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Sudzkng t1_iv1ydde wrote

Most likely the original cobble street surface.


WhalerBum t1_iv24g5c wrote

Not cobble stones. Those are bricks. There is exactly one cobble stone road left in richmond, the alley behind the pie museum. *poe


WontArnett t1_iv2f9qs wrote

So what’s in Shockoe then?


WhalerBum t1_iv2h2j9 wrote

Granite blocks, known as Belgian block. Cobble stones are round.


WontArnett t1_iv2hjk9 wrote

Oh, interesting! Those Belgian blocks are cool looking, but miserable to drive or walk on.

I’ll have to check out that alley behind the museum.


Diet_Coke t1_iv45t25 wrote

Accidentally biking down that stretch of road is a Richmond rite of passage


WontArnett t1_iv48bon wrote

Damn, I can’t imagine. I had trouble just hiking around that area on foot.


fanrva t1_iv1yvx0 wrote

Correct. It’s the only thing I enjoy whenever they repave main.


_sarten t1_iv3edox wrote

Those look like the old asphalt pavers that were used on Monument Ave.

As for trolly tracks, I live on China St on a trolly line. The water main is under the tracks. Any time someone requests lead line removal they have to cut out the trolly rails. I have a few segments saved! :)

As I have been told, the small almost square stones used in the bottom were ballast from ships. I don't know if this is true. But interesting