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t1_iuhybwq wrote

Make licenses more difficult to get and keep. I’m tired of feeling like it might be my last day on the planet everytime I touch 95. Fuck.


t1_iui1881 wrote

That would first require better public transportation.


t1_iui23q4 wrote

Agreed- the city of Richmond, especially Central (downtown to carytown), does not need to be as car centric as it is. Currently, we are because we cater to cars and the traffic isn’t yet horrendous compared to other cities. The more people move here and use their cars though, this will change.

We can do this though. We have a fairly good bus system when it is able to run at full capacity with drivers (which obviously is a big hurdle, not downplaying that.) We also have a walkable central city area, a small, but growing amount of protected bike lanes, and overall a small city size sq mile wise. I’d love to see someone on council (either current or in the next election cycle) focus on increasing GRTC and other non car options.


t1_iui9mew wrote

I would sell my car immediately if there were more efficient bus routes to the west end/Innsbrook area where I work. So many people work in this area - why does it require 2+ transfers and 30 minutes of walking to take the bus from northside to Innsbrook (a 15 minute drive)?


t1_iuiavk6 wrote

For sure- I don’t know why cities always have to choose between making an efficient north to south or east to west bus route. We can have both!! In Austin, it was hell going North to South by bus, while here I find the 20 route really good (when it’s running…) but nothing efficiently going east/west unless you’re doing pulse, which I also know has issues.


t1_iuil6fx wrote

Richmond wants to but does that have control of the GRTC board the counties do but it does sound like the surrounding counties are softening on having public transportation


t1_iuj12ui wrote

My 15 minute car commute would take 1 hour and 30 minutes if I were to do a combination of walking and taking the bus. That's in a best case scenario and could be longer with delays.


t1_iui5o7v wrote

Can confirm that for an able-bodied individual that downtown is highly walkable. From a transportation standpoint, I can safely walk from rockets landing to carytown, and most North-South's in between. I could cycle a lot of that too, but it'd feel much less safe, honestly.

For mobility impaired individuals who rely on ADA ramps, there's still plenty of work to do. The city has plenty of hills, so they're already in an uphill battle on top of plenty of less than accessible ramps/sidewalks.

From a non-transportation standpoint, some people should carry additional safety measures to protect themselves from other pedestrians - not vehicles. You hear stories... I've heard multiple stories of women even getting harassed while they're in their cars stopped at redlights.


t1_iuic7zu wrote

You'd need the Jeep Wrangler of electric wheelchairs to navigate sidewalks in the rich parts of the city! It's dire as hell out here.


t1_iuiejwr wrote

The image that popped into my head: An electric wheelchair, lifted, big ass tires, with a spare on the back that says (upside-down) "if you can read this roll me over".

Probably going to hell for that one, but it did make me laugh.


t1_iui87zj wrote


Also, by increasing easier non car options for able bodied folks who can use walking, biking, or the bus-it frees about the road for people who need to drive or rely on cars for basic mobility.


t1_iuil1bq wrote

>For mobility impaired individuals who rely on ADA ramps, there's still plenty of work to do. The city has plenty of hills, so they're already in an uphill battle on top of plenty of less than accessible ramps/sidewalks.

Hardly the only thing to do, but expanding the CARE program would be great, especially later into the evenings. It's basically a shuttle service. Being in a wheelchair doesn't mean you don't want to get a drink or go to a punk show.


t1_iuj37b8 wrote

That’s a really good point! How late does the CARE program operate right now? If VCU can chauffeur students around in the Ram Ride bus thing at 2am there’s no reason our city can’t do the same for our own residents.


t1_iuiynpb wrote

Oh God, the harassment in downtown is terrible. I used to walk to work. It was a 10 minute commute. My record so far is 5 harassers in 10 minutes. And these guys were graphic. I had just left a night shift at VCU and was wearing messy scrubs and a facial expression that yelled "murder"


t1_iujgijt wrote

Linear time trend forecasts suggest that by 2030, 51% of the US population will be obese or severely obese

