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Big_Mitch_Baker t1_jeaj3g4 wrote

"How's the food?"

"It tastes different from person to person"


phadrus56 t1_jeajcs7 wrote

Great. Now I can never eat there again without thinking of this.


RasuldaDon t1_jeapyy7 wrote

Great place but crazy turnover rate No staff ever complains tho


TyperMcTyperson t1_jeasuwv wrote

I thought their secret ingredient was hatred and bigotry? Of course that's not really a secret.


Spartan2470 t1_jeauvzv wrote

Looks like soylent green's back on the menu, boys!


McPresh t1_jeavenv wrote

If that’s what it takes to make the Egg White Grill one of the best breakfast sandwiches out there, I say keep on doing what you’re doing.


jerechos t1_jeaw88t wrote

The complete staff experience...


Criticalhit_jk t1_jeb2krk wrote

"eat the rich" was a great plan, until it backfired... Badly


toothfairy1975 t1_jeb3zxm wrote

News reporter ten years in the future.... " and nobody suspected Jeff, manager of the local Chick Fil A even when he alluded to his crimes on the food outlet's information board"

"We thought he was just a wonderful guy... just a bit of a prankster" said one shocked.. but lucky to be alive..colleague.


gertalives t1_jeb43t7 wrote

I don’t buy this lazy argument of “oh well, everybody’s evil, who cares?” If I know one company actively contributes to anti-LGBT organizations and seeks to limit employee healthcare based on religious doctrine, why wouldn’t I choose another company that doesn’t?


isecore t1_jeb6m3a wrote

Soylent-fil-a is made of people!


acoolnooddood t1_jebfpen wrote

It's made from the ashes from the crematorium next door.


AnalogueRobot t1_jebougq wrote

Oh relax kids, I’ve got a gut feeling Üter’s around here somewhere…


eye_spi t1_jebsfti wrote

This franchise proudly owned and operated by Sweeney Todd.


Caledoni t1_jec4sed wrote

Wasn’t this the plot of a Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode?


call_sign_knife t1_jecdbiy wrote

It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters!


falsevector t1_jecee7o wrote

Then they put another sign. Hiring everyday!


Dabookadaniel t1_jecih9b wrote

Ive always felt like chic-fil-a employees seem like theyre being held hostage in some way. Now I know whats going on.


nolongerbanned99 t1_jecknyb wrote

Those crazy cannibals… never know where they’re going to show up.


VHZer0 t1_jecslxy wrote

Objectively the right take on the cooperate side. Each CFA is owned and operated fairly independently, so on the ground level it can vary wildly.

I worked for one that openly employed and supported a number of LGBTQ staff, celebrated pride month, and fired an employee for harassing one of the transmen working there on the spot. The owner of that restaurant is an absolute giga-chad and did a lot to make sure everyone felt supported. I saw him a few times and every time he showed up he was doing grunt work or introducing himself to any staff he didn't recognize. Not everything was perfect, but to this day it is the one fast food job I could say I enjoyed.

Everyone is completely within their right to not support CFA and IMO it's the right decision if you want to support LGBTQ right. His store is the only CFA I go to because of the culture he built from the top down.


BigMacNulty t1_jeczagv wrote

I used to work at this exact one. I recognize the store line up behind it


Zacpod t1_jeczv2t wrote

The secret ingredient is the bigotry!


Adm_Mitthrawnuruodo t1_jedbizy wrote

Does this mean there’s a chance that the hair in my sandwich won’t be from a head?


RunninWild17 t1_jedcro9 wrote

It's the desperation and unrelenting hopelessness that really ties the favors together


SidTheTimid t1_jeddty1 wrote

i thought chic fil a was against homosexuality


humblyhacking t1_jedfmne wrote

Only the ones that don’t get cured by shock therapy and gay conversion.


vibepods t1_jedkhb5 wrote

it’s really not that serious but I’ve always been curious why so many people spell it “chic”fil-a. cultural phenomenon!


stu8018 t1_jedkm10 wrote

Popeye's is way better than Bigotchicken anyway.


talkytalkerson t1_jee516r wrote

Why not? This marketing campaign worked for Jimmy Dean sausage.


Zacpod t1_jeextul wrote

That's true. It's also sad. It's exactly why Nestle gets away with using child slaves to harvest chocolate.

If more people voted with their dollars then corporations wouldn't act like assholes. But people don't care. "Whatever, yaya, child slavery, I don't give a fuck. Gimme chocolate!"