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t1_iun5t2g wrote

Everytime I see stuff like this, I wish more places would force people to leave their dogs at home.


t1_iun793i wrote

I gotta admit, it was a big shock seeing more dogs in public places when I moved up here. I’m not like, 100% against it, but it’s people who feel this comfortable and entitled that ruin it for everyone else. Like, when I see a dog shaking itself out in a grocery store or something, I can’t help but be like, “Yeeaaaahhh, maybe it makes sense to not allow dogs in stores.”


t1_iuo31go wrote

Lots of people adopted dogs during the pandemic and didn’t realize the sacrifices it takes to care for one.

Also it’s illegal in RI to bring your dog into any place that serves food or drinks. This one probably shouldn’t have been allowed through the door.


t1_iuntpwf wrote

Jfc. I take my dog to Madrid all the time. He always stays outside while I go in to buy something. Can’t imagine bringing him inside let alone setting up a little spot on the table for him to nest. People never cease to amaze me


t1_iunuq66 wrote

What gets me is they have already been asked, at least on one occasions, to stop. I didn’t elaborate but they were also letting it walk around without a leash.

Look, I’m pro-dog just like any normal human would be, but let’s also keep them on leashes when out. No, I’m not afraid of it. But I also don’t want your dog waltzing up to me unhindered to take a piss on my shoe, hypothetically.

Some people blow my mind.


t1_iunxa9g wrote

It’s the 80/20 rule. 80% incompetence to 20% competence


t1_iur8kiq wrote

Same. Favorite thing to do when I have time is grab a pastry and a coffee and take my dogs over to Waterman dog park. Dogs get leashed up outside while I’m grabbing my food.


t1_iun4get wrote

Wow, like, ok, I don't want fur and hair in my food and I'm kinda concerned with folks who are allergic. Also, what if someone sits there after and there's hair and maybe even dog shit residue or whatever?

I'd just tell them to their face tbh, then again, I'm not afraid of confrontation.


t1_iur5u6c wrote

I love my dog but she steps in her own pee every damn time. She also licks her butthole when we go to bed at night. I love my dog and she is very well behaved but she does not have a place in restaurants or grocery stores. This is not a living room. There are places these people can go- outdoor seating, dog park, regular park, Blackstone Blvd...or to their own living rooms.

And I'm inclined to agree- if everyone told them it's gross and to stop they probably would. They probably feel entitled or determined to do it because they think their dog is cute and they love it so much...regardless of any outcome for anyone else. The fact they've been asked not to and do it anyway is pretty telling.

I also think it says a lot about the establishment that they continue to serve these people and they haven't enforced their boundaries. It's their business and if they don't want to alienate other customers or to break health codes then they really should be forcing these people to leave. Losing their business is really a small price to pay considering how intrusive and disgusting they are.


t1_iupyb2i wrote

Why does Madrid attract such entitled d-bags? Every time I go there, at least one person is acting like a complete asshole. This is a legit question; I haven't lived here long.


t1_iuqw95i wrote

Haven't actually been to Madrid -- what's the price point? Generally, the number of dollar signs a place has is commensurately proportional to its assholicity.


t1_iur87wp wrote

Pricey. But so damn good. Amazing pastries. The older woman (owner?) often working the counter is always so nice- I wish people wouldn’t be asses to her.


t1_iur0i66 wrote

I’ve only ever gotten croissants and their Americano. The croissants (huge, amazing) are $5.50, the Americano is around $3.20. The croissant may seem pricey, but IMO it’s worth it for what it is.


t1_iuriwiz wrote

Just finished making a similar comment. It’s pricey but the pastries are made by hand and it shows. As another commenter said, the croissants are expensive but they take 3 days to make.

That being said, most people here are pretty sedate if a little… WASPy. But I’ve also met and spoke to some of the nicest people in Providence here who’ve gone out of their way to be kind.


t1_iurilcj wrote

Truth be told, I don’t really have that same experience and I’m here often. But it is a more “affluent” area so perhaps there are more entitled folks? This was definitely the most egregious example by far.