Submitted by ModelloVirus t3_yovfwr in nyc

It looks like your whole life is in the bag. I wouldnt want you to have a bad start to your week so I'll return it. Initials S.P if you by chance see this i got you.

Edit: Got in contact with the owner, arranged a meet up. Lets go! Will update on successful return.

Was returned to the owner, she was happy.



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AlarmingDrawing t1_ivg08ts wrote

If there is an ID inside you might try searching social media to find the person.

Thanks for being a good person and trying to reunite the bag with its owner!


Prudent_Start810 t1_ivg3ykc wrote

That’s really nice of you, same thing happened to my wife. The person was so kind and mailed it to us since her ID was in there


Oknataliegirl t1_ivg4pr3 wrote

You’re awesome. Hit up HONY and see if they’ll post it in their stories.


photochic1124 t1_ivg62i9 wrote

I have found ppls important belongs before and tried to move mountains to get it back to them. PSA: do yourself a favor and put your phone number in your wallet/bag/backpack/whatever. Make sure your ID address is current.


theelljar t1_ivg6esn wrote

that's super nice of you!


hyphnKnight t1_ivg94n8 wrote

If you bring the bag to a Prada store each bag is registered with the purchaser and they can return the bag to the buyer.


m1kasa4ckerman t1_ivg9qve wrote

Check instagram too if you haven’t already


halfadash6 t1_ivgb3gz wrote

Are there any library cards, credit cards, memberships, etc that you can reach out to who would have their phone number or address?


nlsnpgr84 t1_ivgbobq wrote

My business card was in my wallet so a detective called my phone and got the news !! I was very very surprised 😯

I met him at union square station and everything was there. I lost my bag while riding a yellow cab and rushed out too fast while on the phone with my sister getting the news that my friend died from Colon cancer.


Yarskiteer t1_ivgcb3n wrote

If you call one of their credit card companies, usually they'll reach out to the owner


allMightyMostHigh t1_ivgco2a wrote

Bank cards? if you go to the bank and turn it in they will return it to the person. Gym membership card? pharmacy? phone? all places with membership cards can contact them for you and if their phone is on use siri and say call mom or dad to try it out


gaminette t1_ivgd4wa wrote

Please update us when you get it back to them!


SoloBurger13 t1_ivgdbhq wrote

If their debit or credit card is there you can take it to a bank and they can contact them


Selenea26 t1_ivgdtld wrote

If only everyone was like you, my husband just lost his wallet that I had gifted him for his first Father's Day. Dropped it when he got out the car and didn't realize till way after. It was a Gucci wallet with his initials in them. Wish the person that found it could've returned it...


earlgreyyuzu t1_ivgdxub wrote

Probably a tourist if she kept everything in one bag, so you’ll definitely have a hard time finding her. If you hand it to the police, it’ll stay at the station until she somehow knows to go there to pick it up.


davidswelt t1_ivgea1i wrote

Thanks. I wish the person who found my wallet in Midtown had turned it in. Instead, I got to watch it travel on the MTA to 23-22 31st Ave, Queens, where it was used to purchase $100 in OnlyFans credit (rejected - glad Visa's model thinks I wouldn't do that). I had, and continue to have, grief because I stupidly lost my green card with the wallet. OP, you're doing a good thing.


AnneArchy123 t1_ivgfb7u wrote

I found some girl's keys on the street once, called her ballet school from a tag she had, then called her mom and her mom said she was robbed. Then a NYPD detective called me and asked for more details about where I found the keys so it's not a bad idea to contact them.


Dcnino t1_ivggx2f wrote

This is incredible of you!


HauntedButtCheeks t1_ivghup0 wrote

Look for the bank cards, take the bag to that bank. The tellers should let you drop it off and they can contact the customer.


Sukio_bug t1_ivgihsx wrote

So nice! I lost my wallet last week with my whole life in it and someone kept it ☹️


Reggenerattor t1_ivgngzr wrote

Is this real? Must be nice. I've lost my wallet a few times over the years and have never had anyone return anything to me. A big 'thank you' to you OP for being so kind.


Hummus_ForAll t1_ivgoyul wrote

You are a very good New Yorker working to get this back to them! 💙


Artemistical t1_ivgqguo wrote

you're awesome OP! so glad this worked and you found the owner!


savepiggy t1_ivgrlpm wrote

I recently found someone’s wallet and called Chase, bc they had chase cards. Chase was able to freeze all accounts but could not/refused to contact the owner. I had to find the owner myself. It was mildly infuriating.


Only-Ad7330 t1_ivgs3xx wrote

you are amazing I would award you but, one I am poor two, I have no awards to give.


