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oreosfly t1_j3yvjzk wrote

Over/under on a dozen priors? I'll take the over.


Big_Game_Huntr t1_j3zw00b wrote

Over under on how long it takes Reddit to blame the police … I’ll take the under


[deleted] OP t1_j40d6sx wrote



Big_Game_Huntr t1_j40jn3z wrote

Any number… I took the under (who’s the moron now… ps watch your language - keyboard tough guy)


FrenchToastForDinner t1_j3y5wov wrote

the guy's white so this post won't get locked


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j3z9sxo wrote

Notice how no one is complaining about his race not being given and him being described as "light complexion" either.


user_joined_just_now t1_j3ztcpz wrote

Notice how none of the progressives here are talking about how we need to increase access to mental health services and address the root causes of such crimes instead of locking him up. You know he did this because Eric Adams didn't hire enough lifeguards, right?


Wilsomess t1_j3zwcd0 wrote

Also notices how the conservatives aren't bemoaning and being racist and calling out all whites as anti Asian


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j3zyw37 wrote

That doesn’t happen in other threads either. What a whack ass straw man.


user_joined_just_now t1_j400eg9 wrote

Progressives don't advocate for addressing "the root causes of crime" through social services, more lifeguards, or whatever the solution to the latest "root cause" is, while opposing carceral solutions to crime? Yeah, that literally never happens ever. My mistake.


Sharlach t1_j3z5jlw wrote

Yea, because the racists won't flock to this one and make it a cesspit.


Rottimer t1_j3yuk58 wrote

It also won't get 100+ comments and bunch of dog whistles plus some bull horns blaming one particular race for all violence against Asians.

edit: I was wrong. The racists still showed up to write a bunch of dog whistles about black people and took the number of comments above 100.


567Antonio t1_j412vu9 wrote

Because one race IS significantly more to commit racist crimes against asians, whether you like it or not.

Here's the data -

Let's see how you try to spin and hide facts, since you people don't think of Asians as worthy of being defended.

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


[deleted] OP t1_j42u9ch wrote



567Antonio t1_j432rh1 wrote

> Except that you’re wrong and the vast majority of anti Asian acts nationwide is committed by white Americans.

On per capita basis, blacks are more than 300% likely to commit hate crimes against Asians, despite you trying to hide that fact.

And of course, here's the data again that you conveniently ignore -

Let's see how you try to spin and hide facts, since you people don't think of Asians as worthy of being defended.

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


Gb_packers973 t1_j43x819 wrote

To be fair - the combine verbal and physical assaults into one, and they rely on the reporting frequency of the perpetrators race.

When the article doesnt mention race, it doesnt get included in the data set.

Quite frankly no one would bat an eye if every asian attack in the city was kept verbal.

The multiple curb stomping of asian seniors and women is not really found amongst other demographics in the city.


Yonder_Zach t1_j42rz9u wrote

Interesting and which race is that? And do you have any data or just a feeling ?


567Antonio t1_j430zdc wrote

Here's the data -

Let's see how you try to spin and hide facts, since you people don't think of Asians as worthy of being defended.

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


Yonder_Zach t1_j438pou wrote

Literally no one is saying asians arent worthy of being defended. So often these sorts of stories are totally blown out of proportion and capitalized upon by conservatives and/or racists trying to rile people up. The link you posted is interesting if true- unfortunately articles published by right wing think tanks are rarely accurate.


567Antonio t1_j43kah8 wrote

Right wing think tanks are absolute garbage.

But that doesn't mean far lefties can also be absolute garbage.


Yonder_Zach t1_j43znnb wrote

Yeah sure but theres basically no far left in this country at all, let alone far left think tanks influencing policy and manipulating huge swaths of the country. There are however well funded and well coordinated far right organizations doing all of those things at an unprecedented scale.


Darrkman t1_j462smk wrote

Here is something to keep in mind when dudes like this post these articles.

