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AdventurousTwo960 t1_j5q7wa7 wrote

Has anyone seen their prices?!? Insane. $70 for an eighth BEFORE taxes?

I guarantee the owners never paid 70 for 8th


JustBrosDocking t1_j5qcy6u wrote

Prices are insane but most likely not completely the fault of the store owners. That being said, I’ll most likely keep to my underground delivery vendors - the prices are too low compared to what the regulated vendors will charge


CaringRationalist t1_j5r3vig wrote

As someone going for the next round of licenses... Two things I will say.

A.) Real estate is expensive, as are regulations. NY has done a really fantastic job at doing the right thing and making sure people don't skimp on stuff, but that also adds costs.

B.) Don't worry, this won't last. It's industry standard for prices to be high the first 1-3 years of a legal market before investors get their money out and wholesale prices come down.


HighGrassViper t1_j62dxsa wrote

Fuck your no one cares. You’ll sell at unreasonable rates too once you have the license


Shreddersaurusrex t1_j5qdask wrote

I imagine it’s a combo of rent, salary, taxes and other fees.


ChipsyKingFisher t1_j5qs4ea wrote

You cannot write off anything in cannabis, either. Zero tax write offs for any part of the business. It’s stupid and hurts the industry a lot.


Tyzed t1_j5qzikl wrote

it’s actually $70 for an 8th with taxes. they include taxes in all their prices


drpvn t1_j5q9qin wrote

Yeah but on the plus side you get the virtuous feeling of supporting a business owned by a justice involved person.


thebestbrian t1_j5r48gk wrote

I really think prices are going to go down once more competition opens up, if not the secondary market is gonna stay alive and well. Also gonna see a lot of home growers too.


LongIsland1995 t1_j5rolgz wrote

The weed stores I go to in Queens have $25 8ths thankfully


postmodernmaven t1_j61ubm5 wrote

That's amazing! Any places you can recommend?


LongIsland1995 t1_j61wjja wrote

There's a store on Guy Brewer between 146th terrace and 147th ave. I've been there a few times and they have good stuff


allMightyMostHigh t1_j5s2b8f wrote

Dispensaries are for tourists and people who dont know anyone in the streets. Its not for us regular weed connoisseurs that have been getting weed for decades.


seafoodgodddd t1_j5qe8xf wrote

Christ, are there better prices anywhere? Coming back after a long while and I dont feel like bringing shit on a plane


Jigamanpimpc t1_j5rde9i wrote

$15/Eighths for better product in Michigan. Gotta pay that corruption tax in NY.


drpvn t1_j5u8d1z wrote

Michigan is a great market from what I’ve seen.


TheeRuckus t1_j5ylkhj wrote

Yeah the shops in midtown are decent. A lot of smoke shops push decent shit. But you’re better off just finding a good service. I hung around Washington square park a few years ago smoking with my friend and a guy came up to us handing out a card for a delivery service. Tried them out ( they were more expensive than the guys in the Bronx) the weed was really good and they moved around in the city to come to you for deliveries. Talk to a few people at the bars and shit and you’ll get hooked up. Finding decent weed at a good price ain’t too hard


seafoodgodddd t1_j627nn2 wrote

Top tier advice, found a guy at the comedy cellar after a show tonight haha


HighGrassViper t1_j62dv7h wrote

It’s absurd and they don’t offer employees discounts either


mrturdferguson t1_j5q8ak2 wrote

Brick and mortar. Got to cover costs somehow.


AdventurousTwo960 t1_j5q8kr7 wrote

70 tho?!? Come on. And that’s their CHEAPEST 8th


mrturdferguson t1_j5qdl91 wrote

Rent is too damn high!


AdventurousTwo960 t1_j5qdx0n wrote

Then don’t open.


mrturdferguson t1_j5qhdos wrote

They'll be tapping into a different market that wants the product no matter the cost while knowing where the product is coming from and not having to have some connection to get said product.


juniperaza t1_j5rawv8 wrote

They should’ve opened in Times Square then. Tourists will pay that price since most of them lack that ‘connection’ lol.


mrturdferguson t1_j5s5qo3 wrote

Lotta well off people are holding off on partaking until they can easily access it legally.


WillyFiskah t1_j5y3l6s wrote

The street dealers already got Time square in lock - you come out the train there’s your makeshift dispensary, twice as cheap , twice as convenient


juniperaza t1_j5y3ny5 wrote

It’s not cheap lol. They charge the same prices as these dispensaries. And I’m pretty sure a tourist would also trust a legit store over a random guy trying to force you to buy his shitty weed.