Submitted by theovertalker t3_10qrsjv in providence
Status_Silver_5114 t1_j6rncc3 wrote
The Exeter houses with Trump signs don’t work well with their black and white color scheme.
kbd77 t1_j6rp20k wrote
And God forbid any wealthy Boston ex-pat has to live somewhere that has a [gasp] bus line!
DCLexiLou t1_j6rqbt8 wrote
Barrington has a bus line and I used to take it every day to work at Textron.
XJadaxBaby69X t1_j6rqh0s wrote
This is quite funny. Way to represent Providence 🤣
SideBarParty t1_j6rsa9d wrote
That room is incredibly White.
They couldn't have even gotten a token minority guy from outside the business to come in for the photo?
theovertalker OP t1_j6rw8u8 wrote
White people for white neighborhoods.
kbd77 t1_j6rxy8y wrote
I know, it was a joke about how this real estate agency is very overtly targeting a "certain demographic"
Vantadvst t1_j6rywbp wrote
Lol. These fuckers sold my apartment to a guy who’s now pushing us out. Real stand up folks.
psy-ducks t1_j6rzees wrote
As an East Bay resident, Boston can keep them.
leavingthecold t1_j6s0p4t wrote
Naw , might have scared of potential clients lol.
Easywind42 t1_j6s2g84 wrote
Looking mostly white to me
karnim t1_j6s387f wrote
Looks like one of the guys is Italian. Probably close enough for them.
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j6s4fgk wrote
I think the lack of diversity, especially black people, is industry wide in real estate. Don't have time to find it but the NY Times did a piece on it like a week ago.
[deleted] t1_j6s8h1h wrote
huron9000 t1_j6sakmr wrote
From the Ritz to the Waldorf, we’ve got the whole city covered!
ScatmanJohnMcEnroe t1_j6sbqkx wrote
black and on white
is_missing t1_j6sc1uy wrote
you could so easily just not say anything if you don’t want to be rude
EagerToLearnMore t1_j6scg3f wrote
But they’re all wearing black clothes. That counts, right?
[deleted] t1_j6sda9h wrote
allhailthehale t1_j6sg1ic wrote
"I don't want to be RUDE, but I simply MUST poke my nose in to point out that as a renter you don't have a say in this! I'm SURE you weren't aware so I wanted to clear it up for you."
allhailthehale t1_j6shavd wrote
Can't wait to get all of the least interesting people Boston has to offer....
Vilenesko t1_j6shvim wrote
“You’re a pleb, you know that right? Just wanted make sure. Filthy peasant, FYI.”
allhailthehale t1_j6si3xs wrote
"I mean, someone has to tell these people how poor they are, or how would they be able to better themselves?"
ncastleJC t1_j6t5929 wrote
I’m sitting in Plant City right across their building 😂
[deleted] t1_j6t5g01 wrote
xenolingual t1_j6t5puc wrote
Some people just can't quit. :)
foxymarxy t1_j6t6wxe wrote
And they’re literally repeating the same span of area? Like the Blvd is the east side and Barrington is east bay? Like just defining what they just said? Tf
[deleted] t1_j6t818z wrote
esquilax t1_j6t9akd wrote
We know Providence! It's Barrington.
scoutydouty t1_j6teqaz wrote
Idk it's infuriating to see a bunch of copy and paste rich white people selling our city to other rich white people from not in this city.
JoeFortune1 t1_j6tf7km wrote
Funny, do they know Mt Pleasant, Silver Lake, Olneyville, South Side, etc?
[deleted] t1_j6th315 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6the6q wrote
[deleted] t1_j6thk4q wrote
hippocampfire t1_j6tmxoq wrote
Get Out (2017)
Throwaway1231200001 t1_j6tn0w3 wrote
They'll go to Olneyville once so they can put put a La Lupita post up on Instagram for their foodie friends.
Jtownusa t1_j6txo8a wrote
Is your name Lucille Bluth by any chance?
Jtownusa t1_j6ty5ow wrote
degggendorf t1_j6ty8jx wrote
> Don't have time to find it but the NY Times did a piece on it like a week ago.
[deleted] t1_j6u0wlh wrote
Low-Medical t1_j6uaqjt wrote
I want to see someone actually be honest and start with "I want to be rude, and..."
WhackedOnWhackedOff t1_j6ucepg wrote
Then again, Boston College is in Newton
Dopey-NipNips t1_j6uilni wrote
How about the west end and the west bay
Let's see some of these yuppies down suburban parkway in Oakland Beach playing basketball
Or at the Manton flea market buying chonies
AltruisticBowl4 t1_j6uxns1 wrote
total_life_forever t1_j6v4zty wrote
Yep. These are the kind of people (the gentrifying realtors) who make sure the rest of us stay stuck as renters.
total_life_forever t1_j6v5828 wrote
Reasons why we can't afford homes
XJadaxBaby69X t1_j6v8e2d wrote
LulutoDot t1_j6wdyab wrote
Great, PVD is on its way to becoming boring ass, sterile, not worth the cost, mini Boston.
ohare_tulip t1_j70pqyx wrote
Why do half of them look like cardboard cutouts?
kbd77 t1_j6rmg4l wrote
“From the East Side to the East Bay, Blackstone Boulevard to Barrington” oh okay so like 8% of the city’s footprint and then a bunch of its most expensive suburbs? Got it.