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t1_j01h9ue wrote

Not really sure what I want for Christmas but currently on my flight on the way to vacation! I'm so excited to be in warm weather and on a beach.

I've on the other hand had only two hours of sleep and I feel like shit lol


t1_j01hn3b wrote

Hooray for a day off!

All I want for Christmas is a big booty hoe!



t1_j01ikct wrote

Little man wants a snowman for Christmas. So a white Christmas would be nice.


t1_j01im18 wrote

All I want is a day off, good food and family. I haven’t done any holiday shopping, it’s getting overrated. Maybe lazy but gift cards and essentials will be presents this year ☺️


t1_j01irz4 wrote

Snow shovels. And quarter round trim so I can finally install some after pulling up all the carpet in our second and third floors MONTHS ago.

I'm getting my cousin a sampling of local coffee, where should I go to pick up a few bags at once? I was thinking Ellwood's?


t1_j01j60b wrote

I want the weather to cooperate and covid/flu to stay away so my folks can fly in on Christmas day.

And also world peace.


t1_j01joli wrote

Social advice.

I'm worried my 12 y/o nephews dad is introducing him to manosphere bullshit. Anyone know how to counter it (as an aunt) when they're two states away?


t1_j01kni1 wrote

18 yards of organic compost and a new wool sweater would be amazing - but the thing I’m looking forward to the most is having my kids and my extended family in the new house with us on Christmas morning. Cliche as hell but it’s really all I want this year.


t1_j01kt89 wrote

Rest. I'll be getting a bit of that. I'll be in PR on a family trip with some of the people I love most though, so I'll settle for that!


t1_j01l0zb wrote

I've got a five-page final essay due tonight at midnight and I'm only a page and a half in.

And I've been up all night.


t1_j01loyf wrote

I'm supposed to go to Mexico in late January but I can't find my passport 🙃 so I hope I find that soon.


t1_j01lqv9 wrote

Nothing really, I’m alright with what I have.

Making the long drive home from NY today. I am so not used to the cold up here anymore. Can’t wait to be back in Richmond where I can feel warm again.


t1_j01nbym wrote

I want my niece in law to finally have all of the holiday season where she doesn't have all day sickness and can stay out of the hospital until the actual time of delivery of Emmerson Elizabeth Wilson my mum's first great grandchild. I plan to call her EEW so she will be used to it before starting school in case that becomes something to tease her about.


t1_j01nu5g wrote

Last year I told my family what I want: nothing but time with them. Results were mixed. This year I upped my game and responded to The Question with “I knew you were going to ask me this, so I put together a list with links for you…..”. [Commence applause.] “I‘ll send it as soon as I get your list.” To date, no one has seen my list.


t1_j01nuo9 wrote

I don’t want any things necessarily, but I’m looking forward to having my sons home.


t1_j01oxko wrote

I accepted a job offer last night. It's a good opportunity and it will force me to learn a lot of new things (which is good), but there's a lot of emotion leaving my old job of 8 years.


t1_j01oz7e wrote

I'm ready for a surprise family trip to Legoland. Idk what is more exciting, Legos or all inclusive.


t1_j01pnvy wrote

I want a lobotomy, stick your candy cane in my eye Santa.


t1_j01rzsn wrote

I usually love Christmas and I’m trying to get in the spirit but my horse became suddenly ill last week and he didn’t make it, all I want is for that to have been a bad dream.

Snow on Christmas would be wonderful. I love the way it looks with all the lights


t1_j01t4cz wrote

I remember seeing Two Chainz around the time this song was big. His set cracked me up because so many of his big hits were dependent on features, so each song he did was just his part. Like those old commercials for compilation cds that would just play snippets of songs


t1_j01u5no wrote

For some people to pay me the back rent owed so I can feel a little less financially stressed.

I knew when I covered it at the time that it was a possibility I’d never see it again, and I’m ok with those choices because two people were in a really bad spot and needed compassion over business acumen, but they have stated it’s coming my way and it would be a huge blessing to have that stress off of my heart and soul.

Whoever said money doesn’t buy happiness has never been poor, financial security is so fucking major to health and happiness.

Also I’d like a new pair of tennis shoes and a pair of jeans that don’t have worn holes in the seat or don’t fall down after two hours


t1_j01undj wrote

My parents moved to Florida last year and my mom is stressed about Christmas because it’s “too cold here” now 😂. I had to remind her of the first year in the USA when my dad had us in Lakevale Minnesota for the winter of ‘96 and we had 12 feet of snow. From South Africa to that was too cold.


t1_j01ux3m wrote

I send a list every year for me and my s/o and keep a notes app on my phone with a running list of things mentioned by friends and family so I can always have a gift idea ready. My sister sent us hers for her and her husband and it says “ivf support and T shirts that aren’t just plain black. (Apparently we get him the same kind every year)😂) not a lot to go on this year


t1_j01wlag wrote

Some bubbles with breakfast and a chill day under a big blanket.

