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tyjtyjrhbdf t1_jdm9tak wrote

16 stories?

How high is Manhattan above sea level? I always thought it was pretty close, so how they that deep without running into water I do not understand.Then again, I’m from Florida where it works like that a lot, maybe in New York it is all rocky and keeps the water out.


chug84 t1_jdmaorp wrote

You answered your own question towards the end. Partially submerge a rock in water. This is Manhattan. Drill a hole into this rock, down past the water line. This is what you have in this picture.


human_eyes t1_jdmd9pc wrote

Any more context here? What am I looking at?


Hitler_the_stripper t1_jdmed9k wrote

Spacious, high ceilings, indoor pool... rent is probably too high for me.


red__what t1_jdmlgab wrote

City should monetize this and put the money into MTA


DistantStorm-X t1_jdmtm43 wrote

Not many realize that this is a shot not of before the water was pumped out, but after it was put back in. After they found the Door, at the very bottom.

Thankfully one of the sandhogs was a grizzled, salty type, still familiar with the Old Stories. The giant bronze Seal was covered in ancient muck, and heavily oxidized. They almost broke it. But the old vet washed off some of the mud and slime, and instantly knew what it was.

Those tunnels are sealed off, now. Most of the plans showing their location destroyed. But the pool is still down there, and the Door, and the Seal. And what lies beneath that, in the deep forgotten dark.

It waits. And it seethes.


nycjedi t1_jdmuuri wrote

Looks like Lx Lugers place


gerd50501 t1_jdmvy8c wrote

what is this? is this part of the sewer?


simcitymayor t1_jdmwr1j wrote

Back in 2012 and again in 2016, they (MTA/Skanska) gave out free tours for people who lived in the construction zone of the Second Avenue Subway. Granted, the construction wouldn't reach me until 2035 at the earliest, but they said that qualified, and I wasn't going to argue. The tours sounded (and were) very cool.

On the first tour, they were still "mucking", which means hauling rocks out to the surface. They joked that you could keep as many as you could carry, and would break off pieces to anybody who wanted one. I took two. They're on a shelf in my living room.


BennyBlaze t1_jdmx1wd wrote

Isn't that where Bo Katan found the Mythosaur?


fluffstravels t1_jdmyflx wrote

Dumb question probably but can someone explain to me how the weight of all the buildings doesn’t just crush down through the tunnels? It always astounds me this doesn’t happen ever and I’m always a little freaked out by the idea.


TSCHWEITZ t1_jdn22ih wrote

Went down here back in 2016 and it looked a lot like this. It is absolutely insane to me that the end product looks like what it does after seeing what they started with. As much ire as this product drew from the general public, this is still an engineering marvel.


bsanchey t1_jdn2xia wrote

There are alligators in that water.


NateSiebertt t1_jdn5lo8 wrote

I’ll bet they can find remnants of trade center dust down there


astoriaboundagain t1_jdn9mfn wrote

That extension was done with landfill from the original WTC excavation in the 70's.

I know a lot of this project's rock came out in Long Island City. You used to be able to see the exit pit on the N train curve on the approach to Queensboro Plaza.


TheGreatRao t1_jdnaq5n wrote

Somewhere, somehow, Gene Hackman is plotting a killer real estate deal.


Tr0llzor t1_jdnbnh8 wrote

Wait till they find the dragon


avantgardengnome t1_jdncl7c wrote

Battery Park City came from the WTC excavation but The Battery itself was also landfill that came from street widening and stuff like that going back to the mid 1800s. The original western edge of lower Manhattan was essentially Greenwich Street all the way up to about 15th St in the Meatpacking District. (So the WTC site was indeed once underwater, but idk if that land came from Grand Central or not).


Abeck72 t1_jdnfsns wrote

"And when they're all completed, estimated for 2019, they will bring subway and commuter rail service to vast, underserved stretches of the city, particularly the far East and West sides of Manhattan." lol


Rob_T_Firefly t1_jdnglpp wrote

There are even more stories than that beneath Manhattan since I accidentally forgot my copy of Stephen King's Skeleton Crew on the subway.


stadiumjay t1_jdnhi8m wrote

I've been here so many times in video games 😂


Space_Cowboy10859 t1_jdnje9f wrote

What a nice location for a zombie apocalypse or Eric Adams 2nd term election bid.


