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NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2md2qy wrote

Shout out to all of the delivery drivers who keep turning down good gigs cause you think the neighborhood is bad. Thanks! Keep it up!


Eubadom t1_j2mdspu wrote

What does this mean exactly?


Beneficial_Ad_9175 t1_j2mk644 wrote

I do this every single day. I’m not coming anywhere near the river and some other neighbourhoods because of the rude people, dangerous situations I’ve witnessed there, the times I’ve been intimidated by strangers and how you get shouted at by just about anyone because of them having a miserable life. Generally the tips there are worse as well so it doesn’t benefit me to even go there because as soon as I get off that order all the shitty tipped KFC, McDonalds and Chinese food orders keep coming up and ruining my accessibility rate on certain apps. Then I have to take the time to drive back to the place where I do get reasonable tips.


1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j2mn3db wrote

It's wrong that all these companies won't allow drivers in their own vehicles to carry firearms for defense. I'm not saying it would have helped Christina, maybe it would have maybe not. But driver safety and security needs to be prioritized and the way to do that is to let drivers choose what that looks like for them.


Egraypgh t1_j2mnlkw wrote

This is not a new thing. When I delivered pizza in college was over a decade ago We had streets in neighborhoods we would not service we would service the Mexican war streets but not go to Allendale Street because someone shot two pizza men in the same year on that street. On the same block if I remember correctly.


woodcuttersDaughter t1_j2mqirk wrote

I did a shop and deliver of a single rice crispy treat to Beltzhoover. It was 1.5 miles for $7.50, so I didn’t think twice until I got near the drop off and then to the residence. I started to question who orders a single rice crispy treat without an ulterior motive? Nothing happened and they tipped me. I guess sometimes you just want a rice crispy treat and you just happen to live in a not so great neighborhood.


PghCreep t1_j2msdjd wrote

Juanita St isn’t a terrible place to deliver to.


Zeppelin7321 t1_j2msu7e wrote

So would you have accepted it if that upfront estimate for this double order was $10? No, I don't think so. You got lucky with a good paying order and a generous tipper. Location has nothing to do with it.


caseyjohnsonwv t1_j2naoms wrote

Tbh with that kind of distance on a stacked order, I'd be leary of taking it regardless of where it's going. $32 for a trip that could take 30 minutes or 90 minutes depending on traffic.


Disastrous_Swimmer17 t1_j2nnrcz wrote

it may seem like it is unfair and awful, but the statistics do not lie. NO one has to risk their life to deliver to an area known for robbery and murder of service people.We post in r/antiwork about unethical and dangerous employers. Well the same goes for neighborhoods and dangerous situations. The reputation has been earned.


CARLEtheCamry t1_j2npqwr wrote

Even out in the suburbs it's a thing. I also drove in college in the North Fayette/Robinson area and we had blacklisted addresses and whole housing plans for driver's safety.

You've got someone showing up alone with food and at minimum some cash on them to make change, it's an easy target


JamesKLOLk t1_j2nqea5 wrote

OP made $61 delivering from 2 restaurants in Monroeville to 2 different locations in Wilkinsburg and Swissvale. This is ubereats and they’ve started doing a “bidding” system on orders. Normally ubereats (the app) makes out like bandits because they will charge the customer one price and normally find a driver for a lower price. For instance, if they charge the customer $20 for an order they might start asking drivers to accept the order at $5, then if no one accepts it they’ll up it to $6. In this instance not a lot of drivers were delivering to Wilkinsburg (according to op) the trip ended up being $30 with a $30 tip on top (from 2 different customers).


GargantuanWitch t1_j2nzuwi wrote

You're a gig worker commenting about the exact conditions that allow you to make a wage, and you feel bad - but not that bad - about it?

If you're not cool with the possibility of race dictating how quickly someone's pizza is delivered, then maybe don't deliver pizza?


GargantuanWitch t1_j2o0a1e wrote

I drove in high school and my place refused to deliver to anywhere that wasn't a hotel front desk. No homes, no businesses, nothing other than the 5-ish hotels in the area. Best delivery gig ever, because they were all within eyeshot of each other, gas was cheap at the time, and people on vacation tip well.


1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j2pc9pe wrote

If it's found out that a driver is carrying on the job, they will let them go. Let's say the driver is just sloppy at concealing it and a gunphobic passenger happens to catch a glimpse of it and reports the driver or worse is triggered by it and says they were threatened by the driver when they weren't. The company will let the driver go because drivers having guns is against their ToS. It's not unfathomable, and while it should be a clear cut court case ruling in favor of the driver's 2A rights their policies unfortunately has been allowed to fly.


NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2qj44b wrote

Exactly that. I would have been happy to do that trip for $30.

There are two reason why this was a $60 trip. 1) because other drivers turned it down, so UE kept piling on incentives till I got and accepted the offer. 2) both customers were just so thrilled with actually getting good service that they both made an emotional decision to increase my tip.

I'm being heavily sarcastic when I ask them to keep it up. I'll take and enjoy the money in the mean time. But I'd like it better if everyone could count on basic service without having to borrow from the rent or utility money to cover it.


NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2qkuok wrote

See, I don't know every street. I don't think any driver does. I get offers from Saltsburg to Finleyville and from Cranberry to Smithfield. Nobody can know all of those streets by name.

When I decide whether to take an offer or not, I see the restaurant and maybe which street and the general area for delivery. They tell me the miles from where I am to the last drop and estimated time to do it.

I make my decision based on that. A whole lot of drivers will reject an offer bc the customer lives in a neighborhood that has been in the papers.

Please don't do that cause it puts a burden on people who live in those neighborhoods. But, as long as you do, I'll be making bank.

That's all I was trying to say.


NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2qlttd wrote

$10? No. Because it was more than 10 miles. I accepted it for $30, which would be enough. I would have been happy with that.

But there is a misbelief that people who live in poorer neighborhoods don't tip and that it's dangerous to go put some food on their porch for them.

That's not true. Neither thing is true. I do it all the time.


NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2vvkiw wrote

No... I'm critical of others (driver or not) who are so irrationally scared of poor and well tanned people that they turn down decent offers.

They won't employ these people, approve loans for them, shop in their neighborhood stores. They won't even allow them to move around freely without harassment, demand that our KKKops quit killing them and falsely imprisoning them, etc. They won't spring for infrastructure or decent schools, only more KKKops.

But, so long as these attitudes persist, I'll keep on taking advantage of the situation. So THANKS, bigots! Keep redlining those certain neighborhoods. All the more for the rest of us.

Btw, I checked the detail of that offer. It was 9 miles. But it was 6:30PM. So I probably would have taken it for $15, definitely $20. It wound up taking 50 min, so I'd have been disappointed if it were only $15.
