Submitted by scoutydouty t3_11o51c8 in providence

I live on Ring street and around 3:45 pm I was leaving to go to work, literally about to get in my car, and I hear screaming and dog yelping. I look up the street to see a giant loose Rottweiler attacking a puppy being walked by a mom and a young child.

The mom was trying desperately to get the big dog off her puppy, and it latched on to the pup's tail and almost ripped it clean off. There was so much screaming and the little kid was punching the rottie trying to get it off the pup while the mom's losing her mind trying to push the kid back and get her dog.. Neighbors came running out to try and help but the dog was vicious. One guy had a big stick.

Puppy gets off its leash and runs away and the rottie is hot on its ass. Mom, kid and neighbors run after it out of my sight. I get in my car and as I turn down the street- my window is open- I see the fucking rottweiler owner walking down back to her house with this fking monster dog- STILL NOT LEASHED - cooing at it "it's okay baby, it's okay my baby boy, it's okay." I had seen her go towards the screaming earlier and came out of a house on Almy.

No sight of the mom or kid. Um excuse me what the f?? It's not okay, and your dog almost killed a puppy and young child and you're just calmly walking down the street with it comforting IT???

Like I can't get the image of that out of my head, that was so messed up. I ran over not knowing what to do and my partner was like "Babe, back off, there's nothing we can do!" But like. Jesus Christ I wanted to punt that fcking dog into the void and scream at its shitty owner. I was shaking the whole car ride to work like what the f man. That poor puppy's tail was almost clean off.


Does anyone know if the mom, kid, and puppy are okay?? Did anyone else see this??



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Jerkeyjoe t1_jbqt7g5 wrote

Some people really shouldn't have dogs


Status_Silver_5114 t1_jbqurzv wrote

Call animal control and have them pay the owner a visit. They have the ability to fine and I believe also charge people? Worth a call!! Even if you’re only a witness you can report it.

“you suspect an animal is being abused or neglected, please contact your local Animal Control or the Rhode Island Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' (RISPCA) Humane Law Enforcement Department at 401-438-8150 ext. 3 or email”. I think letting a dog be free like that and in a position to harm someone counts as cruelty.


tostiecakes t1_jbqv9u2 wrote

Call the police and tell them what happened and which house the dog came out of. I’m so sick of people with vicious lose dogs getting away with hurting other innocent animals and god forbid, a child could be next. Report their ass! It’s becoming more and more of a problem with these moron dog owners who let their dogs do whatever they want and never get in trouble for the damage they cause.


D-camchow t1_jbqwtii wrote

Fucking sick of people owning large powerful dogs they have no business owning cause they can't control them.


lightningbolt1987 t1_jbr1s6u wrote

Enough of allowing Rottweilers and pitbulls. Yes, they’re just animals, but it’s the same argument as gun control: most people with guns handle them safely but guns are still extremely dangerous and you can’t rely on people to not behave dangerously. Most attacks are by these dogs (contrary to popular rhetoric this isn’t a recent thing but a long time reality). It’s so selfish and irresponsible that people put vulnerable people like kids and other people’s dogs at risk because they selfishly want a dangerous breed of dog.

Cue up responses that your pit Bull is sweet—I’m sure they are! But we can’t know that the other pit Bull next door won’t snap at any minute and kill our kid. Enough already.


scoutydouty OP t1_jbr53xc wrote

For real. I grew up with aggressive dogs because my mom didn't want to train them. They weren't house trained and they tried to bite strangers but they were my mom's "precious babies." It's sickening.


wutang2019 t1_jbr6rbm wrote

Regardless of the opinion we have about this, I have to say this was very well written. OP had me feeling like I was front row at the dog fights.


Previous_Floor t1_jbr8z6o wrote

>Cue up responses that your pit Bull is sweet—I’m sure they are! But we can’t know that the other pit Bull next door won’t snap at any minute and kill our kid. Enough already.

I'll take it a step further and say that even the ones that are sweet around their owners, they can be vicious around other people.

You got an upvote from me, lightningbolt1987.


nodumbunny t1_jbreiqd wrote

I hope you are able to find out what happened to the pup and it's family, and give enough info to animal control that they can have a record of this. Did you try posting on Nextdoor? I see stuff like this there a lot. There's also a FB group "Dogs of Providence."

