
moudine t1_j5zxp20 wrote

Which DMV? I got a letter from the Randolph DMV telling me to call them and got someone right away. I'll shamelessly share it here, I don't care: 973-252-3130


moudine t1_j33prjm wrote

Anything related to "when children are present" always struck me as odd. Am I to sense every child in the vicinity?

Or: "...during school hours" how tf am I supposed to know when school lets out?

"Deaf child in area" well keep him out of the front yard! Sheesh


moudine t1_iuif44n wrote

This happened to me with GEICO like 10 years ago and the same thing happened, and like the other commenter said, it was because my credit score had improved dramatically since becoming a customer when I was only like 18. But, I called them, and they corrected their error and even refunded me the premium I had already paid so far for that period.