Always question why an article will post a percentage but won't show you the ACTUAL numbers. It's easy to use percentages only to push a narrative.....its a lot harder when you have the numbers that go with it.

Finally also remember that City Journal is published by the Manhattan Institute a very conservative think tank that once said that the group that cares the most about Black lives mattering were the POLICE.

It's amazingly convenient that an article will say Black people make up 25% of incidents with Asians but SOMEHOW doesn't tell you the make up of that remaining 75%. I WONDER WHY????


567Antonio t1_j47ff92 wrote

Raw data set they used is right here from the government - with over 180,000 violent attacks on Asians on record.

It doesn't matter who published it, the fact of the matter is the data shows blacks are 300% more likely to commit violent crimes against Asians.

> It's amazingly convenient that an article will say Black people make up 25% of incidents

It's 27.5% actually. And since we're talking about hate crimes, it excludes asian on asian violence.

Why are you trying to hide hate crimes. You're exactly the same as white trumpers who claim racism doesn't exist.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr said ""Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Just because the data discomforts you doesn't mean you should hide it. He'd be ashamed of you right now.


Rottimer t1_j415e9x wrote

It doesn’t matter if that’s true. The comments imply that the race is the problem when it’s very obvious that the vast majority of that race has never committed a crime. Painting an entire race as criminal is in fact racist.


567Antonio t1_j415qma wrote

Pointing out that violent racist crime is disappropriately done by one race relative to their population is facts, not racism.

Which means relative to other races in New York, they have more racists, and therefore are more racist per capita, which is another fact and simple statistics. Just like we can say Trumpers are racist too.

Feel free to point out anything wrong.


Rottimer t1_j417v7t wrote

And once again - someone pushing racial division proves that they have piss poor basic math skills.


567Antonio t1_j431ml2 wrote

And of course, here's the data again that you conveniently ignore -

Let's see how you try to spin and hide facts, since you people don't think of Asians as worthy of being defended.

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


567Antonio t1_j419x2k wrote

Since you're reduced to childish tantrums and name calling, and ranting in a corner all by yourself, I guess we're done here.

People like you who try to silence others fighting back against hate are the same as racists. Usually racists themselves.


Unusual-Solid3435 t1_j41kck6 wrote

Do you even live in NYC? How is this what brings you out of hiding and into the frying pan?

Edit: nice tactic of asking me a question and then blocking me


567Antonio t1_j42b19k wrote

You have a problem with arguing against someone who would rather hide and silence racist hate crimes? That what brings you out of hiding and into the frying pan?


Saladcitypig t1_j436s47 wrote

I wonder what other things might be linking a ton of these attackers… it might be poverty and untreated mental illness. But you know, keep pretending you’re telling facts, like Fox News.


567Antonio t1_j4370yk wrote

Because one race IS significantly more likely to commit racist crimes against asians, whether you like it or not.

Here's the data -

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


[deleted] OP t1_j3zo25h wrote



ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j3zz4sr wrote

Funny how you cop not only to being racist but also ban evading. If you’re the user your point eluded to, you left out the slurs and curses you used as well.


[deleted] OP t1_j400t3a wrote



ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j401joa wrote

They did in the modmail on the last account….I never said they did that in the above comment

ETA: lol you were also an alt. Well done giving yourself an award and then catching a ban from the admins


[deleted] OP t1_j401nt1 wrote



ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j401xj4 wrote

Cool? They were banned a second time for ban evading, which they admitted to. Not sure what you’re upset about or why


iatepudding t1_j403l90 wrote

Cuz they just told me what happened, and they DIDNT use any racial slurs


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j405ekx wrote

Yes I'm sure the person ban evading who sent me PM's just now calling me names and who made 3 comments on this account, 2 of which were basically accusing the Mods of doing things "because they're black" is totally being honest.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j41ggei wrote

lol at you being another Alt of the OP! Way to give yourself an award and then catch an admin ban


Imaginary-Bread1829 t1_j3yas2n wrote

Lol at all the racism that flies under these posts meant to highlight obscene, condemnable racist actions