I'm happy the neighbors came out to help. I can't imagine how terrified that Mom was.


MrHodgeToo t1_jbrft8j wrote

I would report it and at a minimum get this dog and it’s owner on the police’s and animal controls radar. They likely won’t do anything but a dog that does this once will do it again. Maybe once there’s a pattern they will finally assist in keeping the community safe.


fishythepete t1_jbrgnd3 wrote

Can’t believe people here in 2023 still blaming the breed any dog raised wrong can be vicious why doesn’t anyone talk about all the people Retrievers and Labs and Collies kill every year!!!1!1

ETA: Can’t believe this needs a /s


imtherhoda76 t1_jbrlfi0 wrote

I have two small dogs. Larger dogs in my neighborhood are CONSTANTLY getting loose and wandering around. There haven’t been any disasters, and I trust my husband (chief dog walker) to protect them, but it makes me SO ANGRY.


svaldbardseedvault t1_jbrot1c wrote

I was walking my dogs near there one day and a Rottweiler jumped out of the window of a parked car and ran at me full speed. I had to pull my dog up to me by the leash and hold the rot back with one foot. The owner stumbled out of the car and pulled the dog back, but it was intense. Wonder if it’s the same dog.


TrashingBullets t1_jbsm52j wrote

This exact thing happened to my 10 Lbs yorkshire terrier. A big dog off their leash attacked him and was whipping him around like a rag doll. It was scary. To this day if I see any large dog on or off the leash I try to avoid them or at least make sure I put myself between them.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbstcwb wrote

Reddit hates bully breeds. They’re all confused and think a blood hound won’t rip your throat out, or how goldens are extremely two faced and regularly bite their owners. People love to read statistics on pits and bully’s but refuse to look at stats of other breeds. Any dog can become a destructive force when you don’t meet their needs.


orm518 t1_jbsyzi8 wrote


There’s a lady with a huge (intact) mastiff type dog that lives right on Hope street. Dog runs all around the sidewalk, bounds across the street without a leash when on a walk. It’s bizarre. Maybe that dog is ok lady but there’s leash rules for a reason.


fourmoreplease t1_jbt6qpr wrote

The dog almost killed the young child?? Or he just bit another dog’s tail? Dog attacks are horrible but let’s not blow it out of proportion. Not condoning any of it, the owner sounds horrible, but almost killing a human is very different than biting a dog.


LurkingProvidence t1_jbtarll wrote

See if you can push for a vicious dog hearing. It's pretty much the only tool available to bring any sort of consequences to a bad dog owner.

A pitbull attacked my dog on my property, latched onto his neck and wouldn't let go, the owner refused to pay for the emergency overnight vet costs.

Scheduling the vicious dog hearing is the only reason I got that money.


nicknyce2k1 t1_jbtb7iu wrote

My sister was bit by a German Shepard in Pawtucket going for a walk on lunch...

These are popping up more and more because more Americans can't take care of themselves let alone raise a dog


LurkingProvidence t1_jbtbpjo wrote

You need to push for a vicious dog hearing. It's pretty much the only recourse, and animal control won't go out of they're way to tell you about it.

When my dog was attacked they didn't do or say anything until I pushed for the hearing. It was a mess, when I pushed for the hearing and they pulled up the paperwork for the attack it wasn't completeted, or filed smh.

The guy on the phone was like seesh someone messed up (i didn't have the heart to tell him it was him who originally took the report months earlier.)

All the animal control people were very nice, but the whole thing was such a shit show.


DrewCrew62 t1_jbtc5rr wrote

Also a lot of people got dogs during COVID when they were stuck at home and didn’t train them right. Now the dogs are full grown and they’re just letting them loose. Not that morons haven’t always existed with their dogs unleashed, but it’s probably why it’s popping up more and more


demon-dance t1_jbtirqt wrote

Ugh this has happened to me and my 15lb dog SEVERAL times with different dogs since we relocated to fed hill. None have ever been bad enough to injure my dog seriously, thank god, but i’ve been very scared that she was hurt after a few of the instances. it just sucks that now we both have to be like ~ready~ every time we go outside, and she also now is super nervous at all times / doesn’t like other dogs (can ya blame her?)


scoutydouty OP t1_jbtms72 wrote

Would I be allowed to do that as just a witness? I have no clue who the mom with the puppy is, where she lives, etc. I'm not sure if she wants to go that route or if I should be out here making legal decisions on her behalf, but if I can swing it as my behalf, maybe.