Also, like, seeing my kids and stuff. But really counting on the blanket nap after bubbles.


t1_j01x2v6 wrote

A new job (which I’ve secured), less car troubles for my ‘12 Forester that I adore, and to begin climbing out of my mountain of debt. Clear skin would be great, too. Stopped my rosacea medication because of pricing and all hell has broken loose.


t1_j01y2mm wrote

if you lived downtown and needed to buy a dress shirt for your 98yo grandfather, where would you go? trying to avoid driving out to short pump for the second time in a week


t1_j01y9f2 wrote

The girl I am friends with to feel the same way about me that I do about her.


t1_j01yoc4 wrote

Please Santa, no more sickness! In the past 6 weeks, my household has had the generic preschool crud, the flu, strep, and now a lovely GI bug.


t1_j01yynx wrote

Was thinking of giving my fiance a staycation at the Jefferson for a couple of nights in January... anyone done that? Have never stayed there, is it worth it or is there another hotel I should look at? She loves fancy hotels and likes the idea of getting away from the pets and the mess for a weekend.


t1_j01zcey wrote

>I'm supposed to go to Mexico in late January but I can't find my passport 🙃 so I hope I find that soon.

I lost mine last summer, I did the expedited replacement and I think I got it back in about 6 weeks from sending in the forms at the post office. If you're under 8 weeks out I'd consider going to the DC passport office to get it same day if you can't find it, it's a pain for sure.


t1_j01zs3m wrote

I want a quirky egg separator that makes it look like it's snot coming out of his nose and that bird mug with all the boob named species. I will likely end up buying them for myself.

What's up with this firehouse voting situation? We gotta vote for a new person next week?


t1_j020dm4 wrote

honestly, same. but he's a very active volunteer for the church in their retirement/nursing home community so he does wear them. my grandmother said for christmas i should replace one of the shirts he's had "since they lived in (other place)" i.e. when my dad was in high school.


t1_j022kvj wrote

I thought today was the 14th, and was fully prepared to call out sick for some Witcher 3 action. My disappointment is immeasurable.


t1_j027jdx wrote

nothing really. I've got enough stuff in my life. Barring things that no one will be buying me


t1_j0298iu wrote

To keep my job. I hate to say it but bit off more than I can chew with this job. I’m doing “well” and my boss reassures me, however I have this constant fear of being fired. I want stability for Christmas


t1_j029qgs wrote

Oof that's a shame, at 12 years old too damn.

No idea how often you see them or what kind of relationship you have with their parents, pretty tough to exert influence from afar though besides the other suggestion of sending them books and maintaining a positive influence as much as you can


t1_j02atxq wrote

I definitely keep a “me” running list. It includes cafe lights for my porch, wreath supplies, and Harry Potter Illustrated books 4 & 5. I will happily buy presents for family that sends me a wish list and I do buy things during the year that scream so-and-so needs this item. But I’m not buying random shit just to surprise people with random shit.


t1_j02bg5e wrote

All I want for Christmas is a table saw and a drill press and a router with a bit set and some new files and wet/dry sandpaper and a laser level and a measuring tape and a t-square and some clamps and a plane and a pocket-hole jig and and a reciprocating saw and a jig saw and a hand saw and a chain saw and leaf blower and a shop vac and big rake and long hose and a wheel barrow and a rain barrel and a 5-gallon bucket and an outdoor broom and a huge tarp and contractor garbage bags and a hoe and a tiller and a fence-post digger and a lawn mower and weed Wacker and a truck trailer and a truck and a back hoe and an Rv and a rental home and a vacation yurt air bnb business and a majority stake holder position in a successful Fortune 500 company and a private jet and political influence and a private island and a diamond-dusted gold-leaf encrusted $5000 grilled cheese sandwich. And some egg nog.


t1_j02dz2f wrote

Hoping for Santa to violently redistribute Muskrat and Bezos's wealth to the working class.

Absent that, maybe a nap?


t1_j02hm47 wrote

Do you know why that realm might have so much salience with your nephew’s dad(brother (in-law?)?)? Knowing that probably would help yield a more effective strategy.

What interests has your nephew ever displayed?


t1_j02hxi1 wrote

Truly, I want to have passed my second CPA exam. I want this thing done before easter if i can help it. I want to make more money and get a fucking life!


t1_j02j00t wrote

A job at the end of next semester.

Finished my third of fourth semester of grad school today. Graduate in May. It would be a Christmas miracle if I could have a job before I graduate. Here's to wishful thinking.


t1_j02kt6c wrote

Got another interview this afternoon, is it too much to ask Santa for a job?


t1_j02s0vy wrote

Does anyone have a pro con on getting a membership to Maymont or Lewis Ginter. I live in the fan so go to Maymont more but lewis Ginter is less free.

They are both in the horticultural society so I think if you get one you get admission to both for free.

Edit: maybe they are both enforcing the 90 mile exclusion clause and so I would need both.


t1_j034i8r wrote

Got to skip work for a doc appointment, but at the cost of a lot of testing I wasn't prepared to have done.


t1_j03j4fg wrote

Could you invite the kid out for a solo visit, or solo vacation? Maybe under the guise of giving the parents a break. And then you can subtlety or not subtlety talk about stuff.


t1_j03m5uw wrote

> They are both in the horticultural society so I think if you get one you get admission to both for free. > > Edit: maybe they are both enforcing the 90 mile exclusion clause and so I would need both.

They 100% enforce the exclusion clause, sadly.


t1_j05f8p5 wrote

I just finished. It's a god-damned travesty—a seven-page paper in which I had to rush the point because I was running out of time, but it's done . . .

I hope I get at least a 72%—that's all I need for an 'A'.


t1_j05fmvf wrote

Just here to say that I matched with the guy who crashed his drone onto the White House lawn like 8-10 years ago and his stories are just as insane as you’d expect. Thank you Tinder…I know I gave up on you like 6 years ago but here we are again.