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EvetsYenoham t1_iuftq11 wrote

I can’t imagine letting politics run my life.


BonnieIndigo t1_iuftvxn wrote

How lucky for you that you can conceive of a life in which politics don’t govern your ability to obtain services or healthcare.


CDewfus t1_iufwthc wrote

Or get married. Or even hold hands.


EvetsYenoham t1_iufzm0w wrote

Where can’t you hold hands with someone?


xWhiteRavenx t1_iug6qzr wrote

69 countries have laws against homosexuality and many of those offenses can be subject to the death penalty. In the US, there are cities in the Deep South (and some in rural PA), that would make you a target if you hold hands with someone of the same sex. And now, there’s been an uptick in homophobic hate crimes, while a member of the supreme court (and many anti-gay politicians) have called for a repeal of gay marriage and a reversal of many laws protecting gays in the US. I get that some issues shouldn’t be worth dictating your life, but others are actual life-or-death issues for many of us.


EvetsYenoham t1_iug8zzc wrote

I thought we were talking in Pittsburgh sub…maybe don’t visit those places? I bet a ton of women aren’t flocking to Iran to go sight-seeing…


xWhiteRavenx t1_iug936j wrote

My point is it can easily happen in Pittsburgh…


CDewfus t1_iujrw4s wrote

Maybe not as easily, because trump types seem really scared of cities. Until they get a license to kill.


Cl1mh4224rd t1_iugvelw wrote

>I thought we were talking in Pittsburgh...

Pittsburgh is the only place where politics don't matter? Hmm...


djn24 t1_iug84zp wrote

Or where politics encourages hate crimes against their place of worship or in their neighborhood.

Dude reeks of privilege and still doesn't get it in 2022.


EvetsYenoham t1_iufz4bp wrote

I guess lucky me. You truly believe it matters and it doesn’t. Either party could care less about either of us.


BonnieIndigo t1_iug0330 wrote

One of them will let me govern my own body. The other one won’t.

No way do I think the Democrats are the world’s best political organization. But they’re leaps and bounds ahead of Christofascists.


EvetsYenoham t1_iug299v wrote

As soon as you start saying shit like “christofascists” I just stop listening. And I don’t follow party politics so it’s not personal for me. You could say “libtards” and I stop listening just the same.


BonnieIndigo t1_iug2hnx wrote

I mean, you weren’t listening to start with, and you are clearly so privileged that none of this stuff that affects non-white-males matters a jot to you. Your apathy hurts everyone. But you do you. I’m sure you sleep well at night.


EvetsYenoham t1_iug3j6w wrote

You think I’m insensitive etc but I’m not. I simply don’t allow politics to guide my life and be the basis of how i judge people’s character. Why is that hard for you to understand? Why do you go about judging me? I do sleep fairly well at night.


chad4359 t1_iugks98 wrote

I stopped listening as soon as privilege was brought up, what a wild thread this is lol


djn24 t1_iug7xes wrote

Let me guess: white, straight male, probably middle class and not part of a religious group that is frequently targeted by hate groups?

This is what privilege looks like, buddy.


EvetsYenoham t1_iug984s wrote

Yeah, pretty much. Again, do any of those things change depending on who you vote for? Don’t confuse what I said with some hateful thing. I just don’t pay attention to politics. Not because I don’t care but because I know it doesn’t matter whether I care.


djn24 t1_iug9xhn wrote

But it does matter.

That is what privilege is. You haven't been personally affected, as far as you know, by politics or society at large, because you are not part of a disenfranchised group. You have the privilege of not knowing what it is like for others.

Your right to be married isn't on the ballot (non-cis/non-heterosexual people).

Your access to a standard medical procedure isn't on the ballot (women).

Politicians across the country aren't running on the position that you don't deserve to exist (transgender individuals).

Politicians across the country don't openly court the support of and embolden the hatred of groups that wish you were dead (Jews and blacks right now, but others as well).


You say it doesn't matter because it hasn't caused you personal pain yet. But you live in a city full of people that are constantly harmed by politics. And it just so happens that almost all of that harm is caused by individuals of the same political party.

And to answer your first question: yes, who you vote for does matter for all of this. Do not give power to the people that campaign on pushing policies that will actively harm groups of people or who court the support of, and therefore embolden, hate groups.

In 2022, a vote for a Republican is a vote to harm women's rights and autonomy in America, to further villainize one of the most marginalized communities in our society (transgender individuals), and give a rubber stamp of approval to people that campaigned with dog whistles galore about how Jews, Muslims and black people are evil and the cause of many of the problems in our society.

Not only does giving power to these individuals give them the opportunity to pass laws that will harm these groups, but it also tells the world that we are a country that supports harming these individuals.


potato_witch t1_iug361g wrote

I’m guessing you don’t have a uterus. I’d LOVE to not let politics run my life.


EvetsYenoham t1_iug49wy wrote

I don’t have a uterus. There is that. I will never have that perspective. That’s why I don’t really comment on that topic. I don’t see it as my place to comment. In my world, men wouldn’t be able to make decisions about women’s bodies. I mean there is the very rare case where the man wants to keep and the lady doesn’t, which in my world, is a real pickle, but otherwise men should not get to decide one way or the other. Only women get to vote on that one.


potato_witch t1_iugfobg wrote

But voting for or supporting a politician IS voting/supporting for wether you believe women should be able to make decisions about their body or not. I chose to support businesses that support a woman’s right to healthcare and bodily autonomy.


Cl1mh4224rd t1_iugw3n2 wrote

>I don’t see it as my place to comment.

And yet you go on to do just that, here on Reddit. But you won't "comment" on it when it comes time to vote?

You coward.


critzboombah t1_iufxy85 wrote

Check your privileges guy.

A little perspective goes a long way.


EvetsYenoham t1_iug1yq4 wrote

Ok bud. I’ll go right ahead check all of my privileges. Does a lot of perspective go a long way? Your perspective has enlightened you hasn’t it?