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Just_Looking_Busy t1_j2a208f wrote

The Divine Chankla


the_colonelclink t1_j2bfrrk wrote

Actually, the artist called the piece “Put some clothes on, you little shit”.


Sparkcaller t1_j2bq0p9 wrote

The true divine weapon

if Cronos had a mom with a slipper, all of Greek Mythology might have turned a lot saner

Hell, if Zeus had a mom with a slipper, there wouldn't be monsters in Greek Mythology because Zeus will keep it in his pants in fear of the slipper


hadoopken t1_j2c9u0d wrote

Nah, Zeus will probably fuck one and created Slippertaur


AdSweaty8557 t1_j2d0m8b wrote

Nothing is new under the sun, people’s mommas have been beating ass for ages


Supremetacoleader t1_j2a37oa wrote

Dude's like "don't mind me while you beat our kid, I'm busy with my birb"


gahidus t1_j2cmmrf wrote

If you see a Greek deity doing absolutely any kind of bullshit, you ignore it and you hope they don't notice you.

When it comes to dealing with Olympians, the only winning move is not to play.


oreduckian t1_j2aqypo wrote

Pretty sure it’s a mortal so probably just trippin


jaredtrp t1_j2dxi7a wrote

"Can I offer you a bird in this trying time?"


SumerianProgRocker t1_j2a1w5w wrote

Some traditions never change!


sumpuran t1_j2acmy8 wrote

Luckily, in the past few decades, it has changed in quite a few countries. Corporal punishment is not as common as it once was.


[deleted] t1_j2anjn9 wrote



Titan_Explorer t1_j2anx3j wrote

Honestly, your attitude to upbringing is the more detrimental factor to humanity.


pm_your_perky_bits t1_j2avwn3 wrote

You're welcome to your opinion. I was a child once, also.


NightlyNate t1_j2bxhmg wrote

How is beatings a detriment to society? I don't see how not using tools of slave owners are detrimental?

Edit: I meant not using beatings aren't a detriment to society.


pm_your_perky_bits t1_j2bxq52 wrote

Don't conflate "beating" with "discipline". You should never beat your children. For real, never.


NightlyNate t1_j2byrda wrote

Is this sarcasm? Your comment said otherwise.


legochemgrad t1_j2bg1h1 wrote

Tons of studies have shown that physical punishment is detrimental to childhood development and typically leaves mental scars. If you’ve ever had anger issues it’s likely caused by the fact that you saw your parents use that on you.


pm_your_perky_bits t1_j2btpkv wrote

Studies performed, especially in social sciences, have always heavily leaned towards the biases of the person/s conducting the study. Everyone has their own perspectives. I, as well as many others throughout history, just happen to disagree with yours.


NightlyNate t1_j2bwvc2 wrote

Well... that's why they aren't published in reputable journals. They also usually have evidence.


legochemgrad t1_j2byjno wrote

I mean are you actually happy with being beat or are you just justifying it because you love you parents? If you dig down, I think you’d realize that beating kids only makes them into angry adults. Do you have as much emotional reserves as you want or treat people as well as you wish you were treated? Can you honestly be there for someone without flying into a rage on their behalf?


pm_your_perky_bits t1_j2c01rn wrote

Considering that I'm a grown man, I have the hindsight to understand that I have never been beaten by my parents, who are long dead.

Did I experience physical discipline as a child? Absolutely. I learned incredibly valuable lessons that I will never forget.

The world at large has caused much more irreparable damage to me, primarily due to my resistance of my parents attempts to teach me how to conduct myself in a proper manner in a cruel, unforgiving society.

I regret nothing other than taking so long to accept discipline and instructions from two parents who wished nothing more than for me to excel in this harsh environment. I miss them dearly.


legochemgrad t1_j2c19wk wrote

I’m also a grown man that went through years of therapy to be in the place I want to be. Do I understand what my parents were trying to do? Yes. Did it actually help me get anywhere faster? No.

Life pushed me and then my own work on self improvement got me there. And that self improvement doesn’t depend on getting abused. You’re clinging to old ways and bad parenting. Good parents can teach without pain. Good parents have their own trauma under control.

I’m sorry that your parents are dead and that you’re grieving them but grief doesn’t mean that they were right.


pm_your_perky_bits t1_j2c4kz4 wrote

I am going to respectfully to disagree with you. I am happy for you that you were able to find a way to make breakthroughs that got you out of whatever abuse you may have endured that brought you to where you are now. Not everyone is willing, or able, to get there. I can't, nor would it be prudent or reasonable, for me to imagine how difficult that must have been.