Pray for high prices if we want a more-walkable RVA; a debt-based ever-inflating currency won’t save us.


t1_iuil9mg wrote

I was riding my bike on the sidewalk downtown on Main Street the other day and noticed that the curb cuts for a long stretch were only in one direction. Like, ideally you should have a curb cut if you want to cross Main heading south and a curb cut if you want to go west. But all the curb cuts I saw were to the south, which was inconvenient for me since I was heading west. It would have really sucked if I had been in a wheel chair.


t1_iuhyx8b wrote

Truly- the way people drive on 95 and 64 is terrifying. That particular stretch also feels oddly harrowing. On top of all the other issues facing our region, I would love to see elected officials make a concerted effort to focus on methods to decrease traffic fatalities both in and outside the city.


t1_iui6vyf wrote

This. I go from Midtown to Church Hill around 4pm everyday. I refuse to take the interstate anymore. Straight down Broad. Idc if it takes me 10 more minutes.


t1_iui85vp wrote

I totally agree with you. The interstate is definitely getting worse. I gotta say though; Broad street around VCU makes me nervous as well.

I'll drive down the length of Monument just to avoid Broad and the interstate.

I, also, don't mind if it takes a little longer.


t1_iui8y91 wrote

People drive without licenses all the time.


t1_iuiy2uf wrote

Or insurance. The one time I went to court to try to get a speeding ticket reduced to traffic school, I'd say at least 5 people ahead of me in the docket all were in there because it was the umpteenth time they'd been caught driving without either or both of those things.

People do not care and if they need to risk driving without those things to get to a job, they will. I have an umbrella policy of $1 million on top of my car insurance because I'm aware one bad crash with an uninsured driver might bone me into bankruptcy if I'm unable to work a long period of time or need ongoing home health help because I'm crippled.


t1_iuib0p7 wrote

We really need to move past cars as a society. Isn't it crazy that we haven't come with something better yet? It's so dangerous.


t1_iuijwp8 wrote

I am trying to make this happen by biking everywhere. But I feel like you kinda have to be crazy to make this choice, with the way people drive. I have had three near-misses with cars over the past couple of weeks. None of them have been my fault, but it doesn't matter who is right or wrong when two tons of metal is coming at you at 40 mph.

So I don't blame people for weighing the dangers of biking vs driving and electing to go with the latter.


t1_iuiqt2f wrote

For sure- when I see “we”, I mean elected officials and residents working together. It’s very scary to bike here, which sucks because in theory it’s a very bikeable city (mostly flat and grid system). I applaud anyone who does but wouldn’t fault anyone who doesn’t. I hope if we can get more protected bike lanes and driver enforcement, it will become safer.


t1_iuiy8wk wrote

Agreed, and this sub is great supporting evidence, there's like 5 threads every day about drivers having a bad time. Sounds aggravating and psychically damaging.


t1_iuizlsk wrote

It's not really "crazy" from an economic perspective.

In order to convert our past 60 to 100 years of suburban sprawl everywhere as a country into public transport you'd have to invest hundreds of billions of not trillions nationally into light rail and bus systems. It's also not clear where the land to run those lines would come from either because it's all privately owned and would have to be seized by eminent domain, if for example you wanted to build light rail through the Richmond metro area.

Stakeholders don't want to change anything. People driving mostly want to keep driving themselves, and business owners don't want to risk losing any volume because the parking or road outside their business has been taken away. We couldn't even convince a handful of places on Broad St to give up a small amount of 2 hour parking spots to have the Pulse run along the curb instead of in the middle of Broad.

It's also simply cheaper to maintain existing highway and road networks than it is to try to end those things or replace some of them. And COVID just fucked budgets everywhere, too, so it's not like there is a surplus of hundreds of billions of dollars sitting around.

So you'd have to essentially convince people to be taxed more to pay for this massive renovation, convince all the people who prefer driving to stop, convince business owners to go along with it, and convince politicians to risk being the ones advocating for this mostly unpopular stuff.

