Lunamothknits t1_iydg0o4 wrote
Those incomes are not enough to pull people from Philly to the DC metro area. What a laughable offer.
PPD’s hiring process is absolutely insane, considering the amount they need to hire. They need to make it easier, not harder, to get into the academy. They don’t plan to, so I doubt the number of hires is going to be much help for a while.
Rivster79 t1_iydqan7 wrote
Here’s a 30% raise, good luck with you 100% cost of living increase!
courageous_liquid t1_iydylfm wrote
I saw these ads the other day on a zipcar depot on broad and thought the exact same thing.
Good luck commuting like 2 hours to work from outside the beltway because there's no way they could afford or desire to live anywhere in actual DC.
Lunamothknits t1_iydyt67 wrote
Exactly. I don’t think most people realize what an inflated bubble the whole area is!
Rivster79 t1_iye12a2 wrote
To be fair, we are the ones in an inverted bubble. Philly is the most affordable large east coast city, even though it doesn’t feel that way at times.
We like to complain, but we have it pretty damn good here.
cielorossa t1_iyewwwf wrote
Gizz718 t1_iyedrxu wrote
nyc and dc don’t have shootouts quite like philly does
Rivster79 t1_iyeek4n wrote
They don’t know what they’re missing
elevatednova t1_iyeoon7 wrote
That’s how we keep the home/rent prices down! Smh,😔
Gator1523 t1_iyex2yu wrote
Citynerd did a video about this. Crime is factored into home prices, and excessively so. Meaning you can find a great deal by moving into a safe neighborhood in a city with a reputation for crime.
BlackhawkinPA t1_iyf7psm wrote
Southeast D.C. would like to have a word with you...
Lunamothknits t1_iydyqa8 wrote
And don’t expect to afford northern VA either! 🥲
Rivster79 t1_iyej5lo wrote
More like unfairfax amirite?
No1Statistician t1_iyf6uj2 wrote
Cost of living is about 37% higher
Funnyboyman69 t1_iyeb3dw wrote
Yeah exactly what we need, more undertrained and under-qualified officers. We need to start prioritizing addressing the root of this cities issues instead of using police as a bandaid solution for everything.
kilometr t1_iyekw8m wrote
It’s the same with every government position in the city. It’s not that it’s hard to get in is the problem. It just takes forever to get hired so good candidates would likely find work elsewhere by the time the application is completed
Gator1523 t1_iyexbsd wrote
We live in a society where you need a job to live, but the city government thinks people will just be unemployed for 6 months while they wait for the city to maybe, potentially hire them.
jersey_girl660 t1_iyewgpd wrote
Sadly this is really common even in surrounding government agencies. I got hired by the state of New Jersey and it took almost 6 months to start. Not to mention the pay is incredibly low I cannot afford to survive solely on my salary. Historically government work attracted people with good benefits but you were still supposed to be able to live on the salary even if it wasn’t as comfortable of a life.
You can’t pay your bills with health insurance so I’m not surprised people don’t want to work for government agencies when the hiring process takes half a year; you get paid laughably low wages, and you may never even get the pension you’re supposed to get.
If they paid workers more that would partially fix recruitment(and get more people in HR to actually get the onboarding process to be quicker) however that’s a non starter with the public. So government institutions continue to wither away their job base.
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