I appreciate your condolences regarding my parents. However, I never, and still don't, feel like I was abused. Were they perfect? Of course not, and I would be remiss to assume that anyone is capable of it. Therefore, I can not, nor will I, accept any claims of bad parenting. You piss with the cock you've got.

Regardless, I very much enjoyed our interactions this evening. Thanks for the insight.


Joseluki t1_j2a547o wrote

El ataque de la chancla.


Safkhet t1_j2a69ln wrote

To paraphrase Thomas Moore...

> She said, “My infant, if so much

> Thou feel the little slipper’s touch,

> How must the heart, ah, Eros! be,

> The hapless heart that’s stung by thee!”


pabo81 t1_j2al76y wrote

Chancla: Origins


reallydissthis t1_j2a89uj wrote

Now I know where my mom got this idea


AtotheZed t1_j2bmwow wrote

I thought my mom invented this move. Turns out it's cultural...


MathPower t1_j2aoh7a wrote

I can't find a good source if this is real or not. Someone else?


tommytraddles t1_j2dkeyr wrote

Yes, it's a real Athenian hydria and can be seen at the Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen (Arch. Inst., E114. BAPD 2724).

It is attributed to the manner of the Meidias painter, and dates to ca. 420–410 BCE.

The image of Aphrodite threatening her child with a sandal became common in later art, including Roman.

There's a good article on the subject of corporal punishment with sandals in ancient Athens available at:


[deleted] t1_j2asj9k wrote



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AlbRod t1_j2biax0 wrote

My I’m from Puerto Rico, my moms is dominican and this give me Ptsd


naunga t1_j2cd9tr wrote

I got a Cuban mom. I’m here for you primo.


AlbRod t1_j2dhc31 wrote

Thanks primo, I’m here as well


wrextnight t1_j2a5tg6 wrote

Woman attempting to maintaining a monopoly on love, circa 360 BCE.


FreddiePeterson t1_j2b42f3 wrote

Anybody got them mothers that would hit you with a shoe? My mother was like Clint Eastwood with a shoe.

"Why did you eat that ice cream off the floor?"

"I didn't, I just..."

🔫🔫👡 "Aaaaagh!!"


  • Eddie Murphy, Delirious

tomassino t1_j2alrpq wrote

The immemorial terror of the chancla.


Dwestmor1007 t1_j2c032j wrote

The flip flop. A deadly weapon of moms everywhere for thousands of years.


Zombebe t1_j2bu0cu wrote

"I will send you to Jezeus" /stevenhe


IMovedYourCheese t1_j2bxfxl wrote

Doesn’t matter which country, culture, time period you are in. Mothers smacking their kids with footwear is a universal experience.


Artistic_Sorbet7746 t1_j2corsw wrote

Classic Greek mother, anything within reach was always fair game to be used as an ass whoopin device lol. I should know lol. Once I told my mother that I was going to call CPS and she looked me dead in the eyes and said “go ahead and see if you can make it to the phone” LOL


Mldavis22 t1_j2a2hlf wrote

The old gods were ghetto


MistressErinPaid t1_j2b1bgh wrote

You ever cared for divine kids? You can't tell'em shit! They're all "yOu CaN't TeLl Me WhAt To Do! I'm A gOd!"

I see you, sis! Beat that boy's ass with your shoe! That's a time-honored tradition.


gregyo t1_j2bc5t5 wrote

Celebrities really are just like us!


rigsta t1_j2deojx wrote

Pictured: The least fucked-up thing the Greek Pantheon ever did.


JulPollitt t1_j2a6bcc wrote

isnt it weird how much your dick stings when abuelita smacks it with a chancleta. Amirite??


ktigaris t1_j2b90ue wrote

Children being disciplined by mom since the beginning of time


tocamix90 t1_j2bccuz wrote

Even the gods participated in casual child abuse.


Holdem88 t1_j2c9p7p wrote

Fear “ La Chancla “ always..No more mommy.


xGenocidest t1_j2bb4fq wrote

New weapon in the next God of War. Aphrodite's Chankla.


elparque t1_j2bybkv wrote

Aphrodite is a Mexican, TIL


R4gn4_r0k t1_j2capst wrote

Never knew Aphrodite was Mexican.


broadsharp2 t1_j2ap8bk wrote

Now I know where my mother learned it from.


orion_re t1_j2azqmb wrote

Huh, didn't know she was mexican!


ccblr06 t1_j2azrrv wrote

Beat his muthafuckin asss


llufnam t1_j2b0kut wrote

“Why I oughta…”


Phiction2 t1_j2b3m7g wrote

He must have looked at her wrong. Their are stories of her making a smoking hole in the ground of you for giving her any lip. She don’t play.


