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thetravelingpeach t1_j6oca08 wrote

You’re using emotion to justify who’s right.That’s not how the world or our legal system works. I have two fat cats who feel very strongly resentful about the fact that they’ve been restricted from treats on the vet’s advice- by your logic that makes me a monster.

Of course a family is going to be distressed that their baby died. Of course they’re going to lash out in anger emotionally. That doesn’t make it right.

I’m going to give you a personal example. I grew up in a very cold, very snowy place. Local teenagers liked to race each other on snowmobiles in the ditches alongside the road. 5 kids on 2 snowmobiles were racing each other when they decided to cross in front of a semi. Icy road+a very heavy truck meant that the driver could not stop in time. All 5 kids died. The families blamed the driver, despite the fact that literally nothing he could have done could have changed the circumstances. The blame and hate he received plus his own guilt resulted in him taking his own life a few years later. Those families were not right in what they did, but they couldn’t accept their own responsibility in their children’s death(namely letting 5 kids under 16 use snowmobiles unsupervised alongside a highway to race)

I also suspect that you don’t actually know what spectator bias is


awaythrowbosk t1_j6odfzp wrote

But we see this happen all the time with cyclist in NYC - cyclists turn a corner when they don’t have the light or right of way, get hit with a semi, they die and we blame the city for not giving safe and protected bike lanes when the cyclist could have saved their own life had they waited their turn

On the one hand the cyclist would’ve indeed been safe if he had his own barricaded lane. On the other hand we share the road with bikes trucks cars you name it.