birthdaycakefig t1_ja30wdf wrote

We’re going to have to start banning 2 men on motorcycles like in South America 😂


birthdaycakefig t1_ja313q5 wrote

The new AirPods Pro are now tied to your Apple ID and are useless once stolen. They can’t be paired. I thought the Maxs’ were too but maybe not.

I guess you’d steal them and sell them to people who wouldn’t realize they were locked until much later.


GrreggWithTwoRs t1_ja4enx4 wrote

That’s interesting. I wonder how it works if say you want to use it for a while then give it to somebody like a family member as a hand me down.

If it’s only on the new pros then it’ll take a year or two to filter. I imagine most people still have the old pros..I’ve had mine for 1.5 years and I’m hoping to get at least another year out of them