
LongIsland1995 t1_jaxdqup wrote

Correct. There actually seems to be a lack of regular bar/pubs in most of the Bronx. That could change, but as of now it's nothing like even Bed Stuy in terms of nightlife.

Another thing is that most of the South Bronx was destroyed during the 1970s arson wave, and the buildings were replaced in the 80s and 90s with cheap looking Fedders houses. So it doesn't have that homey feel that Bed Stuy, Bushwick, Harlem, Washington Heights, etc. have. That's also why, in my opinion, Brownsville is of little interest to gentrifiers.


LongIsland1995 t1_jawt1ka wrote

Yeah for the white gentry crowd, the Bronx doesn't really offer anything that Brooklyn doesn't. It's no longer cheap.

That could change eventually, but right now I don't think it will gentrify the way Bed Stuy and Bushwick have.

And I agree with you that a lot of white people are oblivious to what race relations are actually like . It's like when boomers act like their neighborhood growing up was like Sesame Street, but fail to mention that this was because of white flight happening at an unthinkable pace.


LongIsland1995 t1_janlt3h wrote

Yeah, I have asked a lot of black and Hispanic New Yorkers about this. They said they either knew literally zero white people growing up or maybe 1-2 token white kids.

Huge swaths of the city are like this, you can walk for probably miles in Eastern Brooklyn or The Bronx withour seeing a single white family.