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rollingstoner215 t1_jctwu29 wrote

Temple’s in trouble regardless.


kanye_come_back t1_jcu2dzp wrote

Yeah I am here right now and the future isn't rosy. I can tell a lot of talented kids they would have picked up otherwise are choosing to go elsewhere.


go_berds t1_jcu39ie wrote

I graduated only 2 years ago and already it’s gotten so much worse :(


aburke626 t1_jcubpge wrote

This breaks my heart, it was not like this when I went to and worked at Temple. Everyone was careful but in terms of random violence, there was very very little of it.


kanye_come_back t1_jcudf9q wrote

There is a genuine perverse feeling of needing to be ready to stand up for yourself bc violence prevention is limited outside of Campus. Especially if you rely on public transit it now takes a spine to go to Temple.

I am lucky that I am a thick skinned, in-shape dude.


FDE3030 t1_jcu33jl wrote

Always has been


rollingstoner215 t1_jcu3vfg wrote

Nah there was a stretch in the 1960’s after it became a public school where the programs earned respect and distinction.


Philodemus1984 t1_jcu9ssd wrote

Temple was on the upswing a decade ago, with crime levels low and earning an R1 status. It still has many nationally respected programs, though the business school obviously tarnished its reputation.


ArgentumFlame t1_jcweq3p wrote

Can you elaborate more on the business school tarnishing the reputation? When I went to Temple they were DUMPING money into the Fox School so this is somewhat surprising to me


uptown_gargoyle t1_jcwj25p wrote

Former Temple University business dean convicted of fraud in rankings scheme (Nov. 2021)

>A former dean of Temple University's business school was convicted Monday of fraud in a scheme to boost the school's rankings by providing false information to U.S. News & World Report's prestigious annual surveys to maximize tuition dollars and donations, federal officials said.


jersey_girl660 t1_jcugldw wrote

Temple is still a respected school. The neighborhood is another story.


rollingstoner215 t1_jcuoo3b wrote

Not if you work there


jersey_girl660 t1_jcuork1 wrote

… no????


rollingstoner215 t1_jcuw6ct wrote

Maybe you heard about the recent graduate student union strike?

Nobody’s happy, but most of us just accept that we made a terrible decision in coming to work at Temple.


TheBSQ t1_jcupxk8 wrote

Didn’t Krasner refuse to hire Temple Law grads because he didn’t want B-listers?


FDE3030 t1_jcu489c wrote

You might be right, when I say “always” I guess I mean since 1970’s, heard friends say it wasn’t safe back then


Mysterious_Bobcat483 t1_jcv6f6j wrote

I went to high school on/adjacent to Temple campus, early 80s. Nothing nuts, just a rough area off campus. Nothing like this.

ETA Werst philly/uni city was way worse then


rollingstoner215 t1_jcu6ew5 wrote

Oh I don’t know about the neighborhood, I just meant the school itself is in trouble.

Re: neighborhood violence, on the one day a week I’m in the office, I’m dismissed early “for my safety,” to help reduce the odds I am hit by a stray bullet while I wait for the bus.