What’s getting you out of bed this morning?
lycosid t1_j6hpmxx wrote
Baby vomit.
pumicepickle t1_j6hpvao wrote
Capitalism and coffee
BlueXTC t1_j6hq4ib wrote
Work unfortunately as my investment in my powerball retirement fund did not pay off much. $4 to reinvest for tonight.
iamlostinthetide t1_j6hqdo3 wrote
We just signed to have a house built so going to work to pay off debt lol
Swrdmn OP t1_j6hqz8m wrote
For me… gotta feed the cats.
juwanna-blomie t1_j6hr2rt wrote
Several appointments. But at least I have the day off of work…
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j6hr9wy wrote
I am starting a new job today. I was at my previous gig for more than 8 years.
I was gonna write that I feel "excited" or "nervous" but really I kind of feel... Nothing about it.
TripleOBlack t1_j6hs5gb wrote
Not much. Gotta do real person stuff today, like putting my foot up the ass of my college financial aid office
Oostylin t1_j6hs7bs wrote
Three cheers for being dead inside.
upearlyRVA t1_j6hseef wrote
The gym. Slacked off last week, so back at it. Well, that and the always hungry dog.
TheCheeseDevil t1_j6hsk5d wrote
The dogs are gonna pee somewhere, and I'd rather that be out of doors. Gets you up like nothing else
Mirrid t1_j6hsoex wrote
Hey, we just did that, too! Congratulations!
turnipmeatloaf t1_j6ht2c4 wrote
Monday? More like Moan-day amirite?
turnipmeatloaf t1_j6ht61j wrote
When you dance with a bear, you don’t stop until the bear stops. Espresso’s the bear
DriveRVA t1_j6htf3l wrote
is the New Year's resolution crowd still going strong?
DriveRVA t1_j6hti71 wrote
I would pit the sound of my dog about to vomit against my fire alarm for my reaction time any day.
seekingpretzels t1_j6htihg wrote
Out of bed for work but groggier and angrier than usual because the apartment building’s fire alarm went off twice yesterday - one at 2pm and one at 3am, and we had to pack up the animals to evacuate both times. Management never tells us what happened and it’s absurd
BlueXTC t1_j6htqc6 wrote
That alarm starts going off at 4 am at this house. It gets louder the closer it gets to the clock alarm at 5am.
FiveInFive t1_j6hu0w3 wrote
My wife brought me coffee in bed. Getting up to drop the kids off at the pool.
ChuckBS t1_j6hu7cz wrote
Gotta work, otherwise I’d be taking it easy today. Got a lunch meeting, but at least that means lunch is paid for.
ChuckBS t1_j6huba3 wrote
We’ll I hope, at the least, this job benefits you more in a monetary sense than your old one. That’s why we work after all
TheCheeseDevil t1_j6hujdg wrote
Facts. I achieve speeds I never thought possible
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j6hutyu wrote
I can't imagine doing that. I would change my mind every 10 minutes and then even after it was built would say "should we have.....?" Kudos to you taking it on!
disputing_stomach t1_j6hvbqk wrote
Dogs. Work.
Derigiberble t1_j6hvma4 wrote
My cat has never been fed, ever.
According to him.
resident16 t1_j6hvxyh wrote
Speaking of bears, I saw the previous for cocaine bear and it looks insane.
Asterion7 t1_j6hvya3 wrote
School drop offs. And coffee.
resident16 t1_j6hw38n wrote
Gotta ping my coworkers and see who all watched The Last of Us. Nick Offerman better get an Emmy for that performance.
GrayRVA t1_j6hwraw wrote
Work until 4:59 PM. I don’t think my new job understands how white collar gigs work. How are you going to prove your value if you’re not putting in extra hours reading Reddit?
Imheretosnoopatcats t1_j6hwxb6 wrote
I did not expect that as I haven’t played the game but fuck man, heart wrenching.
resident16 t1_j6hx3f4 wrote
What’s funny is that this episode actually deviates from the game and fleshes out these two characters.
lonytynch t1_j6hx6d6 wrote
Got some batteries and a new changing bag, if anyone has unwanted/expired 35mm or 120 film please msg me!