57dimensions t1_ivgwu2j wrote

The phone number on your bag is a good tip. I have a wristlet/wallet that i take everywhere and my keys are clipped to it on a carabiner. After my dog died last summer I clipped his dog tag with my phone number onto the carabiner as well—two birds with one stone, i can commemorate him and hopefully someone will call me if they find my wallet and keys.


Yin_Pigeon t1_ivgxyk6 wrote

As someone who has lost their bag with their whole life in it before - you’re a gem of a human.


Deezonyc t1_ivgy2r4 wrote

Your a great person


photochic1124 t1_ivgy3gh wrote

This happened to me too, with some other bank. The rep just kept saying "no one wants to meet up with people right now in person". This was a few months ago. So fucking stupid,


woodcider t1_ivgynbj wrote

Ha! I found a wallet on the train and gave it to a cop. The face he made. It was like I ruined his whole day. Now I wonder if the person ever got it back. I would have been better off throwing it into a mailbox.

Now that mailboxes only have narrow slits, I’m not sure what’s the best way to do it.


DougDunksDonuts t1_ivgzgzz wrote

Some people do kick ass. My wife lost her pocketbook, couldn't figure out where or how she lost it. Some dude writes her on Facebook, tells her to go to the Target lost & found. He even took a photo of the cash he found in it, so that the clerk working at the lost & found wouldn't try to steal it (he even told the clerk this).


CrumpledForeskin t1_ivh25ja wrote

Lol holy shit that’s right near me.

I lost my backpack with my laptop and hard drives in a cab back in the day. My whole life was in it. Some one found it in midtown. I went to their office and one of their juniors brought it out. Wouldn’t take my money. Some people are awesome.


RubberChickenRacing t1_ivh2j29 wrote

Found a wallet outside a sleazy hot-sheet motel in VA, where our truck had broken down. Called the owner at home, got his spouse. When he came to pick up the wallet it was pretty easy to convince him to pay for our room in return for not having told his wife that we found it at that motel. Cheaper than a divorce lawyer, I guess.


BarriBlue t1_ivh328b wrote

Oh man, hopping in the wholesome NYC story time. I must have dropped my wallet right outside my car one day after parking and going into work. It was a late day at work. When I finally got out to my car, there was a note on my windshield that said if you lost a wallet, call/text this number. It was actually a bus driver who noticed it when he stopped, and went out of his way to pick it up and leave a note. He was just leaving his bus at the depo in Manhattan but actually lived not too far from me in Queens (Bayside to Flushing). I was sooo lucky and relieved.


iwantcookies2020 t1_ivhe6b0 wrote

No one returned my lost wallet. Thanks for being a nice person.


happybarfday t1_ivhhw5l wrote

Last time I brought a lost wallet into a precinct they told me I should've just left it where I found it because "now the owner won't be able to come back and find it"... how fucking stupid and lazy is that?

Like on the off chance they didn't just drop it without realizing it and know exactly where they left it (which was on a random sidewalk), AND it doesn't get picked up by some other person who just steals it, MAYBE there's a tiny chance they're on their way to pick it up right now and now they won't get it because I picked it up... okay, yeah sure.

Or you could just look them up in your system and call them to come pick it up from their precinct.


mymindisgoo t1_ivhk65b wrote

I lost my wallet a few months back that I've had for years, so naturally a bunch of shit jn there. Thankfully I was able to shut off my card, but I'm salty cuz when I've found phones and what not I always got them back to its owner.


The_Original_Gronkie t1_ivhufk9 wrote

Many years ago, pre-Cell phone, pre-internet, I was working my company's booth at the CES Show in Las Vegas, and somebody left their wallet behind. I took it back to my room amd found his driver's license. I called the operator in his hometown and asked for his name. They didn't have a listing for him, but they had a woman. Hoping it was a relative, I had them connect me.

It turned out to be his mother. I asked her to contact him at his hotel, and tell him to come to our booth the next day and I'd have his wallet.

He showed up, and was hugely grateful that I had his wallet. Imagine being at a big conference like that with no wallet, no money, no credit cards, no ID? What a disaster. He wanted to give me $50, but I refused it, so he threw it at me and ran out of my booth.

I gambled it away on slot machines.


Chosen_one184 t1_ivhukf4 wrote

Wait so this worked ? you posted here and someone knows someone who knows someone who knows the owner and they linked you up to them.


This internet stuff is amazing


vutama1109 t1_ivhww29 wrote

Once I found a brand new camera lens at photo expo years ago. Someone forgot to pick it up after visiting another booth. It's so tempting for me to keep it because it'll work for my camera. But i went to the Tamron booth where it was originally purchased by the owner. The receipt was still there too. I hope they reached out to the owner and give it back. I believe in Karma. Well done OP. God bless!


Designer-Ganache-198 t1_ivi3ln3 wrote

Imagine it belongs Sarah Jessica Parker but she was trying to be v casual/inconspicuous with the “SJ”monogram.


