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Here_come_the_123s t1_iua8wwj wrote

Can someone please explain the refusal to toast the bagel? Not trying to start anything but that was the weirdest thing to me. Like yes it’s fresh but bagels are better with a slight crunch?


washuffitzi t1_iuaz3cu wrote

If you've ever been to bodos on the weekend you'd understand. Literally was out there today, line was out the door and past the end of the building into the bushes, yet I was in and out in 20 minutes flat. The bagels are so fresh that they're warm without toasting, and adding a toasting station would destroy the methodology of the business.

Bodos is a lot like chickfila, the food is better than average but what makes it elite is the speed and the service.


UncleMeathands t1_iuavpjr wrote

I’ve never been to Bodo’s and I’m not a local, but I never toast bagels. A fresh bagel has the perfect texture already if it’s made properly


thejynxed t1_iub5u23 wrote

I agree. I like the bagel fresh, warmed, but not toasted.