ImJLu t1_jdnqirp wrote

> It has been widely believed that the depth to bedrock was the primary underlying reason for the clustering of skyscrapers in the Midtown and Financial District areas, and their absence over the intervening territory between these two areas.[150][151] However, research has shown that economic factors played a bigger part in the locations of these skyscrapers.[152][153][154]

From the Wikipedia article, sources are linked there


imlilyhi t1_jdns5nw wrote

Looks exactly like the water you’d find near the beach on Coney Island.


Albedo100 t1_jdntno4 wrote

Why is the water green? I'm assuming with no sunlight, it can't be algae growth.


DarkWebX t1_jdnvjmd wrote

Wow, I love the open area concept of this apartment. Surely this is a hidden gem!


Hedonic_Monk_ t1_jdo3xqn wrote

Wait is this the same green ooze that keeps popping up in subways? What is that shit?


zachotule t1_jdo5qg9 wrote

Can’t find any info on that but they’re certainly doing a lot of work on Manhattan’s shores that have been using lots of rock and dirt. Everything from the restoration of the East River shoreline in the East Village and Lower East Side, to Gansevoort Peninsula, has used quite a lot.


simcitymayor t1_jdo72cb wrote

I don't have a clear memory how I first-first heard about it. I had a friend to worked for Skanska in legal, and they mentioned it, but I might have also heard about it through the 2nd Avenue Sagas blog. The criteria was that you had to live within 1 avenue block of 2nd Avenue to qualify. I did, but much further south of the construction zone. They didn't care.

Either way, I emailed somebody, they added me to a list, and they were really good about updating people about when tours were available (all options were early morning Saturdays, if I recall), and what would be expected of them (wear clothes that can get dirty, shoes you really don't care about, you'll end up walking a couple miles before the tour is over, but not a lot of stairs because it's a mine-shaft-ish elevator sto get in and out. You'll meet at this location near 71st st for the introduction, safety lesson, and to issue gear, the tour will walk you over from this station to the next one, expect to get "rained" on, and we'll come back up there instead of the way we went in...

The second tour I think was available only to people who'd been on the earlier tours. By this point it was almost a complete station. They were still putting up tiles and doing wiring, but things were dry, painted, and clean. The Bronx Borough president was on our tour, so there was a gaggle of photographers along with, but they basically ignored us normies.

Both tours were awesome in their own way, but I liked the first one better, and I had a lot of fun remembering all this stuff for this comment. If you ever are near an MTA contstruction zone, ask around to see if they're doing a tour.


TonkaButt t1_jdo7gr9 wrote

Was half expecting a river of pink slime.


Pintexxz t1_jdo7y8c wrote

That green liquid is literally straight outta mutant ninja turtles


sutisuc t1_jdodi6j wrote

So that’s the secret of the ooze


LaSage t1_jdogzmw wrote

Reminds me of Lex Luther's underground laire


EmpireFW t1_jdoscvh wrote

Isn't that where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live?


999999008 t1_jdqkh54 wrote

I couldn't even bring myself to stand in that room for a minute Jesus that scary


NatLawson t1_jdr2bz4 wrote

I am Vinz, Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer...Volguus Zildrohoar, Lord of the Seboullia. Are you the Gatekeeper?


grandzu t1_jdrgkze wrote

See 14 dump trucks go thru?


parke415 t1_jdvu4ua wrote

So this is where supervillains build their secret underground lairs...


Tall-Ad5755 t1_jecswka wrote

It makes more sense that the downtown was built. And then a less dense area to support that. And instead of replacing all that low density (and the best neighborhoods in hindsight) they just expanded above that area. Explains the age too; lower Manhattan is 400 years old while midtown started building up in the late 1800s.