It's never happening. No one wants to hear this, but there is about zero chance cars are replaced to any degree in Richmond in the next 50 years let alone most of the country. This isn't to say we shouldn't try to get some of them off the road, but rather being realistic - the political will, voter will, and money isn't there for a magical massive public transportation conversion. We're mostly stuck with this.


t1_iuiareh wrote

this doesn't really fix the chances of accidents happening, unfortunately. it's a structural issue - we wouldn't have car accidents if we didn't have a society designed around cars


t1_iuiabze wrote

“Then, the drivers of the Jeep, Kia, and Toyota exited got out of their cars, and stood in the roadway, according to Virginia State Police.”

Don’t do this


t1_iuie7e5 wrote

I've told my kids that if they're ever in an accident on the highway, to get their cars as far off the road as they can, and then immediately get on the other side of the guardrail.


t1_iuj0dx8 wrote

I had a flat tire on 64 and called the non-emergency number to get a safety vehicle with flashing lights blocking me from behind on the shoulder before I even got out of the car. It took 20 minutes to get there but it's just not worth the risk...let alone getting out and standing in the middle of the highway.

The vdot guy driving the truck said just a month earlier some guy was out in the shoulder because of a car issue up by Afton Mountain. The road was icy and while he was looking at his car, an 18 wheeler lost traction and slid sideways, with the trailer fishtailing like a whip through the shoulder where it smacked this guy into the grass well off the road. He lived but had broken "everything".


t1_iuj56b7 wrote

I was in a black ice fender bender years ago on route 29. The other driver and I got out of our cars (I was young and dumb, don’t know about them) which were on the shoulder. We almost immediately realized our mistake and scrambled up a nearby embankment just as the first of several more cars smacked into our vehicles


t1_iuhyrdk wrote

This is sad, definitely— but people ride your ass out here like it’s nobody’s business. It’s dangerous as hell!


t1_iuhzbs9 wrote

This! So many drivers have complete disregard for basic physics. To be truly safe, you should give yourself a car length for every 10 mph you increase (so at 60 mph you should have 6 car lengths between you and the car in front of you.) At this point, I’d just be thankful if people gave me 1.5 car length on the freeway.


t1_iuig92r wrote

The problem is the roads aren't designed for the volume they do get. Which is why this is literally not possible!

In the 1950s, guess what, it is 100% meant with those rule were created for and when.

That length is intended for the vehicle in front of you goes from full speed to 0 in an instant. (basically if they hit a parked car, barrier, etc.)


t1_iuigzor wrote

I get what you’re saying but the traffic here is not LA traffic or even NOVA traffic (thank god!) where it is literally bumper to bumper on the freeway. What I see more often then not is people tailgating despite the fact there is a fair amount of room on the road or an ability to switch to the passing lane. It feels instead that some people feel it is their god given right to go any speed they want and then are also too lazy to switch to the left, passing lane.

Also what you described in the last bit sounds like the very thing that caused this accident. An inability to stop in time either due to not enough room and/ or distracted driving.


t1_iuim2lm wrote

Not disagreeing in any way for the cause of the multiple vehicle crash.

As for the top yes 100% accurate. The issue is that as roads become objectively less crowded (what they are designed for!) people are willing to move into the areas that are connected because they have a shorter commute time.

There is a reason that NoVA is soooo terrible (same with LA). Mass transit would solve the problem, period, but that is aside.

People not following the passing lane laws is one of the most infuriating things possible to me. I ALWAYS assume the person behind me wants to go 100mph faster than I am going, if I am in the passing lane. I obviously don't cut off of the through lane or on/off lane, but I definitely avoid camping in the left lane as much as possible, when it is safe.


t1_iuihl1x wrote

Nah, people just drive aggressively, impatient, and just plain bad.