LiftyJoestar t1_j3yd7b2 wrote

If it's against Asians, literally no one cares. Racism in America is only whites and blacks


Imaginary-Bread1829 t1_j3yze0e wrote

Yeah, you can tell by the way people are quick to spin this in a black vs white way


Bjj-lyfe t1_j3zf34r wrote

Exactly, people are very self serving: racist white people comment when a black guys the perp, and black ppl use this as a platform to bemoan their racial issues when a white guys the perp, but no one actually discusses or cares about the Asian victims or the culture/entertainment industry that portrays Asians in a particular, biased way which lends itself to these incidents


citydudeatnight t1_j3zmrde wrote

When the Atlanta shootings occurred, many of the All Lives Matter folks attacked the asian victims for being possible prostitutes and hosting brothels while at the same time the sheriff dismissed the situation as the shooter having a bad day. The statements were there to vindicate themselves in some fashion and it was sad to see. I'm not anti-white. I'm absolutely disgustedand horrified by people and cowards who hide behind keyboards to discredit or ignore victims to elevate their own racial tribe as if the entire race asked them to do it.


Imaginary-Bread1829 t1_j42mmrm wrote

People honestly take race crimes almost as if it’s a personal attack if the perp is the same race as them. It’s like they’re afraid of being generalized so in return they generalize. The comment above articulated it perfectly & you provided a great example; why is it so hard to detach from news stories, not make it about themselves, to focus on the victim? It’s like these stories only create more racism, instead of awareness


1600hazenstreet t1_j3y73aq wrote

He also won’t be getting free Mets tickets.


Topher1999 t1_j3yas1w wrote

De blasio called, he wants his joke back


1600hazenstreet t1_j3zxr55 wrote

NYC taxpayer here: Not until he pays back the money from missing NYPD security detail.


I_AM_TARA t1_j3yhjga wrote

Correction, this post won’t get locked because it will not attract the hoards of rule breaking brigaders that forced us to lock those other posts. :)


throws_rocks_at_cars t1_j3yq050 wrote

People always say it’s brigaders like a real New Yorker is fine with certain hate crimes depending on the race of the perpetrator.


SuperTeamRyan t1_j3yt7wd wrote

More like it doesn't fit the political wedge republicans are trying to create between black and Asian communities who primarily vote democrat so those chuds won't be here to promote it.

The delivery guy who was shot over duck sauce was big news until it was revealed to be a white guy then no one gave a fuck. Same thing with the grandma who was set on fire until it turned out to be some white kids from bensonhurst once again people stopped giving a fuck.


koreamax t1_j3yuh5h wrote

I'm so sick of that word. It's just an excuse to validate your point of view


I_AM_TARA t1_j3z72y4 wrote

What point of view exactly? That users with little to no previous activity in this subreddit go to certain posts to drop slurs and such is something that shouldn’t be tolerated?


koreamax t1_j3z9l18 wrote

No, as I said above-it's just an excuse to validate your point of view.

People in this sub throw that word around immediately. Not everyone has the same point of view as you.


HEIMDVLLR t1_j3y9etn wrote

Why is that?


HeyaGFY1 t1_j3yx8x4 wrote

^ Like clockwork


HEIMDVLLR t1_j3yyp1h wrote

I don’t remember replying to you. But like clockwork, you racist are drawn to my comments like a moth to a porch light!


HeyaGFY1 t1_j3zf699 wrote

The projection is real.

Esp when there is no mention of racism anywhere in my comment. Quite damning, actually, that this is your knee-jerk reply. 🤔

Edit: as is your post history re: Asians. Yikes


HEIMDVLLR t1_j404ll0 wrote

More like the stalking is real. Hiding behind an alt account, no post but a bunch of replies to me.


Obvious-Football1977 t1_j3zo1z5 wrote

These people even only dare to assult women and/or the elderlies.