Sarcofaygo t1_jbtn8y4 wrote

Why the fuck is it that the more dangerous the breed the less likely it is to be leashed? I'm noticing a correlation there of a lack of concern about how their decisions may affect other people and other dogs


scoutydouty OP t1_jbto9ls wrote

I will happily look at statistics of other breeds and still find that rotties and pitties literally have a disproportionate amount of fatal bites, more than all other breeds combined.

Sure, any dog can bite. But not every dog does it at the same rate. People love to argue it's how they're raised, but I just feel like if that's the case, maybe they shouldn't be allowed to raise those dogs. Maybe those breeds should be banned or require a special license to own, like you must attend dog training classes and dog passes a temperament test or something.

Besides the argument of nature vs. nurture is easily swayed towards nature when you see how a breed with no training will still perform its bred traits. A point dog will point without learning, an Australian Shepard will try and herd its owners without prompt. Breeds are known to be high energy, low energy, have specific behaviors you must train out of them. Not every dog is the same.

I don't hate pitties or rotties, but I strongly believe they shouldn't be family dogs around kids. How many kids gotta get disproportionately mauled before people stop going the "tHeYrE jUsT mIsUnDeRsToOd PiBbLeS"? Or "tHeY wErE nAnNy DoGs?" They were also bred to be fighting dogs for years. And they kill more people than any other breed. Like it's literally a fact.


scoutydouty OP t1_jbtp693 wrote

Sorry, I didn't really describe the situation in great detail. That rottie was thrashing around on the ground with the puppy, snapping at it everywhere, snapping at the mom and kid when they tried to intervene. The image that stuck out in my head when I wrote this was the rottie chomping on the puppy's tail and the puppy jumped in the air with the whites of it's eyes showing, screaming. Never heard a dog scream before.

When the little kid was punching the rottie to try and get it off the pup the rottie like, ass-slammed the kid and he fell backwards. The dogs were running circles around both people and the kid was definitely in the middle of it, can't tell if kid got but or not but that rottie didn't give a hoot who was in its path and that's terrifying.

A kid, probably only 4-5 years old being smack in the middle of a dog attack counts as almost being killed in my opinion. The rottie was bigger than the child and definitely mowed the kid over a few times.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbtvb77 wrote

I’m all for vetting dog owners, I’ll toss you an upvote for that alone. I also agree, all dogs can bite but some do more damage than others. My 90lb classic American bully COULD do more damage than say a chihuahua, but that chihuahua is 5xs more likely to bite. Now you think those chihuahua bites are reported? Or when the neighbors golden retriever gets too excited and nips the neighbors kid. You can’t demonize a whole breed because of the capability. I can promise you with over 10 years of owning and breeding they lack the desire.


No_Edge9341 t1_jbuinhr wrote

Do we know if the girl that was walking the dog back was the actual owner? I was one of the neighbors that came running to help, and I was right there when it all happened. I saw this girl take the dog away to that white house on the corner of Almy and Grove St, but she never said anything about being the owner. In fact, we asked many times if anyone knew where the owner was, but she didn’t say anything about being the owner..but if she was and pretended like the dog wasn’t hers when that monster was attacking the poor pup, then that’s very messed up. I stayed up to the point when the police came and this tall, white bald dude came out to talk to the cop. I left at that moment bc I don’t like when cops get involved.


thehillshaveI t1_jbunz8q wrote

>My 90lb classic American bully COULD do more damage than say a chihuahua, but that chihuahua is 5xs more likely to bite. Now you think those chihuahua bites are reported?

i think most reasonable people wouldn't see a problem with potentially fatal bites being reported with more frequency than minor nuisance bites.

it's not a competition for quantity of bites.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbupv69 wrote