LookattheWhipp t1_ivi4awa wrote

I dropped my wallet a block from my apartment and the guy texted me being like “did you lose something”

Found my phone # off a dry cleaners receipt and decided to play some shitty joke on me. Thought it was spam so told him to F off after the 3 vague message of him asking maybe I should check my place to see if I lost something. He flipped out and said I shouldn’t lose my wallet like an idiot. Was kind enough to to return it to the dry cleaners tho


davidswelt t1_ivic1m6 wrote

Phone calls waiting 45 mins in line, in person appointments at an inconvenient time, and 9 months. And some $500. It took months just to get a stamp in my passport and then showing up at 7am to plead my case so I could travel. Friendly staff, but this is the most underfunded govt agency.


markhly t1_ivicpd5 wrote

this post was extremely unnecessary


jfo23chickens t1_ivid2vp wrote

Lost my wallet. Next day while retracing my steps the person who found my wallet recognized me from my license photo. She was going to drop it in mail but luckily didn’t bc I’d moved. Broadway in Astoria. Good people are everywhere.


Ahakista1 t1_ividino wrote

Oh, i had my wallet stolen years ago with my green card in it. Took me forever to get a new one. Since then I only carry a copy of it with me. Hope it goes smoothly for you.


thebestguac t1_ivieanx wrote

My wallet fell out of my pocket on the LIRR once. Some dude found me on Facebook and returned it. Praise Good Samaritans!


staticmm t1_ivihpyi wrote

i dropped a few hundred bucks a couple months ago as i was walking out the subway station, guy behind me literally punched me in the shoulder called me a dick and handed it to me, took me a second to figure out what happened, i didnt even get a chance to say thanks, thanks dude, i owe you a street lunch at the least :)


The_Original_Gronkie t1_ivin8w9 wrote

It was all audiophile stereo equipment, the beginning of home video games, and porn stars.

I remember the year they introduced Karaoke, and they had someone singing karaoke in the booth all weekend. I passed that booth on Sunday, when everyone was really exhausted from 4 days of working their busy booth, followed by staying out most of the night partying in Vegas. There was a guy dressed like Billy Idol (he'd been alternating with a woman singer), and he was slumped on a stool, barely able to mutter the words to White Wedding in a monotone. I thought Karaoke was stupid, and would NEVER catch on.


ImOnReddit1319 t1_iviqaj3 wrote

I lost my wallet with all my ID and cards. It took so much time to fix!


imalittlefrenchpress t1_ivjbsoj wrote

Waaay back in 1985, I left my wallet at a concession stand on the Coney Island boardwalk. About six months later, I got a bigish envelope in the mail with the contents of my wallet wrapped in a rubber band, minus my cash.

I had no driver’s license or credit cards at the time, and I can’t remember what was in there that had my address on it.

It’s one of the weirdest things that’s happened to me.


Lketty t1_ivjhy7n wrote

You’re a good person. I left my small purse in a cab once with my life in it - so, not much - but two forms of ID and my cards, phone. Assholes didn’t even bother to return the ID… I mean, just drop it in a mailbox, you piece of shit.


Artistic-Plum1733 t1_ivjmkp9 wrote

I almost didn’t go to the dentist appt bc I was up all night crying/freaking out about how I was going to pay rent without that money and I looked a mess 😂 so glad I did and forever grateful to the honest young man who picked it up


Sgtmerkins t1_ivk3h2t wrote

I returned 4 wallets while working in nyc. One was a foreign diplomats during UN week. Always returned anonymously and no return address. Why? I have lost my wallet numerous times. I just want my wallet back.


tempura_calligraphy t1_ivk8wvv wrote

It happened to me. I lost my wallet, someone turned it in. They called me within about 90 minutes. Could’ve had it back that day, but I’d already left the area. Randomly asking on Reddit is not the way, lol.

The MTA is not the police, btw. But there are transit subway police, which would be fine for a wallet.


cowtownsteen t1_ivlp1iv wrote

Same thing with me. I found a wallet full of money in the Chase bank lobby. Obviously had been dropped by someone at the ATM. Saw the Chase bank card and and out of state driver's license so brought it in to the banker so they could contact the owner. She acted like I was handing her a basket of snakes.

I hope they actually made the good faith effort to reach the poor woman.


throwaway_samaritan t1_ivokhix wrote

You are a good person. Good for you. And forget about asking for thanks - a good deed is its own reward.


YogiReikiMaster t1_ivorq22 wrote

My kids found a cell phone while sledding on a hill in the park. They brought it home and I put it in a bag of rice. Once it was dried out and charged, we were able to contact “mom” and she came to pick it up—very grateful and insisted on giving the kids $20 for being good people. 🥰