Submitted by RoverTheMonster t3_z853hm in philadelphia

It occurred to me while walking around Brooklyn last week that I can’t think of an example of a Philly rowhome - at least in Brewerytown and Fairmount where I live and work - with a front garden next to the stairs (in the ground, not in planters). This might be a fun spring project. Are there any examples of this in Philly? (And any reason why this isn’t a more common thing here? Like more houses with wide sidewalks in front like along Spring Garden Street could absolutely accommodate front gardens.)



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typeytypetype t1_iy9stc1 wrote

A lot of the north east has front yards, there's also some spotted throughout south philly, but not many.

Edit - somehow forgot despite being in west right now - a lot of west philly has front yards.

Edit 2 - and girard estates


uptown_gargoyle t1_iy9u9vo wrote

Garden Court in west Philly. Like larchwood between 45 and 49 or so


Bobby_Manual t1_iy9ubh5 wrote

2500 block of aspen street. 800 block of beechwood, 21st, and Woodstock. Bainbridge in grad hospital. all examples of townhomes with front gardens. There’s probably more but those jump to mind.

Green street too, but idk if those are typical row houses


prozute t1_iy9uhqn wrote

Some of the Port Richmond / Kensington blocks in the Rocky movies come to mind


Brraaap t1_iy9v0wi wrote

My block in Mt Airy has them, but they're definitely rare. Most places are either smaller with planters, or bigger with a larger yard


sugr_magnolia t1_iy9v8nj wrote

The 800 block of Pine is mostly brownstones that have lower than street level patio/garden areas in front.


taskermorrisrider222 t1_iy9vcjf wrote

Castle Ave, between Moore and Morris in both Point Breeze and East Passyunk. Some of the most beautiful houses/multifamilies I've ever seen!


courageous_liquid t1_iy9vps4 wrote

There's an absolute ton in Packer Park, which feels much more like the Northeast or even somewhere like Upper Darby.

Tried to walk through there one time when a subway expressed to the stadiums because phils games and the buses were fucked. It's wild.


ats1788 t1_iy9vxjn wrote

I was going to say when we lived in Mt Airy, we had a small patch of grass by the curb and garden area on either side of the walkway leading to the house


thirst_annihilator t1_iy9zqz9 wrote

by you - 22nd to corinthian, from poplar to the penitentiary


No-Reporter3692 t1_iya2fkf wrote

Down in Devil’s Pocket here there are a few blocks like this.


JimBucksbury t1_iya32e9 wrote

The north side of the 900 block of Tasker St. has a bunch of row homes set back a ways from the sidewalk with gardens in between the front of the house and the sidewalk.


ModalEclipse t1_iya5pbb wrote

so many blocks... are you from brooklyn? lol


a-german-muffin t1_iya6moy wrote

Try the 2900 block of Poplar (north side) in your backyard. A big chunk of Powelton (Hamilton/Baring/parts of Spring Garden) west of 33rd/34th has front gardens, although a lot of those are twins instead of rows.


sciencefaire t1_iyad1zu wrote

Lots of homes in the northeast have entire front yard vegetable gardens. They're beautiful.


imothypsy t1_iyadmme wrote

Used to live in West Powelton and there were a couple


brk1 t1_iyaeeoi wrote

Pretty much anywhere in the northeast plus germantown and mt airy.


TomSennett t1_iyag469 wrote

Moyamensing ave below Washington.

I think Fitzwater? Around 22nd st.


always_plotting t1_iyao7qj wrote

I grew up in Frankford in a row home and our house had a front yard. My dad converted part of the yard to vegetable gardens. Kept him busy and out of trouble with the missus, aka my mom, spring to late fall.


myredmakeupbag t1_iyat1zy wrote

16th to 24th ish and Bainbridge has them, they're so nice


Conalou2 t1_iyavfu9 wrote

A lot of Roxborough and Manayunk - but not every block. Big chunks of Germantown and Mt Airy


ohheylane t1_iyay1mk wrote

Moyamensing between Wharton and Snyder has them.


Notwastingtimeiswear t1_iyb8pw3 wrote

The Oak Lanes and Mt Airy areas have rowhomes with gardens in front for sure


PurpleWhiteOut t1_iyb8tyw wrote

St Albans Place between 23rd and 24th aren't front gardens, but it's a pedestrian only block with a really cool central shared garden. One of my favorite places in the city that I wish were replicated more. Nearby Madison Square a block south is similar but smaller


Proper-Code7794 t1_iycc4pi wrote

Philly's largest neighborhood and home to 400,000 residents pretty much has what you described. The Northeast. Then there's roxborough and even large parts of Southwest Philly also have similar setups pretty much any home build after 1950 tends to have this


mnightcoburn t1_iycj4u9 wrote

2300 block of E Dauphin in Fishtown


Finger_Gunnz t1_iycq8gq wrote

Mayfair, Tacony, Wiss, West Philly, Germantown.


filladellfea t1_iye2ke7 wrote


the 2100 block of Green St has front garden