BaraEditz t1_j2b6lci wrote

Greta beats Andrew


elizabeth498 t1_j2bbnir wrote

Fucking chanklas… I hate this trope.


nodice4u t1_j2brr68 wrote

The chancla! 🩴


david4069 t1_j2clulp wrote

First documented Erotic spanking?


mayudhon t1_j2d24rq wrote

Asians and Latins: I took it seriously


bewarethetreebadger t1_j2do7rc wrote

Reminds me of “I used to think what is wrong with that woman? But now that I’m a parent I think, what did that shitty kid do to that poor woman?!”


tei187 t1_j2dopug wrote

And where were the social services again?


Dredre2 t1_j2dqyh4 wrote

Reminds me of my childhood and the chancla 🩴


Donna_N t1_j2dumtr wrote

Viva la chancla!!


311heaven t1_j2ahr02 wrote

Dammmn, La Chancla pre dates Christ!


Frank_Hayden t1_j2avd8y wrote

Proof Brazilian moms are Greek


HendrikGargano t1_j2azjdm wrote

Deserved based on what he did to Nico


Dynasty1k t1_j2b3sta wrote

Lore for The Chancla!


flying_cofin t1_j2b7cow wrote

Whooping ass by moms transcends time and space! 😅


Double-Presence-2910 t1_j2b9l05 wrote

Bro, us kiwis, samoans, maoris and tongans know that this the strongest weapon in the world wielded by our mothers. But it's a jandal for us not a slipper 😅


emirsolinno t1_j2bd87m wrote

“What did I tell you about spying on people young man?!”


OokiiStaR t1_j2bfh1q wrote

Early chancla tales


MoreCanadianBacon t1_j2bkq8y wrote

It’s spelt Toronto


Pival81 t1_j2e1a8k wrote

Considering that Taranto is a city in the Apulia region of Italy, and is part of Magna Graecia, which is a region of Southern Italy that used to (and still does today) have a big cultural impact by Ancient Greece, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that no, it's not spelt Toronto.

You're probably just joking, but I felt I had to say something, being that I'm from around there.


Strangelet1 t1_j2blnph wrote

He messed up so bad, she ripped her leg off to get that shoe


spoon_shaped_spoon t1_j2bskcp wrote

I prefer the "Poseidon with Jumper Cables" at the Louvre.


MTN_Dewit t1_j2bwwup wrote

Her beating is light compared to what Kratos will do


claystone t1_j2bx375 wrote

hey she just like me


BisquickNinja t1_j2bx7uw wrote

Hephaestus: A fearful blessing to future children... Beware of the Weapon Chancla of the Gods! It is fearful and mighty!


tucci007 t1_j2c1zxh wrote

who is the guy flipping her the bird?

she is undeterred


Investigatorpotater t1_j2c8d2w wrote

"just because you're royalty doesn't mean I won't Woop ya."


Medit8or t1_j2cb011 wrote

Eros, that little shit. Always getting humans into trouble


STGItsMe t1_j2ckbir wrote

Chancla game strong in Ancient Greece.


iamcorrupt t1_j2cp5jx wrote

Mama's chankla the oldest form of child abuse.....well one of the oldest.


kulfimanreturns t1_j2cxbmh wrote

For Punjabis this is origin of the Chittar 😄


Top_Ambassador6394 t1_j2cxn06 wrote

I can hear it in the painting... Didn't I Tell you not to...


gnomzy123 t1_j2d0eo5 wrote

TIL Aphrodite was Asian


NeilG_93 t1_j2dkgfb wrote

My dad had deadly aim with that. My mom was more of a barehand/ruler person.


AKS-04 t1_j2duqj7 wrote

Every Indian Mom ! 🫣


abudine77 t1_j2dz4tx wrote

And look what happened to that folks


omardacatapilla t1_j2e5fmj wrote

Shahataaaaaa!!!! As my Arabic father would say as he was finding a slipper to whoop me with


Ken-Wing-Jitsu t1_j2bk8sg wrote

I call BS. How do you beat a child that has wings?

Unrealistic imo. He would just fly away.


JustinRandoh t1_j2aiioy wrote

It's pronounced "Torono"!


420fmx t1_j2batsb wrote

Good to know women have been physically hitting children since the dawn of time to keep them in line , the archetype of domestic violence ✅


UB_edumikated t1_j2az2sk wrote

When parents could be parents... And not state vilified caretakers.
