Submitted by ResurrectedZero t3_yhuj9k in rva

Good evening RVA,

Recently I have been thinking of trying to go through the process of getting myself a medical marijuana card.

I have read over the information provided on a few websites on this subject. But I am curious to see if anyone had any first hand experience with obtaining the credentials to legally buy from a Dispensary.




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[deleted] t1_iufw9as wrote



honeybunches17 t1_iufwy6q wrote

Are the “sticker delivery” spots here pretty solid? I just moved here from Seattle and was pretty spoiled with the weed but am too old and lame to find a dealer haha


Crober45 t1_iugcipo wrote is my favorite. has better hours but is also more expensive.


Hiltson87 t1_iug6h8z wrote

Very. Friend turned me on to those earlier this year and I never looked back.


justbecauseiluvthis t1_iugcrmk wrote

Would you mind hitting me with a dm please? Have a medical patient that can't be out.


Manuntdfan t1_iufwzxd wrote

I get carts and edibles at gleaf. Grew my own flower this season. I have bought flower from gleaf, and it was pretty terrible, but it gets ya high. It will be nice in the next 5 years when we get some competition


DogOnABike t1_iuhmmku wrote

The carts are freaking expensive. Literally twice what I was used to paying on the black market before moving here.


10698 t1_iufygop wrote

Products in Virginia are made by the dispensary operators licensed in each of five regions, and they're distributed to other dispensaries across the state. Thus, there are products from gLeaf (Richmond), Columbia Care (Portsmouth), Beyond/Hello (Manassas), and Rise (Abingdon) scattered across the dispensaries operated by all of the above.

gLeaf product is generally low quality but can also be the cheapest. I've been happiest with the Seed & Strain brand products made in Portsmouth and the Rise &shine stuff out of southwest Virginia.

That said, many people make the trip to DC, which does recognize Virginia MMJ cards. An actual card issued by the Board of Pharmacy is needed in addition to the doctor's certification if you wish to visit a dispensary in DC. DC does now allow non-resident self-certification, though, allowing you to bypass the medical cert and BoP card requirements for a 30 day period in exchange for $30 paid to the city.

For quality medical-grade products, it's either a trip to DC (Takoma Wellness is a very popular destination) or try to snag some of the good stuff from other dispensaries when it makes its way to Richmond. That happens often, but in small quantities.

ETA: Someone with no other source and no desire to drive to DC or another part of the state could be completely happy with gLeaf. I've got no specific complaints -- their service is top notch compared to the other dispensaries in the state and there are some surprisingly good products that come along every now and then.


Visual-Sheepherder36 t1_iuhl8zx wrote

I was able to walk into a DC dispensary this spring and make purchases without a medical card.


10698 t1_iuhlp7k wrote

You may have walked in to one of the DC gray-market "gifting" operations, but you did not walk into a licensed medical cannabis dispensary without either a doctor's certification or a DC resident self-certification.

Current DC regulations for out-of-state MMJ reciprocity require either a doctor's medical certification plus valid or expired VA-issued MMJ card, or a DC non-resident self-certification which can be done at the dispensary in many cases.

Or you can roll the dice and go with one of the gray-market gifting services.


Visual-Sheepherder36 t1_iuhlwex wrote

Ah, yeah, good point; I was buying artwork, not marijuana products.


10698 t1_iuhmcec wrote

Yep, there ya go. Sometimes it's T-shirts, caps, stickers, art work, whatever. They're skirting the law but the city turns a blind eye for the most part. Hopefully you got some good stuff. Those "I71" gray market shops tend to be sketchy. I've got one go-to I71 vendor that has proven trustworthy over the years, but now that I've got the MMJ card if I go back to DC it'll likely be for a legal medical dispensary. Better quality, similar pricing.


DuganNashhhHhH t1_iui6u7j wrote

damn $175 is hella expensive, there’s practitioners who charge half of that. i guess that’s maybe including the $50 Board of Pharmacy charge though?


Manuntdfan t1_iufspam wrote

Yeah, I used

They set an appt for a few days later for a virtual consult. The Dr. texted me the day of asking to just call. We talked on the phone for a bit, and about 20 minutes later I had a pdf of my card emailed to me and 30 minutes later I was buying at Gleaf. You just gotta print out the card.

The annoying part was answering all the questions before the consult, and then again at gleaf for their records.


The_Kentwood_Farms t1_iuhk96b wrote

Just be aware that many of the docs prescribing are just looking to check at least one of the symptoms boxes to validate the prescription. Most realize they're just getting paid so someone can enjoy a plant that shouldn't be illegal in the first place. I've heard at least one story of someone going to an appt to get a medical card and the doc just being like, "ok, so slight depression, trouble sleeping...sound about right?" The patient agreed, then realized that he now has those two issues listed in his medical records. For this particular person, he decided he wanted to get his pilots license a year or so later, then found out that the FAA won't grant him medical clearance since he has a history of depression (which he never really did). Anyway, all that to say, I've heard it's super easy to get the card, just be aware that whatever your complaint to get the card is, will end up in your medical history.


Individual_Ad3194 t1_iufrn7v wrote

Why? Recreational is legal in Virginia since July 1.


qui9 t1_iuftbhs wrote

Yes, but buying it for recreational purposes isn't legal yet. If someone wanted to use thc above board, they would need a medical card.


choicebutts t1_iufyu02 wrote

Psychiatrists seem to dominate the medical cannabis credentials field. All they want to know is if you see an MD regularly. That would be a primary care physician, nurse practitioner, or psychiatrist.

