Submitted by Larrymentalboy t3_126s9ah in pics
awwletmesee t1_jeaj5j2 wrote
“team Members “
Interesting-Yak9639 t1_jeajams wrote
Soylent green is people!
phadrus56 t1_jeajcs7 wrote
Great. Now I can never eat there again without thinking of this.
drewhead118 t1_jealesv wrote
Great. Now I can finally enjoy dining at Chick Fil A
drewhead118 t1_jealnnn wrote
no one can cook food as good as family
mattchamp98 t1_jeam7j1 wrote
I love long pork
phadrus56 t1_jeamgmf wrote
drewhead118 t1_jeamn4t wrote
Chick Fil-A has the history that makes it more likely they'd debut Soylent: Rainbow
robbycakes t1_jeamtqk wrote
My pleasure
[deleted] t1_jeao9k1 wrote
ClothesOdd2973 t1_jeaokdo wrote
I would give you an award!
Unlucky-Pomegranate3 t1_jeaowf4 wrote
Actually pickle brine in all seriousness.
[deleted] t1_jeapxgt wrote
RasuldaDon t1_jeapyy7 wrote
Great place but crazy turnover rate No staff ever complains tho
Obi_Vayne_Kenobi t1_jeaqz0x wrote
"now hiring"
Important_Order5073 t1_jeare90 wrote
The Members are so tasty🤤
TyperMcTyperson t1_jeasuwv wrote
I thought their secret ingredient was hatred and bigotry? Of course that's not really a secret.
benp242 t1_jeatl4n wrote
Spartan2470 t1_jeauvzv wrote
Looks like soylent green's back on the menu, boys!
favnh2011 t1_jeav84p wrote
McPresh t1_jeavenv wrote
If that’s what it takes to make the Egg White Grill one of the best breakfast sandwiches out there, I say keep on doing what you’re doing.
DefrockedWizard1 t1_jeaw6jw wrote
Double Meat Palace
jerechos t1_jeaw88t wrote
The complete staff experience...
5m0k37r3353v3ryd4y t1_jeawm5w wrote
You can consider quitting a type of complaint though 😂 Complaint through action.
Of course employees aren’t complaining to customers, they’d be fired.
ialsoagree t1_jeax6h5 wrote
"Now hiring!"
lily_chicago t1_jeayota wrote
Tastes like chicken
[deleted] t1_jeazz6e wrote
AccordionORama t1_jeb0f7y wrote
Just the members?
AbeVigoda76 t1_jeb1xdh wrote
Chewy Chicken is people!
RoxyThePirateFoxYt t1_jeb27ig wrote
Oh my god
gertalives t1_jeb2ci9 wrote
Honestly, just fuck Chik Fil A. I can’t imagine spending money there, and it’s not like we’re hurting for alternatives.
ReptarOrgy t1_jeb2hbt wrote
Now hiring!
Criticalhit_jk t1_jeb2krk wrote
"eat the rich" was a great plan, until it backfired... Badly
Pootout t1_jeb2p5h wrote
Mandela Effect confirmed
[deleted] t1_jeb2s1h wrote
PhilosopherDon0001 t1_jeb3x03 wrote
They go great with fresh taste Soylent-cola
toothfairy1975 t1_jeb3zxm wrote
News reporter ten years in the future.... " and nobody suspected Jeff, manager of the local Chick Fil A even when he alluded to his crimes on the food outlet's information board"
"We thought he was just a wonderful guy... just a bit of a prankster" said one shocked.. but lucky to be alive..colleague.
gertalives t1_jeb43t7 wrote
I don’t buy this lazy argument of “oh well, everybody’s evil, who cares?” If I know one company actively contributes to anti-LGBT organizations and seeks to limit employee healthcare based on religious doctrine, why wouldn’t I choose another company that doesn’t?
N8saysburnitalldown t1_jeb4gq5 wrote
Taste like team spirit
[deleted] t1_jeb5i1m wrote
MarkG1 t1_jeb60ux wrote
It's semen obviously.
isecore t1_jeb6m3a wrote
Soylent-fil-a is made of people!
Ben_Pharten t1_jeb8z5l wrote
Closed Sunday
Nephantasia t1_jebb4xj wrote
No no, it's Hannibal
Corporation_tshirt t1_jebchal wrote
Two cannibals are sitting by the campfire. One says, I don't like my mother-in-law. The other one says, then just eat the vegetables.
x_h_w t1_jebct2o wrote
"Great food! This dish was made by Joe? "
"Better, it was MADE FROM JOE"
acoolnooddood t1_jebfpen wrote
It's made from the ashes from the crematorium next door.
olde_greg t1_jebikj1 wrote
Shia LaBeouf
AnalogueRobot t1_jebougq wrote
Oh relax kids, I’ve got a gut feeling Üter’s around here somewhere…
drooln92 t1_jebq7ls wrote
That's terrifying
Breaklance t1_jebqck0 wrote
I do wonder what their turnover rate is compared to other chains, because from my experience there's 10 chik fil a workers to every 1 McDonalds worker.
eye_spi t1_jebsfti wrote
This franchise proudly owned and operated by Sweeney Todd.
Gardakkan t1_jebvgbo wrote
So that's Frank's human-meat guy?
