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seaspirit331 t1_j9prlxp wrote

Unsurprising if you look at it from a game logic perspective. Let's say you're in a tough position in a video game (dying of starvation) that has a completely different win condition (passing on your genes). As long as you have a relatively decent chance of winning the game on the spot, it's better to go for it rather than trying to dig yourself out of a bad position and hope for the chance of winning the game later on.

Over time, it makes sense that game-winning behaviors take precedence over some survival behaviors, since those are the behaviors that are rewarded with passing on their genes.


Timely-Huckleberry73 t1_j9r6kbr wrote

Also mates are generally much more scarce than food (especially for non-carnivores). If a mouse was to pass at a chance to mate in order to eat who knows when it would have a chance to mate again, but if a mouse were to pass at a chance to eat in order to mate it is very likely that it would be able to find some food soon after.


comradesean t1_j9rh26v wrote

And after enough time passes you can just eat the babies. om nom nom


Timely-Huckleberry73 t1_j9rifei wrote

An animals first store of energy is glycogen, it’s second is fat and it’s third is babies


AmethystRealm2049 t1_j9s4zd5 wrote

Seriously. You mean I get to avoid the responsibility of being a parent AND I GET A SNACK?!


TBruns t1_j9r3oqc wrote

This is an incredibly interesting thought that I never had. Thanks


NefariousnessNo484 t1_j9s5upn wrote

Doesn't that only make sense if you are male and your species has no parental care or difficult gestation period?


Awellplanned t1_j9t6tto wrote

And banging on a full stomach leads to bloating, burps, farts, and cramps. It’s better to go in ravenous and then celebrate with a big meal and a nap after. These mice know what’s up.


yallxtrippin t1_j9u5l6t wrote

Also, sex is probably more satisfying than eating leaves and random bits of human trash


jharrisimages t1_j9popri wrote

And this is why mice are not endangered, but pandas are.


Lahori_Stonner2606 t1_j9q0hqe wrote

As well humans who would start a war over a girl or guy or them


Maxathron t1_j9r7r3s wrote

Launching a thousand tiny ass rowboats are we?


naijaboiler t1_j9rutmy wrote

that was back in the old days. have you seen humans nowadays. They are reaching all time lows in effing and making babies.


nonsequiturnip t1_j9q7yy8 wrote

Sure, they were hungry, but the THIRST was real.


Mudgeon t1_j9q5i0t wrote

Me too little buddies me too


jxj24 t1_j9pp51z wrote

My spirit animal, apparently.


Grammorphone t1_j9pl6p0 wrote

And judging from the picture they choose opium over mating


bombchron t1_j9r8g7b wrote

drugs, sex, food…these mice live a blessed life


no_more_secrets t1_j9rhiuw wrote

Mice don't make it to their 40's and don't have HBO Max.


OhioUBobcats t1_j9q06yz wrote

So did I for most of undergrad


Slouchy87 t1_j9q2jhz wrote

George Constanza chose both.


dskippy t1_j9sojuz wrote

So just got to a party and you've been starving for hours but you were waiting to eat because you know the host makes really great party food. The moment you get in you see the buffet and also an incredibly attractive person approaches you and asks if you want to go upstairs right now and fool around. I don't need a scientist to explain to me how this is going to go.


grav0p1 t1_j9pppvl wrote

if you’re still in bed why would you get up? work up a real appetite then eat


PD711 t1_j9srlsb wrote

Awful headline.

>Researchers have discovered that hungry mice choose interaction with members of the opposite sex over eating and drinking when specific brain receptors sensitive to leptin are stimulated. The study is published in Cell Metabolism.


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Remote-Pain t1_j9ppuln wrote

Make me a sandwich after?


melanthius t1_j9pxw46 wrote

Who are we to argue with Mother Nature?


lusciousleftfoot t1_j9qb83i wrote

They're more human than we initially realized


AMF1428 t1_j9qoo1l wrote

That's because they know they can always eat their young eventually.


arthur_dayne222 t1_j9qorik wrote

mixing intermittent fasting with sex is the way to go


Carpen t1_j9qqb31 wrote

They got that dawg in ‘em fr


Kaje26 t1_j9quxi4 wrote

I think I’m a lot like a mouse.


NohPhD t1_j9qvgjt wrote

While high on poppy pods…


Tim_the_geek t1_j9qyo8w wrote

Are they sitting on poppies? No wonder..


TheDr-Is-in t1_j9r4n1l wrote

Me too. I prefer sex with mice over food when hungry.


needanamegenarator t1_j9r5kns wrote

Poverty taught us this already. Glad the college crowd is catching on.


ThrA-X t1_j9rnvxc wrote

We're not so different afterall.


SuperToxin t1_j9rph1g wrote

Are we just large mice?


karma_the_sequel t1_j9sc0r8 wrote

That’ll change after they’ve been married for a few years.


ackermann t1_j9sgz43 wrote

Male or female mice, or both?


buttwh0l t1_j9siwiu wrote

They already know that sandwich is going to make itself


larsonmars t1_j9sjqba wrote

How’d you find my nickname?


VruKatai t1_j9skczv wrote

Gotta get that Mousetang.


pwpig t1_j9smd45 wrote

I read it like "even in Hungary" and was baffled for a good minute...


tehruke t1_j9swnpc wrote

20 years ago the one's that didn't make that choice didn't produce offspring to make that choice now


Explicit_Tech t1_j9tim1y wrote

Why eat food when I've already succeeded? I win at natural selection while hungry says a lot about me as a sperm donor.


louisme97 t1_j9tnf3m wrote

i would too if i had the choice.


C_Ux2 t1_j9urfvc wrote

TIL i am as horny as a mouse.


No-Wonder1139 t1_ja19l2h wrote

Yep. I've never turned down sex because I was feeling a bit peckish. I'm not even a mouse.


glm409 t1_j9q2fgt wrote

Change Mice in the title to Most Men and I are oils accept it as fact without reading the paper.
