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ace_account456 t1_itq4yuv wrote

This is going to be an ableist shitshow. Oz has no real positions other than the bizzare obsession with fetterman's recovery, so I predict he's just going to try to catch fetterman stuttering on live TV and use it against him. I understand why fetterman had to agree to it, but I don't think this debate will benefit anyone. Every sane Pennsylvanian already knows fetterman is the far better candidate. The nutjobs aren't changing their minds.


jmb-412 t1_itqwgpw wrote

> but I don't think this debate will benefit anyone. Every sane Pennsylvanian already knows fetterman is the far better candidate

If Fetterman really struggles I could definitely see some people changing their mind. This race is way closer than it should be. Weeks ago Fetterman was up by 4+ in most polls and now he's around 1-2%. I wouldn't be shocked to see multiple people vote Oz/Shapiro for their ballot.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_itryjey wrote

Fetterman was up by 10 points a month ago. His collapse has been staggering.


JAK3CAL t1_itr5hyc wrote

That would likely change my mind. I wouldn’t go vote for oz; I’d just not vote


MrLegilimens t1_itr7bw9 wrote

Can you explain why? Do you not know that he would receive a large budget for hiring staff; staff whose job it is to actually write policy, write speeches, research policy, figure out what’s good for PA?

A vote is just a vote of who you trust to hire the right people. Don’t need to be able to not stutter to do that.


burritoace t1_itr6j2r wrote

Please feel free to not vote


JAK3CAL t1_itrhb1x wrote

Thanks burritoace! Democracy at hand lol


burritoace t1_its47fi wrote

No problem, choosing not to vote for a politician that will only harm it would reflect a real democratic impulse on your part


JAK3CAL t1_itsnthe wrote

I’m watching the debate right now, and I’ll be honest man.. this is absolutely tipping me away. The fracking thing… an issue I’m passionate about. Dude have some balls wtf


burritoace t1_itsoast wrote

He's not great on that which is why I didn't select him in the primary. But of course Oz is far worse so not sure what you're thinking here


JAK3CAL t1_itsolki wrote

I never said I was voting for Oz. I would have liked John to even acknowledge he’s changed stances. What the heck was that


burritoace t1_itsowt8 wrote

You've only got two options on this - bad and worse. Opting out is the latter


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itqkr8d wrote

I don't think Oz will call out Fetterman if he's struggling. Oz knows he has the advantage not just because John is recovering but because Oz has been a TV showman for decades. He'll let John's performance be whatever it'll be. He just has to play the part of the guy everyone would like if they don't know any better, much like him pushing miracle cures.


throwaway01002030405 t1_itqop0o wrote

I don’t know if he’s smart enough to not attack, frankly. And the right actually seem to like when their candidates display viciousness


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itr9s8v wrote

Yeah but Oz already has all those kind of voters from the right. Tonight and the next two weeks is all about getting the votes of the people who don't follow politics until the night before the election or right about now, the ones that aren't sure because they're not dedicated to the left or right. There's a lot of people like this.


BmoresFnst t1_itr62zy wrote

Oz will likely pressure him. Rapid fire responses and maybe bring something up waaaay out of left field to catch him off guard. He doesn’t need to harp on Fetterman having an actual stroke. He will aim to ruin the flow Fetterman will spend days perfecting before the debate. As a cardiovascular surgeon/physician, he knows what the stages of recovery from a stroke look like and will expose this disability. Loss of the ability to act and think quickly despite preservation of the ability to complete complex decisions and thoughts will be what Fettermans functionality boils down to and maybe the debate. Fetterman will try to talk issues. Oz will likely deflect as he has no clue what the real issues are in PA. I don’t think we need more than one debate with these guys.


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itra9d1 wrote

Oh Oz will definitely push to get Fetterman flustered and looking bad. He just won't point it out and say things like "See, John is not in good health". He'll leave that for the undecided voters to see and to be told by every GOP spokesperson over the next two weeks.


BmoresFnst t1_itrdo8x wrote

Exactly. Such a shame. In a perfect world, politics would be set aside and a physician should care about the well being of his colleagues, even if in opposition. It’d actually work Oz’s his favor if he showed concern instead of mocking (even if by proxy).


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itrnrim wrote

Don't be surprised if it does show concern tonight but for obvious reasons. "John, as a doctor I know you need to get rest, take care of yourself and not take on this stressful job as a US senator" I think thats the only way Oz will bring up John's health, in a back handed way like that


BmoresFnst t1_itsdr46 wrote

Can’t exactly see that but we shall see in t minus 45


tdarg t1_itqye02 wrote

Oz probably won't call it out personally because...well, its abhorrent. Leave the dirty work to the RNC/superPACs the next day.


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itr9z2t wrote

That's definitely what's going to happen....except starting the next minute after the debate.


482Edizu t1_itqxqd7 wrote

The irony with the nut jobs is those same people bashed Obama with the “not an American citizen” conspiracy theory and that he was “going to make this country a bunch of Muslims and rule under Sharia law”. Meanwhile Oz is from Turkey and a Muslim.


Icy_Photograph412 t1_itr1ayt wrote

It's wild that the GOP calls OZ a moderate when he wants to force 12 year olds to have their rapist child and thinks healthcare providers should go to jail for murder


ZealousParsnip t1_itqjyfa wrote

I don't think it will take much trying to catch Fetterman struggling. He's going to struggle with this and I wouldn't be surprised if it costs him the election


InHoc12 t1_itr86t9 wrote

It’s pretty reasonable to not want to vote into office someone who is physically unable to do the job. Being a senator requires a lot of work and travel and I think considering he’s 6 months removed from a stroke it’s reasonable for people to be concerned.

I won’t vote Oz anyhow, but the “every sane Pennsyvannian already knows Fetterman is the far better candidate,” or , “bizzare obsession with Fetterman’s recovery,” are pretty obnoxious takes. It’s definitely relevant that Fetterman is healthy enough to stand up and articulate his positions.


NyquillusDillwad20 t1_itw276l wrote

You're on Reddit. This is where you find some of the more extreme progressive takes. Especially on a subreddit of a liberal city. The fact that some of these anti-Fetterman posts are getting upvoted should tell you a lot about how this race is playing out.