Lopsided_Control_577 t1_jec0q91 wrote
Mmmmm! Fryer guy... Chicken of the kitchen!
Caledoni t1_jec4sed wrote
Wasn’t this the plot of a Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode?
mezz7778 t1_jec6pz0 wrote
I can't wait to try the peeps flavor Soylent-Cola...
Sofarbeyondfucked t1_jec8miv wrote
Closed Sundays to restock at the local church
Berg0 t1_jec9a4n wrote
senorglory t1_jecbyat wrote
call_sign_knife t1_jecdbiy wrote
It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters!
falsevector t1_jecee7o wrote
Then they put another sign. Hiring everyday!
Dabookadaniel t1_jecih9b wrote
Ive always felt like chic-fil-a employees seem like theyre being held hostage in some way. Now I know whats going on.
Darkenbluelight t1_jecjw5g wrote
Darkenbluelight t1_jeck1le wrote
I'm fine with that lol
Inayaarime t1_jeck7yv wrote
Don't. It'll just end up in the food
nolongerbanned99 t1_jecknyb wrote
Those crazy cannibals… never know where they’re going to show up.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_jecnk6o wrote
Great place to work. But lots of turnover.
CarlJustCarl t1_jecovgv wrote
Explains why their always hiring
GALACTICA-Actual t1_jecq527 wrote
Correct you are.
VHZer0 t1_jecslxy wrote
Objectively the right take on the cooperate side. Each CFA is owned and operated fairly independently, so on the ground level it can vary wildly.
I worked for one that openly employed and supported a number of LGBTQ staff, celebrated pride month, and fired an employee for harassing one of the transmen working there on the spot. The owner of that restaurant is an absolute giga-chad and did a lot to make sure everyone felt supported. I saw him a few times and every time he showed up he was doing grunt work or introducing himself to any staff he didn't recognize. Not everything was perfect, but to this day it is the one fast food job I could say I enjoyed.
Everyone is completely within their right to not support CFA and IMO it's the right decision if you want to support LGBTQ right. His store is the only CFA I go to because of the culture he built from the top down.
bane_killgrind t1_jectddg wrote
Worst fries in Moncton.
BangkokPadang t1_jecujf3 wrote
Chokey Chicken Is People!!
balsadust t1_jecvkgl wrote
What's in that special sauce?
4brokeass t1_jecygzo wrote
Always hiring, apply today.
BigMacNulty t1_jeczagv wrote
I used to work at this exact one. I recognize the store line up behind it
RileyHolmes_06 t1_jeczgfw wrote
Nothing wrong with a little cannibalism.
Zacpod t1_jeczv2t wrote
The secret ingredient is the bigotry!
Nikonis99 t1_jed1i1b wrote
Soilent Green is people!!
TyperMcTyperson t1_jed2qek wrote
Corporate gets a portion of sales, so it's still funding their awfulness.
JamesScott1781 t1_jed5x0e wrote
Try the Priest
mrcssee t1_jed75br wrote
Temp jobs
Im_Doing_Better_Now t1_jed9l4e wrote
Just for reference, it's pickle brine
Adm_Mitthrawnuruodo t1_jedbizy wrote
Does this mean there’s a chance that the hair in my sandwich won’t be from a head?
RunninWild17 t1_jedcro9 wrote
It's the desperation and unrelenting hopelessness that really ties the favors together
SidTheTimid t1_jeddty1 wrote
i thought chic fil a was against homosexuality
ADMDEWEY t1_jedepjk wrote
low wages
humblyhacking t1_jedfmne wrote
Only the ones that don’t get cured by shock therapy and gay conversion.
kstinfo t1_jedhk2m wrote
ain't no secret
thee_beardo t1_jedjlbn wrote
Boneless children in the special sauce.
thee_beardo t1_jedjoc4 wrote
Boneless children
vibepods t1_jedkhb5 wrote
it’s really not that serious but I’ve always been curious why so many people spell it “chic”fil-a. cultural phenomenon!
stu8018 t1_jedkm10 wrote
Popeye's is way better than Bigotchicken anyway.
Tereboki t1_jedsi55 wrote
talkytalkerson t1_jee516r wrote
Why not? This marketing campaign worked for Jimmy Dean sausage.
MhJoBud t1_jeebvmq wrote
Most people don't give a fuck. It's fast food.
MhJoBud t1_jeebxj2 wrote
Eh the drive thru is fast as fuck boy and the food isn't bad.
MhJoBud t1_jeebzr4 wrote
Which they do at every single chick fila
[deleted] t1_jeenwww wrote
sistermarypolyesther t1_jeerowp wrote
Welp, at least the secret ingredient isn’t their team’s members.
BroadwayCatDad t1_jeewg4w wrote
I’m glad to see Armie Hammer getting work.
Zacpod t1_jeextul wrote
That's true. It's also sad. It's exactly why Nestle gets away with using child slaves to harvest chocolate.
If more people voted with their dollars then corporations wouldn't act like assholes. But people don't care. "Whatever, yaya, child slavery, I don't give a fuck. Gimme chocolate!"
Big_Mitch_Baker t1_jeaj3g4 wrote
"How's the food?"
"It tastes different from person to person"