Traffic in other places I’ve been is much worse, and people don’t tailgate like they do here.


t1_iuim9im wrote

Uh, I have lived in 10 different areas while I am a driver. My god, Richmond is SO much nicer than Atl, NoVA, Fredericksburg, and NY for overall driving. Getting out of the passing lane usually solves most of the problems that you are citing.


t1_iuit4fu wrote

Not in my experience. People speed and ride your ass in all lanes.


t1_iujbxqn wrote

It happens at least once but generally it's one car. I just let them go on their way. if it's really bad and they truly are reckless and I have a passenger I have them phone it in.


t1_iujr4la wrote

Yeah, every time I’m on the road out here people do it to me. It’s insanely dangerous.


t1_iuiuerr wrote

People speeding is just the way it is. Literally was taught to go 5 over the speed limit (and I was in a relatively less populated area; the greater Williamsburg VA area) and I almost always kept pace with everyone, until I am I-64, when most go 10mph+ or 80mph in the passing lane.

The 5 mph over applied pretty consistently throughout all of my driving everywhere when not on the interstate/highways. 10 actually is pretty applicable unless there is light traffic on almost all interstates/highways, and then it is 15 or a little higher (I was in bum fuck no where in GA and the slowest person was going 90 in a 70 and the fastest I estimated at 120; passed me like I was on a turn lane on a 35-40mph road waiting and they were driving)

That being said, NY varies greatly and areas around major cities you ALWAYS have a few people that drive like there is no speed limit that weaves through traffic. That is the person that I am not in the left lane for. I want them to go w/e they are going and not have to deal with many people changing lanes so the cops can snag them and they get their just desserts, plus they are less likely to slide when they lose control into some poor bastard that is minding their own business.


t1_iuiakmw wrote

There was someone on this sub a few years ago (pre pandemic for sure, but I can’t be more specific than that) who was arguing that the only reason someone is mad at a tailgater is because their ego doesn’t like it? To this day I’m not sure if they were trolling or not, but I was apoplectic.


t1_iuidge2 wrote

Yeah.... Adding that one to the list of douche excuses alongside "well you shouldn't dress like a slut"... Let's all be careless with everyone else's health because acting like a decent human being is such an inconvenience... Sigh.


t1_iujne0v wrote

The people who tailgate cannot fathom any higher values or ethical considerations besides “But I wanna go faaaaaaaaaaast.” 😭❄️


t1_iuidn5k wrote

edit: if you're mad about tailgating, you need to aware of its root cause: the failure of slower traffic to keep right. here's a link to the virginia drivers' manual... page 16 under "changing lanes": [the] left lane is for passing only. i can't control every reckless asshole, but you bet your ass i'm going to move over and let them pass me on the left even if i have to slow down by 10-mph to match traffic on my right to do it. there's a reason highly-populated countries like england and states like new jersey implement rules like keeping [direction] except to pass. get mad if you don't know how to drive tho' <3

this is just my opinion, but after living in england for 3.5 months, i really believe there is no reason these accidents happen other than the failure of slower traffic to keep right. over and over and over again, i see a line of cars in the left-most lane, a single care-free and wholly inattentive driver in the middle lane, and no one in the right-most lane except the occasional truck. i cannot emphasize what a dangerous situation this creates. people need to keep right (except to pass) and allow faster traffic to pass them safely on their left. let law enforcement worry about those driving above the speed limit. and get off of your fucking cell phone!

for reference, england has 434 persons per sq. km.; and virginia has about 210 persons per square mile (or 82 persons per square kilometer)... furthermore, england's population is 56 million people and reported 1,558 automobile-related deaths in 2021... versus virginia with a population of 8.6 million people and 967 traffic-related deaths in 2021. in plain english for those of you that need it, we have 15 percent of their population but 62 percent as many traffic fatalities... that's disgusting.

seriously, drivers in this state (and country) need to start paying attention.

keep right (except to pass); use your turn signals; maintain your speed and safe distance between the vehicles in front of and behind you. learn to do more than read the road-signs and operate your vehicle; learn to fucking drive. there is no reason you should be on the road unless you can be attentive, alert, aware, and assertive.


t1_iujdw8r wrote

Many times I’ll be passing a line of cars on my right and someone decides I’m not doing it quickly enough and gets 2 inches from my bumper


t1_iuip0kb wrote

I don't think you can draw too much from those statistics alone. How many accidents per miles driven? England has more developed, and better used public transportation, I'd be a lot less people are commuting 30-45 minutes every day to get to work.

