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[deleted] t1_iz510si wrote



mowotlarx OP t1_iz526bw wrote

Yikes. I wonder how many candidates drop out between getting an offer and being onboarded because it takes so long. I've heard up to 6 months for some!


jadedaid t1_iz5g1k4 wrote

Another public sector entity I know has an average recruitment time of 9 months. People I have known received job offers months after forgetting about applying.


RaiyaPapaya t1_iz5gr7c wrote

my bf was interviewing with the city for like 2.5 months. he ultimately accepted another job


TeamMisha t1_iz5f4pu wrote

It is not uncommon for city job candidates to take another job while you wait, the process can take THAT long it's ridiculous. You might even find something better in the mean time lol..


occasional_cynic t1_iz6j47k wrote

Not only a NYC issue either. Seen it happen in both public and private sectors where they post a job before they have approval.


[deleted] t1_iz5xjhq wrote



occasional_cynic t1_iz6jafw wrote

One gets funded by federal grants, the other (people) needs to be funded by operational budget.

There is so much waste in the federal grant system. If I became dictator tomorrow I would end all grant money immediately.


rioht t1_iz62lmv wrote

OMB approval expires after six months - stay in touch with your contact so you don't get fucked again, mate.


MyPiedaterre t1_iz654b1 wrote

Are you a new entrant to this field or do you have marketable experience? Because if it’s the latter, I’d highly advise you to keep applying at private companies. Working for the city will kill your soul and is a huge trap unless you’re ready to throw in the towel and give up