Not when you’re demonizing an entire breed. Specifics matter. Just because the chihuahua can’t kill you doesn’t mean it isn’t trying to. The mentality of the animal should be taken into consideration don’t you think?


thehillshaveI t1_jbus9tj wrote

>Specifics matter

yes they do. like the specific bite force of a chihuahua being 5 psi, vs a pit's 235 psi. that is the specific that matters if that. force is being applied to a human being.

i don't care if the intentions are the same, much like i wouldn't react the same to a murderous mouse vs say a tiger

you're complaining about pit bull bites being reported more like that's the people being bitten's fault. it gets reported more because people need medical attention more. that's not the bite victim's fault


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbuv2mt wrote

I never said anything was anybody’s fault. I’m talking about a statistic that’s off because a lack of reports on other bites because they either don’t require medical attention or an ER visit. Yes pit bulls have a powerful bite, but it also has a gentle, loving disposition and require a lot to throw that trigger.

You don’t care about intentions? Shouldn’t a dog that’s actually trying to kill be more dangerous than a dog that isn’t?


MechanicalMarketing t1_jbvnbci wrote

The woman on Almy wasn’t the owner - she was a good Samaritan trying to help. She locked the dog up in her fenced backyard so it couldn’t hurt anything or anyone else. The owner couldn’t be located and animal control was called to retrieve the dog. (This information is per the police officer at the scene yesterday afternoon after they got the little girl and dog to safety.)

The smaller dog, woman and the child are all okay as far as I know. I do not know if the owner was located.


standardlounge t1_jbw0pb9 wrote

I believe this dog laid logs on my sidewalk on Ring. The owner never picked it up. If it's the same dog the owner is a 30ish white male that goes by the name dickhead.


FoleyisGood t1_jby8tzo wrote

If you are worried about encountering an off-leash dog that is potentially dangerous I suggest you carry a can of citronella spray. Basically dog mace. Spray it right in their face. If they are close enough aim for the nose & eyes for max irritation. Get it on amazon

A small air horn is another option as the sound might scare them. Have an umbrella on you? Open it up as a shield. Or grab something near by like a stick or rock.

Have a small dog? Do your best to NOT pick up your dog if the dangerous dog is close. A larger breed might see fast moving small fluffy thing and have an intense desire to get it in its mouth. But - if you are near say a garbage bin, take the chance and open it up and drop your dog in there and close the lid. If you are next to a fenced enclosure like somones yard drop them in there.

One recommendation I see a lot is to throw treats at the dog if you have any on you. If the dog is truly aggressive this will probably not work. If the dog doesn't seem to be threatening but you aren't sure of their intentions toss a handful right at their feet. It might give you some time to back away from the dog.

I've had people tell me yelling "GO HOME!" has worked for them. Again, if the dog is truly aggressive and means business that probably isn't going to work.


LurkingProvidence t1_jbydme2 wrote

I'm not sure exactly, I'd assume you'd have to be a person who filed the bite report. Our report situation started from when the vet reported it. Then the Providence Animal control called to file a report, which they never did, until a month or two later when i pushed for the vicious dog hearing. The whole thing was a shit show tbh.

So if the dog was injured they probably took it to the vet, and the vet would have to report it to Providence animal control. (thats a big what if) If it was anything like the dog attack that happened to my dog.

You might be able to call some local/emergency vets. Mention you witnessed a dog attack and just wanted to let the owners know you'd be a witness for them if they were seeking legal recourse.

which im not even sure if there is any. If the dog is declared vicious the owners have to keep in muzzled or in a fenced in caged pen and a bunch of other requirements. Who knows what's considered vicious or how many incidents are required.


austin3i62 t1_jbylt0u wrote

As a cane corso owner, couldn't agree more. My dog is sweet, goes to stores with me, lets anyone pet him. But he's got a switch that 2000 years of being a guardian dog will bring out in him when he senses danger. In the wrong hands that switch will go off for things that may not actually be dangerous. When people ask me if they should get a corso, I tell them absolutely not.


No_Edge9341 t1_jckvqbn wrote

Do we know what ever happened? Have the owners been found? Is the puppy okay?