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pmk0286 t1_j9uixn3 wrote

They’ll use these for sharps disposal in PVD


GoxBoxSocks t1_j9uk67h wrote

I was just typing this but figured someone would beeat me to the punch.

However the idea to do something is good. It's great seeing the few pollen lots around. More of those would be nice, bat houses, real beehives, wild flower projects, etc are all things to poke our city council about and to, when possible, do ourselves.


orm518 t1_j9ukas1 wrote

I do not think this is a good idea.


Ristray t1_j9unkjj wrote

I'm curious about the whole cleaning aspect though. Would the bees not clean the holes themselves? Do bees generally create their own holes in something that self-cleans or prevents mites from taking hold? Why are these holes so much different than what the bees make?


ynwp t1_j9us4zv wrote

It looks like it has a disease.


asianabsinthe t1_j9uu9ah wrote

I provide wooden homes for solitary bees. I use layered stacked wood with holes, and after they hatch I clean them out. There's a ton of debris, including some mites and dead bees. It's faster and more sanitary to do it for them and it helps keep them in my yard.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j9uxjkl wrote

>Why are these holes so much different than what the bees make?

My layman's understanding is that bees make holes for their colonies with thousands of other bees and these things are for the dumb stragglers who are too stupid to find their way home before the temperature drops.

As someone with a pretty gnarly allergy, emotional scarring from seeing "My Girl" in theatres, I think we should just be focused on a way to pollenate plants without bees. Plan for the eventuality of colony collapse and have a backup option. Plus, once we've perfected something, we can let people like me destroy all of the bees, as they are no long serve any ecological purpose and exist only to harass and harm.


PersonaNonGrata2288 t1_j9vf45r wrote

That’s really the biggest issue facing the city/the world right now? God damn bricks?


HotConcrete t1_j9viumi wrote

I understand that you’re a layman. So am I. There were some broad generalities you’re missing though. Most bee species in the US don’t form large colonies and solitary bees are fairly common. You’d likely overlooked them thinking that they’re flies or other similar insects. They don’t sting, they don’t bite, they cause no problems. They are entirely different from honeybees that form large colonies and aren’t even native to the US.


kickstand t1_j9vkv95 wrote

I imagine there are people who don't want swarms of bees in a crowded downtown.


Used_Offer3967 t1_j9w0dnm wrote

Yeeesss, we need more compulsory items in life.


ORCH1D t1_j9w16vj wrote

Bee allergy gang thinks this sucks.

Source: member since birth.


sh1ftyswar t1_j9wdz4f wrote

Something tells me this would be a bitch to lay


darekta t1_j9y2pyy wrote

We need conservation not bee bricks...


Dinosquid t1_j9y8hlj wrote

I thought wide-spread use of pesticides were a huge part of the problem. The brick is interesting, but I don’t feel like it addresses the actual problem with the bees.


Glittering-Ad4094 t1_j9ygwxm wrote

is the whole building supposed to be made with it or just a smattering


darekta t1_j9ylzcc wrote

Conservation means protecting and securing wild habitat. This approach works at saving and building populations where ideas like this brick get clicks and shares. It might work but saving habitat always works and always benefits more than just your target species.

The city should be planting native wild flowers and building habitat in wood lots that promote bee colonization.


lorimar t1_ja3bd2b wrote

New churches should at least be required to use holey bricks


General_Skin_2125 t1_jaf1rdi wrote

Ah yes, as a beekeeper of 5 years, my favorite species of bees are the *Native* brick bee /s

Another nonsensical gimmick... why don't we just maintain the little habitat that Providence hasn't destroyed?