Less rural and suburban areas, etc.

Not saying anything about slower traffic keeping right, not saying your argument is even wrong, just saying I don't think you can support it with those numbers alone.


t1_iuizc1k wrote

I'd also add, people driving cars with a 5.7 liter engine does not help either when the some cars have a 1.5 engine. It's hundreds of different types of cars on the interstate outpacing each other, which in turn can lead to road rage.


t1_iuj1ayt wrote

Yet it’s perfectly acceptable to go ten to 15 mph over the speed limit in the left lane, huh?

Edit to better explain my snark, it’s so backwards how much we complain about people riding in the left lane when literal speeding is considered acceptable by the majority.


t1_iujedgk wrote

I don't get it -- If I'm going to 10mph "over the limit", and someone comes up on me going 20mph+ over, they "mad" that I'm impeding their reckless driving(as defined by law). "Dude, you're running 90mph?!?!" When I've driving an ambulance Code-3 down the Interstate, there are people passing me occasionally. And I'm getting running at least 15mph over the speed limit when driving emergent. Just as it's unsafe to drive a 6 ton ambulance more than 85mph, the way a lot of people drive is blatantly unsafe & in conflict with physics. /rant off


t1_iuipp28 wrote

I always leave a couple car lengths of space in front of me. Always. And people love to look at it and go “WOW! How nice of them to give me juuuuuuuuust enough room to get in front of them!”

That space in front of my F250, loaded with tools and ladders, is not for you. It is for me to have enough space and time to stop my vehicle if I need to.

Do better people.


t1_iujp7v5 wrote

I’ve noticed this a lot lately. People on the highway have absolutely zero concept of a healthy buffer between cars.


t1_iujxdau wrote

It just happened again twice on my way home on 64. It is an everyday, multiple times a day occurrence for me.


t1_iuk5y5v wrote

They do this to me when I’m hauling my horse trailer too. Rude and annoying


t1_iujcico wrote

Is nobody else shocked there were so many cars so close together at 3am?


t1_iui12vo wrote

> A second fender-bender-style crash happened when a 2019 Toyota Camry and a 2021 Kia Forte slowed to avoid the Jeep and rear-end one another.

I would love to know how two cars rear-end each other.


t1_iuia37r wrote

The rampant tailgating and speeding occurring concurrently with one another on the interstates is pretty rough right now. Toss distractions like cell phones in the mix and it's not hard to see how something like this happens.

Protect yourself, give yourself space and time to react.

It's math and it can save your life.

edit to add: and to the impatient speeders out there riding people's asses because you need to go that extra 8 mph in the left lane on your 10 mile drive to save 45 seconds on your total trip - get bent


t1_iuin717 wrote

Say it with me: "The left lane on the highway is not a travel lane."

There's always some idiot willing to go ping all of the speed traps for you. Let them. You can get back over as soon as they've gone by to continue your cruising. Head on a swivel and check your mirrors frequently and it won't be an issue. Otherwise you're contributing to the problem.


t1_iujnxxs wrote

Every conversation on tailgating I’ve ever seen, someone pops up and says but what about the people going slow in the left lane. Honestly, it’s getting tiring and it seems like a tactic to try and deflect to a different issue altogether.

What about the vast majority of tailgaters who are just impatient selfish whiny crybaby assholes who can’t stand the fact that they don’t get to go 15-20 over the limit at all times and so they ride your ass because you’re not passing fast enough to satiate their compulsions and whims? Or when you’re in the middle lane minding your own business going the speed limit. Or all the other scenarios where tailgaters tailgate.

Tailgaters are the real problem and yet there is zero accountability so they keep doing it.


t1_iuk3rkj wrote

There are also many drivers that are now speeding up in the right lane just as someone goes to pass them. I have yet to make sense of this besides people driving staring at their phones but there’s also a good bit of people that seem to want to speed up to get in front of the other person and then slow down creating a tailgate situation.