The_UnknownTA t1_j6hx793 wrote
Goldfish crackers! The snack that smiles back!
Imheretosnoopatcats t1_j6hxdq9 wrote
Yea I saw that in some threads, game apparently has Ellie meet Bill. So I’ll have to play it soon.
[deleted] t1_j6hxef6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6hxfce wrote
molluskich t1_j6hxj5t wrote
I slept in the recliner last night, and not well. Something kept me up most of the night but I don't know what. I'm getting back to my normal weekly schedule: get kiddo up, drive him to school, take Boaty to preschool.
rva-coffee t1_j6hymsi wrote
Don't forget to support your favorite local coffee roaster/cafe so big-C Capitalism doesn't drive them out of business.
rva-coffee t1_j6hypwb wrote
Congrats! How'd you go about picking the land for it?
GrayRVA t1_j6hz8pn wrote
My cat has been on a hunger strike since I switched his kibble. Now that I switched back, he has a sparkly litter box, and a cat nip toy, he’s dejected. He really likes to pout and now he’s out of reasons to scream into the void.
Luigiprimodonnna t1_j6i08kt wrote
Not really sure. Money I guess. Pissed off that my team got screwed last night. Hate Mahomes and the annoying Chiefs fans. Hate that the refs blew it. Going to be in a bad mood for about a week.
Arcangelathanos t1_j6i0dcg wrote
Definitely the puppy barking. The cats are trained to wait until one of us gets up before they start asking for wet food.
popeboyQ t1_j6i0hax wrote
Half a shift at work today. Only 4 hours, and after working Sunday. Fingers crossed it's a slow day.
ohsweetpeaches t1_j6i0oqz wrote
We have two cats and have gotten automatic feeders that go off at exactly the same time in different rooms, so they just bolt to their assigned spot and I don’t have to do a dang thing, it’s amazing.
Stop_staring_at_me t1_j6i0rne wrote
Dog sitting a 3rd dog along with my 2. They all went out, then guest dog came back in and peed in the hallway.
stickynohte t1_j6i12hh wrote
Slept from ~4pm until 10:30pm last night, then had a small snack and went back to sleep. I’ve been painfully tired lately but maybe that’s the difference between working a job where I’m not just twiddling my thumbs all day.
Anyway, told myself last night that today could be a Starbucks day since I technically didn’t buy any this weekend (my mom did, for me). There is no temperature in which I will not drink my coffee iced.
megachickabutt t1_j6i2mpo wrote
Raining outside! why would you take kids to the p...... ohhhhhhh...
megachickabutt t1_j6i2sq5 wrote
Feel free to skip. Monday r/RVA posts are the new water cooler talk.
atctia t1_j6i2svq wrote
I have to work, so I had to get out of bed. At least I'm working from home today though
megachickabutt t1_j6i2yyo wrote
If you have a ps4/5, You really should, both 1 and 2. Great games. I played 1 when it launched just about a decade ago.
Imheretosnoopatcats t1_j6i36is wrote
Yea my friend just upgraded to a ps5 so im getting his 4 for TLOU and Spider-Man and God of war
mewisme700 t1_j6i3aal wrote
Woke up with a headache, so going into work later today. Perks of being self employed.
megachickabutt t1_j6i3j8f wrote
The hits! Add uncharted 4 and possibly death stranding to that list. All super strong single player masterpieces.
upearlyRVA t1_j6i4wmn wrote
It was busy this morning, but that may have been because it's a Monday.
Stitchmond t1_j6i4xrb wrote
As if we have the energy...
thornykins t1_j6i5dbn wrote
Capitalism and looming threat of irreparable debt. Because God knows it isn't because I like my job
dj1200techniques t1_j6i5ntl wrote
I had a meeting with a Madrid based client at 5AM.
icepick314 t1_j6i6bqx wrote
4AM piss.
Sucks because my bladder usually screams around 5.
dj1200techniques t1_j6i6duj wrote
[deleted] t1_j6i6gio wrote
iamlostinthetide t1_j6i77xj wrote
We actually went with a townhome since it meets both of us hating mowing a lawn.
