Submitted by redeyeblink t3_zrag8s in philadelphia
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j12jq2m wrote
Maybe they can convince their members to change the rhetoric from their side of the aisle that cities are irredeemable shitholes while they’re at it.
BillyRayValentine983 t1_j13e04t wrote
Can’t wait! The Guard House is also getting an outdoor dining area next year.
South_Cockroach_156 t1_j13f6ps wrote
Maybe it’s just me, but I kinda hope this bankrupts the Union League and it becomes a venue open to the general public.
ColdJay64 t1_j13ik8y wrote
That would be nice!!
[deleted] t1_j13jwqp wrote
[deleted] t1_j13kvlb wrote
velvetweeks t1_j13lzwf wrote
Paywall is preventing me from reading the article. What is the funding source for this project? I hope and assume no funds from the city.
PhillyAccount t1_j13nb46 wrote
Here for the comment section
uptown_gargoyle t1_j13o3ps wrote
it's a country club for rich people
uptown_gargoyle t1_j13pihe wrote
i refuse to join until the rumsfeld medal is rescinded, the $4k/year membership dues are reduced to like $50, and the whole thing is torn down and replaced with a waterpark
sugr_magnolia t1_j13ptsr wrote
Don't forget DeSantis
porkchameleon t1_j13r8ov wrote
I am sure they are giving it a long and hard thought as we speak, since someone finally put their foot down about it.
CerealJello t1_j13rocl wrote
I've been in a few times for private events, and it's very much a "we're better than the people outside" type of atmosphere.
H00die5zn t1_j13s9ol wrote
Don’t they eventually become the ppl outside once said event is over?
CerealJello t1_j13sdka wrote
No way. They get right into their private cars and head to the burbs. Their feet barely even touch the sidewalk.
[deleted] t1_j13sp4q wrote
H00die5zn t1_j13t2ql wrote
Very relaxed. Cheer up
Dicksapoppin69 t1_j13tian wrote
Those spaces were always like that, stop pretending it was a beacon of civilization in the 90's and this just suddenly happened in the last 5 years.
FolesNick9 t1_j13v39y wrote
Their feet don't even touch the sidewalk, there's a private garage that people park in that's within the building itself.
CerealJello t1_j13v766 wrote
Damn, the garage location might almost be worth the membership fee.
JWHISKY707 t1_j13v9re wrote
This sect of members doesn't think the cities are irredeemable. They just think the leadership and politics are the reason it cant be.
Which isnt a crazy take.
The Republican party is made of a lot of different wings. The UL is more akin to fiscal conservative/constitutionalist type.
People saying but they hosted trump and supported him. That was 2016. Like saying the Patriots support murder cause they had Hernandez on the team before.
They have 100% pivoted off Trump for some time. If Trump is running the Union league will side with his primary opponent.
BillyRayValentine983 t1_j13va3n wrote
One benefit of electing competent, fiscally-conservative leaders is knowing that they wouldn’t make dumb capex decisions that put the club’s financial health in jeopardy.
Series_G t1_j13vfmr wrote
False choice - It could be expensive and still be open to the general public. Think people's issues are more around the literal and figurative gatekeeping, which you just demonstrated.
JWHISKY707 t1_j13vo98 wrote
Looks really nice
BillyRayValentine983 t1_j13vq6z wrote
No, the garage is on the north side of Sansom. Still have to cross the street!
[deleted] t1_j13y7qe wrote
dotcom-jillionaire t1_j13yna5 wrote
PPP loans
shark_skin_suit t1_j140ph8 wrote
in the tradition of the Union League, will black people be allowed in?
shark_skin_suit t1_j140y0h wrote
>they aint wrong tho
jbphilly t1_j1413l3 wrote
>The Republican party is made of a lot of different wings.
And all of them happily fall in line behind fascists.
>The UL is more akin to fiscal conservative/constitutionalist type.
Yes, supporting the guy who spent four years shitting on the Constitution and tried to do a coup, very constitutionalist, much rule of law, wow.
>If Trump is running the Union league will side with his primary opponent.