TheSpaceBetweenUs__ t1_j40l425 wrote

We see what these people look like. They'd get an ass beating from anyone willing to fight back


Nathaniel82A t1_j41d1pb wrote

These are very much crimes of opportunity. Easy target, from behind, likely alone, easy escape. This bitch would catch a right hand from hell itself if if he pushes the wrong person, quickly followed up with a few face stomps for good measure.


granitellama t1_j41eieq wrote

I'm 6'5 225 and nobody tries to assault me.. funny how that works


TheBklynGuy t1_j41tcdd wrote

Predators but cowards too. Makes me so angry these stories.


FarmSuch5021 t1_j3ydy9f wrote

Yeah, all those bigots who done it to Asians got away with such a light sentences. I want to see what they going to charge a white man for it.


rectifiedspiritomb t1_j3z3on7 wrote

So the guy that shot up Asians in the massage parlor in Atlanta wasn't white?


MandatoryDissent55 t1_j3yre4a wrote


Literally anybody from NYC can immediately identify this man as hispanic.


abcmozart t1_j3zbmmm wrote

I can’t tell what he is but I also know that Hispanic isn’t a racial identifier but, rather, an ethnicity. You should also know that Hispanics can be of any race. You’re in NYC and should already know this.


FarmSuch5021 t1_j3yuwvj wrote

Ok they will identify him as Hispanic. He might have a Hispanic heritage but he is still white.


LongIsland1995 t1_j3zsyhl wrote

He looks like Luis Guzman

Nobody with that appearance identifies as white


KaiDaiz t1_j3zb7cm wrote

all Hispanics are lumped into the white category by the census


FarmSuch5021 t1_j3zcl8y wrote

Omg what are we arguing about. We all see color. This is clearly a white man. He could be any ethnicity.


KaiDaiz t1_j3zuzlh wrote

which is what I just stated....white can include Hispanics...


ehsurfskate t1_j3yrd7j wrote

Do you by any chance have a link to some data that shows this?


PandaJ108 t1_j3zkz66 wrote

The hate crime element normally gets dropped in most cases.

Most Hate Crime Charges in NYC Get Dropped Before Conviction, Stats Show


ehsurfskate t1_j40qyai wrote

This still doesn’t show what the first commenter was saying. I read the article and the jist of it seems to be that hate crime charges often get dropped since they are hard to prove and therefore it’s better to charge them with something that will actually stick. There seems to be a higher burden to prove it’s actually a hate crime and not just an assault beyond the attacker just being another skin color.

Anyways, the data I was asking for is data that shows “people who commit hate crimes against Asians get the charges dropped at a higher rate than hate crimes against other races”. This is what the commenter was claiming and nothing so far has supported this.


FarmSuch5021 t1_j3znbfy wrote

Lol the man on the picture is a white Puerto Rican. The fact that they dropped the charges despite the attacker beating him and saying that he hates Puerto Rican’s is insane.


FarmSuch5021 t1_j3ytruo wrote

Just google it. Some of those bigots got 3 years for murdering Asians. I will be following up on this man sentencing and see what he will be charged with.


ehsurfskate t1_j3za3hk wrote

These are just two individual cases though right? I was wondering if you had some data showing a trend where cases against those who commit assault against Asians are adjudicated differently.


KidAstoria t1_j3yuy9y wrote

If you see this happen, interject and beat their ass. Stop being scared and just record it in your phone.


FarmSuch5021 t1_j3z7l5m wrote

Are you from NY? Who even gets involved anymore? You want your ass to get beat?


happybarfday t1_j42a6o6 wrote

> You want your ass to get beat?

See also: shot, stabbed, slashed, shanked, bitten, scratched, spat on, not to mention what disease you might catch from them...


despreocupado t1_j3zj6zp wrote

Coward. I've lived and worked in NYC for years. Whenever the racist, homophobic and misogynist sh*t hits the fan, we always throw down in defense of the oppressed.


