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tacoflavored789 t1_isp5vh4 wrote

It’s almost like one local program can’t fix an entire culture of guns and loosely regulated (if any) gun industry in this country.

They are one of many tools to help prevent more gun violence. Nothing will solve it until we regulate gun manufacturers. It’s just too easy and cheap to get a gun in America.

Before tHeY bUy gUn iLLeGaLLy people get here: duuhh they do, and how did the gun eventually get bought? Legally.

Ain’t nobody going into gun manufacturers’ factories and stealing these guns - they’re all bought legally at first.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_ispim8q wrote

From my observation.. I've met Powhatan bubba's who spend 50% of their take-home-pay on guns, and they've never harmed anyone... Yet, some of the inmates I worked with at Sussex-2(prison work is very interesting) would stab you to death with a screwdriver if they could. We have an issue with violence, not guns. If you are prone to being violent, it's a lot more efficient & no-energy to kill someone with a firearm than a knife.


tacoflavored789 t1_isq1898 wrote

We have an issue with violent people having easy access to guns.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_isq7fd7 wrote

I'm just amazed at how people think they can "pull a gun" for every stupid little parking lot dispute or quarrel.


tacoflavored789 t1_isq7x5q wrote

Same here.

I’m also just amazed that I could right now go to bass pro, buy a gun, buy as much ammo as I want, and go straight to a local daycare and wreck unbelievable havoc. All within a span of 1 hour.

And still have enough time to catch jeopardy tonight


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_isqiido wrote

Kind of interesting how rare it is considering that. And how rare it is in Switzerland considering how everybody has to have an assault rifle

Almost makes you think that guns are a red herring and something else is going on


tacoflavored789 t1_isqmk2n wrote

There is no red herring.

The reason Swiss have lots of guns is because they HAVE to go into the military and are issued a gun. Oh, would you look at that? Gun training. Something America does not have.

So you are making a gun control argument by bringing up Switzerland.

Crazy how when majority gun owners are trained to use them safely and are properly filtered don’t go around shooting daycares


bruxalle t1_issqo1b wrote

Their ammunition is also heavily audited by the government and kept in a military facility, not peoples homes. As usual, Charles is talking out of his ass.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_ist5cj7 wrote

yes, exactly my point. It's not the guns that are the issue. The very definition of a red herring


dreadpiraterobertzzz t1_isv6voh wrote

The reason there are less gun deaths in Switzerland has less to do with gun control laws and more to do with the attitude that people in Switzerland have towards guns. Laws do not work if people are unwilling to follow them. People in Switzerland view gun ownership as a privilege and not a right like in America. It is a necessary evil to protect the nation from foreign invaders. The Swiss do not have a gun culture. They do not fetishize firearms the way people do in the US. Also Switzerland does not have concentrated poverty the way the US does. This concentrated poverty is what leads to most of these gun homicides. Gun control laws can help the problem but they are a bandaid solution at best. The root of the problem is cultural.


midsouthmouth t1_isvnqa0 wrote

You make some good points there about the difference in barriers to gun violence, but I think you miss something. Overall US culture can help transform those "bubbas" into inmates, whether due to workplace violence, domestic violence, bar fights that ramp up, or drug deals. Domestic terror through mass shootings is sad but still rare compared to all that. No, not every guy winds up popping off or getting caught and convicted. The easier access helps sow more chaos.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_isvpq6z wrote

Very true. I see Hollywood, and the Gun Culture as major drivers of violence. Hollywood has "normalized" violence acts, made it cool, and owning a gun as part of getting your "man card". I work on a Rescue Squad & currently working on getting my Paramedic license, between that & working in the prison system, it's amazing the level of suffering some people will inflict on their neighbor or spouse. I just shake my head some days. We roll up Code-3 to find someone beaten within inches of their life, and there's no gun involved. That's really the difference between a gun & no gun. A girlfriend shot multiple times & dead, versus unspeakable pain & lifelong injuries. How in the f*ck did we get to the point where this was a social norm? I get mad a people, mad as hell some days. I simply walk way from it. Been doing that for 46 years, it's not that difficult.


mybeamishb0y t1_isqal8f wrote

Did everybody hear kilofoxtrot's racial dog whistle? Consider the demographics of Sussex prison.

Also love the "don't blame guns" rhetoric. You an oath keeper, kilo?


kilofoxtrotfour t1_isqhc42 wrote

I never said "don't blame guns", they're just a whole lot more convenient for killing people. There's a reason why it takes 30 minutes to check-in and out of a prison, we need to verify nothing we bring in can be made into a weapon. When I was working on the telecom system in Building 3, an inmate killed a K9 and stabbed a guard with a shank -- so I stand by the claim that guns are not solely the problem. Sorry, I sent in my membership application for Oathkeepers & the Klux Klux Klan another with some Trump-worship stickers.. But, they all rejected my applications for being in an interracial marriage. So, ha... Sorry, not everyone who disagrees with you is a racist, we just disagree.


STORMPUNCH t1_ispbpne wrote

I think we're talking around each other. The city buy back was like slapping a bandaid on a sucking chest wound. There is a lot of well-researched documentation out there demonstrating buy-backs as one of the least effective means of gun control.


tacoflavored789 t1_ispd79e wrote

Again, as I said, one of many tools to help prevent gun violence.

Real change needs to come from laws changing across the country


Stofficer2 t1_ispnsi7 wrote

What did the Ukrainian government hand out to its citizens when Russia invaded? Instead of us sending $50billion to Ukraine, we could use that to place multiple armed guards in every school. You know, just like how every politician or celebrity has an armed guard. Gun control is about control.


tacoflavored789 t1_isq0ti4 wrote

Good lord I’ve never heard someone make such an incoherent argument.


Tylerjb4 t1_ispliy6 wrote

If tons of cocaine can make it into the country, so can foreign firearms. We have a non-secure border. Not to mention you can make firearms at home. Japan has none of the cultural problems you just mentioned and just had an important ex government official murdered by a homemade firearm. Not to mention homemade explosives are even easier to make, coupled with drone technology, yikes.


tacoflavored789 t1_isq13qr wrote

Lol what such strong arguments… good thing I’m not a total retard or id agree with you
