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t1_iugn1vx wrote

Progressive wanted nearly $200/month for auto. I cancelled my policy and got an entirely new one with them that same day.

My rate went down to $110/month.


t1_iui0e5j wrote

I did this exact same thing. It was great cause me and my fiancé both got to lower our monthly but kept our “continuous customer discounts” cause they just let you keep your same account. I thought it was so bizarre but reading this clearly this is their business modelc


t1_iujzwtk wrote

Counting down the days until my husband turns 25 to do this with Geico!


t1_iujcx97 wrote

Progressive dumps you into a risk bucket through their algorithms. As long as you are a customer with Progressive you cannot move risk buckets. So if you were a shit head or had speeding tickets when you first signed up you're stuck there. You can/should cancel and rewrite with Progressive to get into a different risk bucket. It can make a major different as we see two comments up.


t1_iuimnw4 wrote

Sounds like my internet plan.

I was paying $65/month for an older, slower plan that didn’t even actually exist anymore.

Cancelled it and got a newer plan with 2x the speed for $60.

Never trust a company to just give you their best deal automatically.


t1_iuhdzf6 wrote

What coverages did you change? You didn’t get a 50% drop from rewriting it with matching coverages


t1_iuho03s wrote

I thought the same thing and checked again and again. Even had my SO check it. Same exact coverage, no change.


t1_iuhrc4j wrote

Only thing I can think of would be credit. It’s generally run at new business and never again unless you request it. If your credit improved since the last time, you initially started a policy that could do it. It’s a huge impact to your premium.


t1_iuhyacf wrote

I used to have allstate for car insurance in my 20s. It slowly went up each time and I never thought much of it, but eventually it was too much and I started shopping around.

Every other company quoted me less than 50% of what I was paying allstate. I called my allstate agent and asked if they could match these quotes and they said no.

I switched companies. The NEXT DAY I went to allstate's website for a quote (which wouldn't run a credit check I don't think?), and the quote was in line with every other insurance company. Less than 50% of what I was paying them just 2 days prior.

So, seems to me that insurance companies just like screwing their existing customers.

Also, no I did not lower my coverage.


t1_iuivli1 wrote

This is my exact experience with both State Farm and Allstate. Any time my rates go up I just instantly switch auto insurance now.

There is no such thing as customer loyalty with these companies so do not feel obligated to start with them! All of their apps are the same, all of them provide the same coverage, and all of them suck. :)


t1_iuills0 wrote

I had a similar experience with eSurance which is an Allstate company.


t1_iui0fk9 wrote

Might be partially credit. Especially based on your age (assuming less credit history in your 20s). It’s a soft pull but they do use it in basically every state.


t1_iuhtuz1 wrote

Have my motorcycle with progressive. My renewal was 200 less than last year and i have high end coverage. No change to anything and accident free just a simple note of congratulations, your premium is 200 less this year. Whenever insurance goes up just a little i start shopping around.


t1_iuif44n wrote

This happened to me with GEICO like 10 years ago and the same thing happened, and like the other commenter said, it was because my credit score had improved dramatically since becoming a customer when I was only like 18. But, I called them, and they corrected their error and even refunded me the premium I had already paid so far for that period.


t1_iuhtn4h wrote

Yeah this isn't true. Plenty of insurance companies just walk the prices up for existing members every month until they leave and go elsewhere. They'll sign you up for cheap with all sorts of new member discounts. Once they have you as a customer they couldn't care less.

I did the same. My progressive policy went from $560/6mo to $850/6mo by the third renewal. Canceled and went elsewhere. Have equivalent insurance for $600/mo.


t1_iuhw5zh wrote

I work for a small insurer and build our rating plans based heavily on Progressives rate plan. The only diminishing discount they have is their advanced quote discount. starts out around 13% and decreases to 0% overtime. Diminishing discounts vary between insurers but that 50% difference isn’t all from regular policy aging.


t1_iuhyxl5 wrote

I really don't care what it's from. Another insurer was basically able to take me down to where I was before. The problem is low risk people can get better insurance. Jacking up rates on low risk individuals just increases the risk and thus loss of their portfolio. Which means they have to raise rates even more.


t1_iuhkutz wrote

I left progressive and found better coverage (included 1M umbrella policy for free) for a 30% discount. It’s always worth it to shop.


t1_iujd571 wrote

He very much could have. Progressive silos you into a risk profile and no matter your habits as a driver, they don't shift you into safer risk profiles as your account ages. You have to rewrite with them to do that.


t1_iuk9i0i wrote

You can. Different companies cater to different types of people.

We shopped 4ish different insurance companies and for auto especially some of them varied by up to +/-100%. They were all identical coverages.


t1_iui5nhj wrote

I just changed my auto policy since mine is up today. I went from $1540/year to $1290/year. Saved $250. Pays to shop around.


t1_iuhw38w wrote

State Farm offered 85 while progressive wanted 180. Fuck progressive


t1_iui6wra wrote

It's highly area-dependent. I switched from State Farm to Progressive and cut my rate from $130/mo. to $96/mo. for identical coverage.


t1_iuihk2l wrote

Yeah I just shopped around last month when I got my renewal notice and Progressive offered the lowest price for similar coverage. The highest I found was Amica followed by Geico.


t1_iuiqxnc wrote

One thing to keep in mind when comparing Amica is that if you choose their dividend paying policies, you’ll pay more upfront but will get back 20% of the premium price.


t1_iuitqh2 wrote

They still came up significantly more expensive for me. Their price was 3x what I signed up for switching back to Progressive.


t1_iuif4vz wrote

Same thing happened to me with Progressive. Difference for me was calling and speaking to a human vs. renewing on the app. Crazy difference in savings.


t1_iujdk4b wrote

Weird. Did you have to cancel first and then get new insurance with them, or did you get a quote as a new customer and switch from them to them?