FarmSuch5021 t1_j3zlwbr wrote

I love how Redditors say that stuff. But everyone on the train or on street just stand by and do nothing. Who you going to fight? A crack head or homeless person who is not going even to go to jail or get released within 1 hour?


despreocupado t1_j3zn4m2 wrote

Oh so you're a coward and an ignorant idiot. A "crackhead" and a "homeless person" are entireley different from a racist terrorist. The former two are avoided at all costs until they start something with a weaker innocent person while the latter is eating the pavement within minutes. Just because they don't show working people defending themselves on your beloved evening news propaganda machine doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


fanatical t1_j3zoe3u wrote

Honestly dude. You sound like you’d be one of those guys who pushed someone and got on the news cause in your eyes they are cowards who are ignorant.


citydudeatnight t1_j3zcj9q wrote

Nice to know the people here so focused on the race of the perpetrator almost or actually do forget about the poor victim because the notion of the white man needing to be "vindicated" is way more important and the victim's plight is just incidental

For those who have their "priorities" right - Thanks for demonstrating what kind of human beings you are. So much for All Lives Matter


ECK-2188 t1_j3yqjui wrote

/s Can’t think of anyone who cares about violence against Asians, except for Asians.

Cmon’ be real


Affectionate-Thing63 t1_j429b21 wrote

To be fair, most of the hate crimes posted in this sub involve Asians. People continuously spread awareness here.


ECK-2188 t1_j42z9va wrote

Have to give credit where it’s due.

It’s just what’s on the sub is not reality.

Being Asian, I am not as naive to think people actually give AF about us.


jewishseeker t1_j3z97nk wrote

I hope they throw the book at this piece of scum


JetmoYo t1_j3znk2g wrote

Let's not bicker about race and simply take solace in knowing that ALL races can hate on us Asians. Peace on earth.


[deleted] OP t1_j40md8q wrote

Wtf is wrong with people. Idc what you believe I mean racism is disgusting, but nobody can police your thoughts. What’s with all this senseless violence tho? If you hate minorities so much gtfo of NYC.


DastyVillainpotra t1_j47bomo wrote

"but nobody can police your thoughts"

Elon Musk would like to have a word with you.


KaiDaiz t1_j3zbcx1 wrote

Check the nearby shelters, high chance found there


wanderingjew2 t1_j41pp7m wrote

Bro is wearing a romantic depot sweatshirt 😂😂😂


[deleted] OP t1_j3yh682 wrote



tonyhasareddit t1_j3zdgdr wrote

How the fuck did this get downvoted. He’s literally saying hating a person for their ethnicity is wrong, are there just that many racists on this subreddit that disagree?


HeyaGFY1 t1_j3yxegd wrote

Oh, so it's "all lives matter" when it comes to Asians?


tonyhasareddit t1_j3zdkel wrote

I genuinely don’t understand what you’re implying here. He’s literally saying it’s not ok to hate someone based on their ethnicity. That shouldn’t be a controversial statement.


kenwanepento t1_j40ai1b wrote

What's this fella doing with his pants? Looks like he's holding up a dirty pair of pants over another pair. Also in the second picture he's stepping right into a puddle with sneakers on.


happybarfday t1_j42axry wrote

That describes like every other homeless mentally fucked up person you see in the city. They always have the oversized-pants-falling-down-over-another-pair-of-torn-pants-over-soiled-basketball-shorts thing going on.


kenwanepento t1_j42fnpu wrote

Interesting.... seems like this would slow one down quite a bit.


KeySea7727 t1_j40kzsd wrote

the perp is not brown enough, will many people care?


spicytoastaficionado t1_j417ui6 wrote

Probably not the type of viral marketing Romantic Depot appreciates.


Crafty-Flower-7390 t1_j453ffw wrote

He'll be out of jail in a few hours. Elections have consequences


DastyVillainpotra t1_j47cqol wrote

And he'll do something to another Asian American person; this time it will be fatal.