SSPeteCarroll t1_j6i7b58 wrote
Really play both parts 1 and 2. I played them last year after not having a playstation for over 12 years and I'm mad at myself that I waited this long.
[deleted] t1_j6i97ru wrote
rva-coffee t1_j6i9ktu wrote
Oh nice! One less maintenance thing to worry about is definitely a plus.
[deleted] t1_j6ia5xl wrote
jodyhighrola t1_j6ibe28 wrote
As others have said, back to capitalism and mental torture. At least I have the super bowl to look forward to... go birds
(and spring is creeping in, or a tease)
rattylight t1_j6id8r2 wrote
Same here. I went from getting clawed in the face every morning by a large, hungry cat to now watching him sit patiently by his feeder about an hour before it's supposed to go off. Life changing. Now both cats have the same feeder and they just go to their spots.
[deleted] t1_j6idq71 wrote
resident16 t1_j6ie52c wrote
Spider-Man was such an incredible experience. I actually got God of War over the weekend so I’m excited to check it out.
[deleted] t1_j6iem4c wrote
MobileTough t1_j6iezej wrote
I am seriously missing the Pizza Goldfish.
They seem to have disappeared and no one seems to care! They have the flavor blasted but it’s just not the same.
skulloctopus2023 t1_j6ihl5d wrote
The need to pay over priced bills in our shit pay capitalist society.
BerserkFanYep t1_j6iiihi wrote
Have fun. It’s my favorite game of all time.
Moondinos t1_j6iipk2 wrote
VCU course work and nachos for lunch lol
The_UnknownTA t1_j6imq8d wrote
They need to bring those back and get rid of the pretzel ones.
[deleted] t1_j6ir2p6 wrote
EnigmaticMander t1_j6irgsd wrote
Woke up for work but randomly extra early so I got a nice shower and took my time with my daily routine and even made it to work early. Day has been moving relatively fast also. It's not too bad of a Monday so far.
OddSwordfish792 t1_j6ja190 wrote
Same to you
fitzmouse t1_j6jd7xs wrote
My toddler managed to keep me out of bed most of the night by constantly waking up and making a ruckus through the house. Finally got him to settle down by cuddling next to him until he asked me to go sleep on the recliner next to his bed.
His sleep regressions in the past year have been more difficult for me personally than anytime when he was a newborn.
hankhan18 t1_j6jx3ef wrote
Automatic feeders saved my sleep schedule. Like clockwork, everyday at 5 am my cats would riot until they got their scoop of food. I swear they can read my clock.
marina903 t1_j6jxmiw wrote
Today, knowing I had a friend's birthday cake leftovers helped spur me out of bed
Captian420 t1_j6k6spa wrote
Is there anywhere to play cards in rva? Like poker and such. Not necessarily for money but wondering if a bar or some space hosts card games
Captian420 t1_j6k6tnv wrote
Is there anywhere to play cards in rva? Like poker and such. Not necessarily for money but wondering if a bar or some space hosts card games
Kelevracado4287 t1_j6kerb7 wrote
Muay Thai class. Then worked until about 20 minutes ago. Ready to do it all tomorrow I guess
PercyDovetonsils t1_j6kvlfp wrote
PT appointment for my wife's broken wrist. I think she'll be finished with the PT soon. Boring errands after that.
PercyDovetonsils t1_j6kvtw3 wrote
Boy howdy. I bolt awake in nothing flat when I hear that.
PercyDovetonsils t1_j6kvygm wrote
Did he stare at you to assert dominance while he was doing it? That's what my dog does.
PercyDovetonsils t1_j6kw8b7 wrote
Travel always screws up my sleep schedule. That maybe?
coldblackmaple t1_j6l9emo wrote
That is so true. Just happened to me the other morning around 4am.
saehildth t1_j6hpmwp wrote
Nothing. I woke up at 3 am with chills and leg pain so it’s a day of bed rest for me. Thought I might have to order food since I’m probably not gonna be cooking today.