And if (when) he wins the primary, they will go back to tacitly supporting him, just like they did before.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j141ezi wrote
Bro I don’t want to hear a peep about leadership from a place that hosted Trump in 2016, supported his re-election, and overall supports a political party that didn’t even put forward a platform at the last RNC.
gubmintbacon t1_j141kxc wrote
Used to go to their New Year’s Day thing because I knew a member—the free booze and food was nice but it definitely gave a vibe like they were in those Purge movies.
pasnow t1_j142arr wrote
Aritocrats. The movers & shakers of the city. The types who mingled with the Ed Rendells of the world. Alot of high end lawyers and political influencers and such.
pasnow t1_j142q2e wrote
love The Purge movies.
[deleted] t1_j143qgi wrote
Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j1449i6 wrote
I’ve been with a friend a few times. Honestly, it’s just not my kinda scene, from the minute you go in everyone is trying to sell you on becoming a member. The majority of it was sweaty 35 year old dudes making too many group trips to the bathroom and having way too many drinks for any normal adult on a Wednesday. Beautiful, but weird place imo.
[deleted] t1_j14787p wrote
Edison_Ruggles t1_j148jwc wrote
Are they really? or are they just washed up old lawyers?
JWHISKY707 t1_j148x9c wrote
Cause what. Philly is the meca of quality leadership and morals? Philly is corruption, bribe and money funneling free since forever.
So blinded by random party lines hate.
JWHISKY707 t1_j1494ja wrote
Didnt they host him in like 2016 right as he was elected and not a peep since?
pasnow t1_j149y8g wrote
Well, yeah, the 80 year old lawyer types who have offices in the 20th floor & up with their names on the firms name. Those types of lawyers. Sit in big oak chairs and everything. Haven't stood in a courtroom in 20-30 years.
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j14b7cr wrote
It's a social club for the Philly upper class. It's a mix of old money, rich businesspeople, social climbers etc. Definitely an older crowd but they have been trying to get young blood in the place. I know a couple people who are on the younger side that are members, but unsurprisingly they have that 'I'm better than you attitude' that comes with being a member as much as the older members. Only reason worth joining is because they own 4 (?) very nice golf courses in the area
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j14b7rn wrote
That’s not the point. Philly is a mess of poor leadership, but the GOP, and by extension, its supporters in the Union League are somehow even worse. They are complicit in behavior that is decidedly anti-democratic such as the Merrick Garland nomination at the end of Obama’s presidency, and of course, the response of the party to January 6th. They have no moral high ground to try and lecture anyone on how bad cities and the (mostly) Democrat leaders are.
Deckard_Macready t1_j14bgq9 wrote
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I was also wondering where the funding is coming from.
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j14biio wrote
It is a super nice spot but you're 100% right. They are very much trying to get a younger demographic in there, especially when clubs like Fitler and the Pyramid Club cater to those younger people, because they don't have the upper class arrogance associated with the Union League. I have 1 acquaintance (I use that term instead of friend because he's an arrogant jackass) that has asked me to join and the only reason I'd even consider it is for the golf
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j14c8xr wrote
Think the Duke brothers from Trading Places. And Winthorpe at the start of the movie
jbphilly t1_j14cemj wrote
How many of them did anything whatsoever to push back against him? Did the organization do anything at all to speak out against his corruption, racism, or authoritarianism? Did they stop supporting the party that he became the absolute leader of?
I'm gonna bet they didn't. Plus, just recently they did some event dickriding Desantis, who is every bit as bad and un-American as Trump.
JWHISKY707 t1_j14h8hs wrote
The Merrick Garland nomination was nothing outside the powers bestowed.
Just cause a president nominates someone doesn't mean they get a automatic in. Senators wield the power.
You might need a refresher.
Its hilarious you say that in the face of administration that is currently trying to push the boundaries of what the executive is allowed to do. While using its offices FDA, EPA, HHS, Etc. to enact laws and polices without the power of congress.
Biden knows before hand that stuff wont hold up in court but does it anyways to buy months on months then hose it up longer.
He does it cause the media and his party like the policies so the blowback is minimal on his side.
Acewrap t1_j14j5dm wrote
What if Trump wins the primary again, how soon would the Union League send him fawning invitations again?
DonQOnIce t1_j14o7eg wrote
Some weird downvotes in this comment section. Are there members swarming this post looking for the faintest whiff of criticism?
Then again, this sub is always kind of weird like this.