To the people that do this - You are not helping to slow the roads down, you are creating multiple angry drivers that will only want to speed up faster once there’s an opportunity. You are creating road rage and a more dangerous environment for everyone when you could just live your life. I get that speeding kills, but again I am confident driving like this causes more speeding and likely more accidents. I don’t ever see this behavior mentioned on this sub and all I’m hoping is to open at least 1 persons eyes as to how stupid this type of thing is.


t1_iuj0dox wrote


From my perspective in the middle lane and a strict left-lane passer only that "loafer" would be a relative term. Unfortunately traffic volume doesn't always facilitate a left-lane for passing only and you do get traffic traveling at high rates of speed... it's not uncommon for the left lane to be going 80 in high volume traffic and there still one person 4 ft off someones bumper trying to go 90 creating a dangerous situation for everyone in the immediate vicinity. And since everyone is tailgating everyone there's not always room for everyone to be constantly getting over to the right because D-bag wants to go 90 instead of 83 with the rest of traffic.

so yeah, while people should get over to the right so others can pass on the left... people traveling in the left lane need to recognize that just because someone isn't getting over it doesn't give them the right to drive aggressively.

My personal opinion is that if someone is so hung up on people hanging in the left lane that person is probably a speeder, tailgater, and roadrager.

Even the article admits the only point of the law is to prevent those types of people from road raging, not that the act of "loafing" (again, often times at speeds greater than the legal speed limit) itself is dangerous or causes traffic.

"Murphy said left lane loafers are a major cause of road rage, which leads to unsafe passing maneuvers in the right lanes or tailgating or vengeful braking, which leads to collisions, which leads to more traffic jams. The American Automobile Association says 56 percent of fatal crashes are caused by aggressive driving.
“People get so frustrated that they can’t get around the slower driver, so they end up honking their horn, flashing their lights or tailgating, and the person in front slams on their brakes,” he said. “Or the faster driver has to pass on the right, then cuts back in front and slams on his brakes.”


t1_iujoojt wrote

While I don’t loaf in the left lane myself, if someone gets so impatient behind a loafer that they road rage and get in an accident then that is 100% their fault.

No one held a gun to their head and made them tailgate, or change lanes, or do anything. No one else is responsible for your or my feelings or decisions. They could have just continued riding slowly behind the loafer all angry but they chose to act in a way that puts themselves and others at risk. There is no actual risk driving slow behind a loafer. Just negative feelings.

So now we have laws in place to enable and pander to road ragers instead of holding them accountable by policing their actually dangerous behavior.


t1_iuhwyj7 wrote

According to the article it was a secondary crash that caused the fatality. In a situation like this what is the safest option? Stay in your car with your seat belt on until you can move your car or the police arrive?


t1_iuhxkiw wrote

If you can't move the car, get out of the car and move off the road.

eta: this is why some people keep flares in their cars. if you can't do that, turn your emergency flashers on


t1_iuhy4yr wrote

Be super duper careful if you get out of the car. Don't do it if you see headlights in the rear view mirror at all. Cars are at least designed to be hit, so if you're buckled up in the car and get hit you still have a chance of getting through with no major injuries. If you're outside of your car and get hit at highway speeds, well, the odds are not good.

From the link:

>Don’t become a pedestrian fatality on the highway. Be patient while waiting for help.
If you must leave your car, keep away from traffic and walk on the right side of the road.
Crossing a highway or trying to stop traffic is dangerous, especially at night or when visibility is low.


t1_iui4ybq wrote

I don’t see why you wouldn’t get out of your car and get as far into the grass/woods as possible. I’m not taking any chances with all the insane drivers out there


t1_iui5jil wrote

The second you unbuckle, you're taking a chance with all the insane drivers. A car moving at 70 or 80 MPH is going to come up on you FAST and if you think they won't see your car and will hit it, why would you think they will see you outside of your car?

