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kyogreblue t1_j159e2l wrote

It means that he's a NYC Councilman, so what's the fucking point of literally highlight that he's gay in the headlines? Shouldn't matter that he's gay, he was harassed period. Not sure why you're all up in arms about it


mowotlarx t1_j159svr wrote

>what's the fucking point of literally highlight that he's gay

Could it be because he was targeted by a hate group specifically because he's gay? And wrote slurs and hate speech outside his home and office?!


kyogreblue t1_j15c7vf wrote

No because the article literally says he think it's because he filmed anti-LGBT bigots protesting against drag. You obviously don't care about rhetoric but heads up, it's unnecessary and problematic, to refer to him as the Gay NYC Councilman as if he's not a NYC Councilman


GoHuskies1984 t1_j15e89x wrote

His city profile mentions his past activism and refers to him as gay. I don't know the guy but he comes across as proud of being an openly gay councilman.

Hate isn't stopped by catering to the hateful and trying to hide.


kyogreblue t1_j15gjsb wrote

I agree and thanks for bringing up that point. I think it's super admirable that he's done so much for the LGBT community. I don't know him personally either so can't speak of how open he is, but I know plenty of other proud and open LGBT individuals who find it frustrating when they're constantly being referred to as that "gay teacher"/"lesbian doctor"/"trans engineer" by straight people as if they're somehow different than teachers/doctors/engineers


BraveSirZaphod t1_j15iw9h wrote

I get your point, but him being gay is directly relevant to this story.

Yeah, it'd be weird if this was a story about his bill on pest control or something, but this story is about a hate group that vandalized his building, harassed his staff, and accused him of being a pedophile, specifically because he's gay and has stood up for the LGBT community. It absolutely makes sense to mention it in this context.


mowotlarx t1_j15dxmj wrote

You're seriously suggesting it's "PROBLEMATIC" to indicate that a gay council member had anti-gay hate speech written outside his home and office by an anti-gay hate group?!


kyogreblue t1_j15f52y wrote

Literally what are you talking about jumping leaps and bounds


mission17 t1_j15tn7f wrote

Literally what are you talking about? It’s impossible to find a coherent point through all the nonsense you’re spewing here.


Leather-Heart t1_j15o4xh wrote

Unfortunately it does matter he’s gay, because he was targeted for being gay. It becomes a hate crime, and that’s a separate charge from breaking/entering, whatever else may be charged, etc.

It is harassment, but you’re oversimplifying it is you want to ignore the bigotry element.


thatgirlinny t1_j181l9s wrote

Not paying attention to the ammo these cosplay warriors are using against Bottcher? Read much?