[deleted] t1_j14qo7t wrote
covercash t1_j14rlkt wrote
It’s a really nice old building, do we have to tear it down? Maybe just turn it into an arcade with laser tag?
jbs818 t1_j14vkao wrote
Lots of repubes with big bucks
jbs818 t1_j14vz9n wrote
They just honored DeSantis
DeltaNerd t1_j14w3sx wrote
We have rich people discussing business in Philly? Fun
Legitimate_Onion_653 t1_j14yqgy wrote
US Presidents have been known to stay there when in Philly.
[deleted] t1_j157np2 wrote
Away_Swimming_5757 t1_j15875d wrote
I've been awarded several scholarships that had receptions in the Union League. It was really nice inside and is pretty much just an upscale venue/ banquet hall with cool history and art work. Everyone was really nice and welcoming.
areapomeranian t1_j158udy wrote
If this blocks my sliver of sunlight, I just may have to run for mayor.
Dingerdongdick t1_j15bk9g wrote
Rich republican club
Dingerdongdick t1_j15cabp wrote
Also Clarence Thomas and Ron DeSantis.
allthingsparrot t1_j15f618 wrote
I think so, yes. Check out some other odd amount of downvotes.
Edit: I've seen this stuff go on for a very long time tbh. We see you mfers, we see you.
[deleted] t1_j15gspx wrote
[deleted] t1_j15h1a5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j15h805 wrote
[deleted] t1_j15hexg wrote
LiveFirstDieLater t1_j15o2wh wrote
When did the senate vote on Merrick Garland?
Refusing to hold hearings for almost 300 days is the definition of corruption
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j15opid wrote
The GOP created a “rule” and then completely ignored it so they were able to stack the court with conservative judges sympathetic to their agenda that also don’t even bother to hide their corruption. Totally unprecedented and totally antithetical to democracy. Executive branch power grabs are a problem but not exclusive to this administration and certainly not the same as the “win at all costs” motto of the current GOP. It’s no wonder we’re slowly backsliding into authoritarianism when half the county defends this bullshit.
starstar420 t1_j15p9td wrote
It's a huge sex club. It's full of people jerking themselves off and/or jerking other people off.
AbsentEmpire t1_j15vt4v wrote
Looks nice. I wonder what a "relaxed" dress code is to them?
[deleted] t1_j1613d8 wrote
uptown_gargoyle t1_j165rmx wrote
that would be fine too I guess, but if they want my $50 it'll need to be a water park
uptown_gargoyle t1_j166ad2 wrote
I think most of the funding came from all those ATMs that got blown up in summer of 2020
Marko_Ramius1 t1_j166i0b wrote
No tie. Maybe no jacket?
BillyRayValentine983 t1_j167w3j wrote
I presume it’s the same as the satellite facilities: jacket preferred but not required, dark denim is OK.
courageous_liquid t1_j169091 wrote
Fitler club is a giant piece of shit and pretends it's not arrogant but it is. Friend was a member and would take me to burn his monthly minimum. One time the front desk wouldn't let a chef getting off his shift in the elevator with us, even after I insisted, then got off and told him he could go first. Disgusting attitude.
[deleted] t1_j16cry3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j16dcq5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j16ncfo wrote
[deleted] t1_j16q9pm wrote
Phillyboishowdown t1_j179w2v wrote
I’m imagining that family guy clip whereChris chills with some dude named Rodgers Chapstick and Virgil MasterCard
Phillyboishowdown t1_j17c9do wrote
Just a giant Barcade with the rooftop bar
Jakdracula t1_j1kz12j wrote
Yup. I fucking hate the Fitler cub. Such ugly people. Quit after my first year.
courageous_liquid t1_j1kzkno wrote
Glad to hear it, it's disgusting all around
Jakdracula t1_j1ofskd wrote
Yup. Those pretentious, awful people make me wanna puke.
redeyeblink OP t1_j12i8p2 wrote
>What’s afoot at this august institution? The construction is all most of us will ever see of a $25 million investment in a rooftop restaurant with an expansive terrace, coming in 2023.
>The skyward growth is a sign of the 160-year-old Union League’s commitment to Center City in the pandemic era. The idea is to offer a more relaxed environment, where the club’s strict dress code can be modestly eased and give members a private place to dine outdoors downtown.
>“It shows a real faith in the city,” said Lee Hyden, principal at The H. Chambers Company, and lead architect on the project. “I wouldn’t call it modernizing, but it is contemporary. Staying with the times, keeping it relevant, so that they can stay in the city.”