AutoModerator t1_j3y53l3 wrote

Users often report submissions from this site and ask us to ban it for sensationalized articles. At /r/nyc, we oppose blanket banning any news source. Readers have a >responsibility to be skeptical, check sources and comment on any flaws. You can help improve this thread by linking to media that verifies or questions this article's claims. Your link could help readers better understand this issue. If you do find >evidence that this article or its title are false or misleading, contact the moderators who will review it.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


iNeedPhotos t1_j3zh51n wrote

The lettering appears to read Romantic Depot


z0rb0r t1_j42jdxt wrote

NYPost trying to piss off asian new yorkers into going red. Not denying that asian hate doesn't happen.


_switch360_ t1_j4l5zj0 wrote

Love that the NY Post becomes a source of news when convenient.


Darrkman t1_j40u7qm wrote

So after 14 hours this Asian hate post only has 191 up votes and 93 comments.

Hmmmm that's very different from how these posts usually go on here. I wonder what could be different? I can't QWHITE put my finger on it. The difference is QWHITE interesting.


567Antonio t1_j431c2u wrote

Here's probably why -

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


Darrkman t1_j43isi1 wrote

Ahhhh City Journal. Why do you dudes on here always try to come at me with City Journal like I don't know it's published by the Manhattan Institute.

You remember the conservative Manhattan Institute. Where one of their senior members said this....

Mac Donald has controversially argued that the consequences of this trend adversely affect African-American communities, stating that "there is no government agency **more dedicated to the idea that black lives matter than the police".[**47][48]

Give me a fucking break.


567Antonio t1_j43kd9h wrote

Then point out exactly where the info is wrong rather than throwing a tantrum. Let's talk numbers.

Give me a fucking break.


Darrkman t1_j43owxt wrote

It's not a matter of throwing a tantrum and the fact that you're trying to say I am after you've posted the same thing six times in this thread tells me less that you want to have a discussion and more that you want to just try to talk shit. No matter what you try to say the source matters and you're asking me to take the Manhattan Institute seriously when they're the same group of people who will tell you that the Ferguson effect is real and that the group that cares the most that black lives matter are cops.

With that being said I've already seen you change your answer when people called out the numbers. When you look at a national set of numbers the majority of people who have harassed Asians have been white people but then you stop saying it's about the numbers and then you start talking about it's their percentages. You're acting like I haven't seen that kind of disingenuous BS before in here and that's the part I find hilarious.


567Antonio t1_j43pexo wrote

> after you've posted the same thing six times in this thread

Because racists in this thread are trying to hide the numbers and blame whites. If people like you would stop hiding the truth, I can stop posting.

> when people called out the numbers.

Where did people point out the numbers?

> the majority of people who have harassed Asians have been white people

Because whites are 75% of the population. But on a per capita basis, blacks are 300% more likely to commit violent crimes against asians.

The raw data set dating from 2018 is right there.

Feel free to refute instead of throwing unproductive, subjective tantrums.


spicytoastaficionado t1_j4437ra wrote

The stats they present are accurate.

Instead of whining about the source that published independent stats, feel free to dispute the data.

And I mean the data regarding violent crime specifically.


Darrkman t1_j462eix wrote

> The stats they present are accurate.

Nah they're not. Cause what the article is trying to do is shift the narrative to Black people by looking at likely instead of WHO IS ACTUALLY attacking Asian......that's white people.

Not once does that article present ACTUAL NUMBERS and that is deliberate. Percentages without the hard numbers behind them are ALWAYS misleading. I've seen people post articles in here claiming a certain crime jumped 70% but that translated to all of 3 more incidents.


Ok-Concentrate-9316 t1_j3yfhzq wrote

I wonder where he got inspired? The more you put it out there the more it will happen. The country still has no clue how to address racism in a proper way.


heythatsnotkosher t1_j3yhf1i wrote

Ah yes, the tried and true method of problem solving -- not acknowledging it until it goes away


Ok-Concentrate-9316 t1_j3zejj5 wrote

To acknowledge what? Racism is there already we all Know it. It doesn’t lack of any acknowledgment. The more you talk about it the more it gets worse.