Because this is a prescription, my other doctors (who are not the prescribing physician) can also see the products I'm buying, the amount, and the frequency just like any other prescription. I like this because it's important to me to stay within modest consumption just for pain and anxiety maintenance, and I want an objective opinion of the honest reporting of my usage. So far my own psychiatrist says I'm well below average and shouldn't worry about abuse.

My doctors' ability to see what and how much I'm using is also important for them to monitor and understand any changes in the effectiveness of my prescription blood thinner. Food, alcohol, smoking, and pesticides in untested cannabis products can severely impact some blood thinners.

Practitioners who have given me certifications have not contacted my physicians, they just googled them, and they didn't ask me to sign any HIPAA information requests for any of my physicians. The certifying practitioner just wants to make sure you're a grownup with a doctor before coming to them. They tend to be pleasant and accommodating.


al_lupo t1_iuhs1nn wrote

i don't like that they basically have a monopoly on the area but GLeaf products are just fine- the people who complain about GLeaf are just nerds who get a boner for "limited edition" stuff/fancy packaging. The prices have come down in the past year so it's comparable to buying stuff black market

go to the Southside location tho- the people who work the one in Short Pump are all hella awkward and not very friendly


thefugginhanz t1_iujrw5t wrote

Gleaf has on their website a source to get your medical card thru. I was able to set a video appointment same day and then go into gleaf same day with my brand spankin new VA medical card

Edit to add- people are def not lying about the low quality but you can't beat the convenience!


ResurrectedZero OP t1_iukaijw wrote

I have seen a few options for certificates.

My main concern now is how the VA MMJ law protects me in potential future job searches. Like it showing up on a background check. In my opinion it shouldn't do anything, but VA being dumb about stuff is still a thing.


ResurrectedZero OP t1_iuftviw wrote

Wow, seems rather straight forward.

I was assuming there would be more road blocks. Like the doctor being really picky or reluctant to offer the cert.


Manuntdfan t1_iufu8hx wrote

These doctors get paid like $75 for 5 minutes worth of work from these telemed companies. Its a cash cow


bongcrusher666 t1_iugkwy6 wrote

If you can't find good weed in Richmond, you're doing something wrong. It's not hard.


Cuda14 t1_iuhxnx7 wrote

Please don’t give corpo-Weed your business. Find a local grower, they’re out there and it’s not sketchy.


DuganNashhhHhH t1_iui830e wrote

just a heads up- as of earlier this year (April iirc), it’s no longer required that you register with the Board of Pharmacy since there was such a backlog of people waiting. you technically still can if you wanted to for whatever reason but it’s an extra $50 you aren’t required to pay. just find the practitioner to write the certification then show that to the dispensary basically (ETA: via email) . also the prices vary wildly from practice to practice.

this is the cheapest I’ve found but you can probably find something for less than $85-99 if you shop around.


endrescs t1_iug5wej wrote

Unique Holistic Care offers assessments. You can schedule online for that service, I think.


HatMils t1_iugawy0 wrote

Wait I’m confused! I just moved here from out of state and have only been here a couple weeks. I was told it’s legal for recreation here? Is it not? Am I gonna need to get a new medical card to buy here?


ohnogangsters t1_iugcnhl wrote

you can legally own/consume a small amount and grow up to four plants, but you can't legally buy or sell. it's bullshit lol


HatMils t1_iugd8w2 wrote

Dang that sucks! I thought I escaped the stupid loopholes. I’m glad I know now though before I try to go somewhere and buy without a card!


ohnogangsters t1_iugdnph wrote

apparently quite a few cbd shops around here will sell you flower if you ask. haven't tried myself but it's worth a shot!


ThreeL1LBirds t1_iuhg52f wrote

There are several “sticker” delivery services that are really reliable. DM me for info :)


PerlinLioness t1_iugxeh6 wrote

I’m fairly certain it’s as easy as buying a movie ticket if you go to Unique Holistic Services.


CapeCharlesVA t1_iuid5zr wrote

Family member just got it from as insurance for random testing at work.

And if you get any pushback...this one is owned by one of the top ortho docs in the area.


ResurrectedZero OP t1_iuilupv wrote

Also, quick comment. I have been seeing a psychiatrist for some anxiety issues but I don't think I have concrete proof (such as documentation or doctor referral) that I have an ailment that warrants MMJ.

Do I need definitive proof in order to get the cert?


ripleyajm t1_iuipwgk wrote

Everyone I’ve spoken to has said it’s absolutely not worth it. Gleaf basically had a monopoly and the weed is expensive and low quality. I’ve heard the delivery services around here are awesome but better yet look into growing your own. A new grow shop just opened in glen allen called HTG Supply and they’ve got everything you need to get started.


Daddygamer84 t1_iug650n wrote

I went through the whole process, got my card (just an email confirmation and number), and found it mostly pointless. Vape stopes like Carytown Tobacco sell Delta 8 and 9 products. For a lightweight like me, it's just as effective as stuff from gLeaf and considerably more affordable.


longhairedcountryboy t1_iufwc9g wrote

Why? You don't really need one. It's just as legal without it.


10698 t1_iufztzy wrote

Can't legally buy it in Virginia (yet) without a medical cannabis certification.

Additionally, state law offers certain limited employment protections which are dependent on the medical certification and a state issued MMJ card. Those protections are not available to general recreational users.


longhairedcountryboy t1_iug23k0 wrote

Didn't realize they have protections. I guess some people get drug tested. Myself , the only people I know who get tested drive trucks and it won't help them.


BritOnTheRocks t1_iugdkje wrote

I just got tested after accepting a white collar job a few weeks back. No idea if they are testing for cannabis though.