
FiveTicketRide t1_je348ir wrote

USA Pipe Repair is the go-to for the epoxy pipe lining in town. A lot of the other plumbers you can call for it actually sub it out to them. You can check Google reviews for people's experiences with them, and I know some people on this sub may chime in as well with personal experiences.


FiveTicketRide t1_j6z6bwn wrote

The thing I've been noticing in the city lately is a COMPLETE disregard for school zones. Well not complete -- it's always one car. The rest of the cars will slow down to 25 as required by law but inevitably one asshat weaves in and out at 45mph like we all just slowed down for our health. It's happened to me lately at Holton, TJ and Ginter Park.


FiveTicketRide t1_j55m1jq wrote

I'm glad he got the payment. I have a lot more sympathy for the tradespeople than I do for the investors -- not that I don't feel for the investors at all, but people who rip off workers so they can make more money (for country clubs and private school, no less) should absolutely be brought to justice.


FiveTicketRide t1_iuj56b7 wrote

I was in a black ice fender bender years ago on route 29. The other driver and I got out of our cars (I was young and dumb, don’t know about them) which were on the shoulder. We almost immediately realized our mistake and scrambled up a nearby embankment just as the first of several more cars smacked into our vehicles