If you're already close to the shoulder, it's less of a risk but that risk is still present. If you're in the left lane and your car won't move, put on the flashers and call 911 and stay buckled up.


t1_iui7xnu wrote

That's true, but Im also taking a chance someone will hit me on the shoulder too. Even buckled up im sure someone rear ending me at 60+ is gonna fuck me up


t1_iuia61m wrote

In this case, the person who was killed was on the shoulder when they were struck by a car that was struck by a car and killed. If they were in their car I'd bet they'd still be alive. Yeah it would definitely fuck you up to get hit at 60 mph but your car has weight of its own, crumple zones, air bags, and a seat belt. If you get hit as just yourself, a bag of meat, it isn't going to work out as well.


t1_iuirwb9 wrote

The nbc article stays they “stood” in the roadway, so that is definitely the worst thing you could do and is not what I suggested doing either.


t1_iui80nh wrote

I agree. If the car is immobile I'm not sitting there like a sitting duck. I'm getting out at the next safest chance and getting as far from the highway as possible.


t1_iuj2etl wrote

It was my friend’s sister that passed. This is just so unreal seeing this link on my homepage. She was only 26. My heart is so heavy for her family


t1_iuibk43 wrote

Witnessed a fender bender on 64 Eastbound and the dude immediately hops out of his car directly into the middle lane of traffic. Thought I was about to witness a NSFL scene.


t1_iuj0yx7 wrote

This might’ve been my SO. We got rear ended in the middle lane on 64E during heavy traffic. He immediately went to get out of the car. I had to shout at him to stay. Guy who rear ended us came and stood at our window and I shouted at him to get back in his car until we got some help.


t1_iuj1c72 wrote

Ohh maybe. Was it two middle eastern guys in a clunker sedan who rear ended you? If so, I can pull my dash cam footage if you need it.


t1_iuj6g9i wrote

Nope, just a solo frazzled man. Thanks for the offer though!


t1_iuiwirq wrote

The poor mother - her son and husband passed away a decade ago, one month apart from each other. And now suffering the loss of another child. I can't imagine her heartbreak.


t1_iuils7n wrote

people follow too close. Leave space people. And don't cut each other off


t1_iui1esd wrote

Emergency reflective triangle signs are required safety equipment in Europe. Should have that requirement here.

If you exit, get as far away as possible, well behind a barricade like a guardrail.


t1_iuj929k wrote

I’ve been waiting to see the news on this. I can see this stretch of I-95 from my backyard. I was just dozing off when I heard (what I assume) was the first impact(s). It was so loud it made me literally jump up. After another minute or so, I hear a few more loud booms so I texted my night owl kid asking if they heard it too. That was right at 2:55AM; they said “yep” and that they heard tires screeching right before.


t1_iuivx0s wrote

Saw an accident months back near lady smith. Car flips several times in the median, huge scene and at least 10 cars stopped on both shoulders. People were STILL driving fast past the accident. I’ve learned that no one really cares, and are either super distracted while driving, or simply reckless.


t1_iujpkdf wrote

Maybe jUST maybe if everyone stopped f*#kin thinking that a few car lengths your supposed to leave wasn’t making you later we’d have less of this shit. I’ve had people following me doing 80 with maybe 3-4 ft between us it’s insane if you were 10ft further you’d still reach your destination at the same god damn time!!!! Seriously people seem to be bored on the highway they don’t actually get there any meaningful amount of time faster but their bored so they tailgate and switch lanes every 30 seconds for no damn reason your keeping up with traffic why do you feel like you can do better than the 40 cars in the lanes in front of you


t1_iujv0fq wrote

This is off-topic, but how are license plate covers legal? They are thick, barely translucent, and there is a glare on them so you can't see the numbers.


t1_iukbo0d wrote

I was hit I'm the back last Sunday October 23rd on the way from Kings Dominion by a car doing 50 miles an hour. I was at a standstill. Me and five of my nieces and nephews under the age of 15. The children have headaches and whiplash and at least one has changes on their CT of the head. And progressive playing games about a fucking rental car. 🤬


t1_iujitro wrote

Back in my day they used to call that a "pile-up".