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beargrease_sandwich t1_itwtxyq wrote

Hold the corporations accountable who are causing it then. STOP PUTTING YOUR GLOBAL WARMING ANXIETY ON PEOPLE WHO CAN DO LITTE ABOUT IT.


[deleted] t1_itwz3ng wrote



reallyfatjellyfish t1_itzgjt0 wrote

Oh "puts away the Molotov's"....I thought this was going somewhere else


beatthestupidout t1_itzyl0r wrote

Maybe something with a little less potential for starting even more fires?

Are cryobombs a thing yet?


Deep_shot t1_iu0ht12 wrote

They don’t care how you or anybody feels. They won’t stop. Large Energy companies pay lobbyists and politicians to ignore climate change because it makes them money. And the richest people will feel the least effects of climate change. They do not care.


theronimous t1_iu6s2s0 wrote

What is your solution? What would your dream scenario look like? Paint a picture of your world that doesn’t contribute to climate change. Subsistence farming?


Deep_shot t1_iu8btr4 wrote

I don’t have a solution. I don’t see a simple solution. We are too technologically advanced to be as emotionally primal as we are. I feel like it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


DepGrez t1_itwy1uc wrote

Yes this small group of scientists can really put the nail to the skull in regards to holding corps to acc. you tell em.


AsphaltAdvertExec t1_itx8dir wrote

I think OP wants World Leaders to do this, not the scientists.

But sure, be a part of the problem by minimizing the voices of us little people.



theronimous t1_iu6sblo wrote

Yeah, those evil corporations. Tell me, what are you personally doing to prevent climate change?


WhaleFartingFun t1_itxd567 wrote

You literally are the only people who can fix this.

Ok….so I work for an environmental non-profit org. The problem is the people you put in Congress like Manchin will block environmental legislation from every angle. We literally have fight everything that Fossil Fuel $$$ gives to Congress in court in Washington, DC.

These people are paid to kill legislation making corporations pay for their damage. YOU as a voter have the responsibility to rid your state of dirty energy congressional reps.

You peeps have GOT to vote in people who are not receiving millions from oil, natural gas and nuclear lobbyists. Manchin himself is holding the entire congress hostage as far as environmental legislation. One dude should not be able to do that. Vote him out. Vote them all out.


Ad_Honorem1 t1_itxjrsm wrote

Why are you lumping nuclear in with fossil fuel?


answeryboi t1_itz25mz wrote

Technically they're lumping nuclear lobbyists with fossil fuel lobbyists. If we were being charitable we might assume to the commenter we might assume that the nuclear lobbyists are also paying people like Manchin to kill funding for traditional renewable and laws holding companies accountable for damage.


lookingForPatchie t1_itysu0r wrote

To be fair your consumer habits are a huge factor in what these cooperations do. For example animal agriculture is seen as either the biggest (including transport) or at least a major contributor to climate change.

But switching to a plant-based diet is slightly inconvenient, so only few people do it.

Then people scream on Reddit how someone else should solve the problem.


standarduser2 t1_ity7gn7 wrote

Why are corporations or people, or at least when, will they be held accountable when government allow it?


dumnezero t1_itz5l7q wrote

OK, I hope you don't need fossil fuels for anything.


theronimous t1_iu6rjhu wrote

Ok, hold them accountable. Then what? What happens after we hold them accountable, what does the world look like?


the_karma_llama t1_iubk5rm wrote

You can do something about it. Eat less meat and vote. Is that too inconvenient?


Ineedavodka2019 t1_itxk2q7 wrote

Yes! I’m so tired of people telling me to watch my carbon footprint and me try to buy sustainable even though if the corporations only offered sustainable it wouldn’t be so damn hard.


Wagamaga OP t1_itvq0oj wrote

An international coalition of researchers says in a report published today that the Earth’s vital signs have worsened to the point that “humanity is unequivocally facing a climate emergency.”

The report, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 2022,” published in the journal BioScience, notes that 16 of 35 planetary vital signs the authors use to track climate change are at record extremes.

The report’s authors share new data illustrating increasing frequency of extreme heat events, rising global tree cover loss because of fires, and a greater prevalence of the mosquito-borne dengue virus.

They also note large increases in fossil fuel energy consumption following COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns – despite an upswing in commitments for fossil fuel divestment – and a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels to 418 parts per million, the highest on record.

William Ripple, a distinguished professor in the OSU College of Forestry, and postdoctoral researcher Christopher Wolf are the lead authors of the report, and 10 other U.S. and global scientists are co-authors. The report follows by five years the “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice” published by Ripple in in BioScience and co-signed by more than 15,000 scientists in 184 countries.


Rheytos t1_itwko5q wrote

Let’s face it. We won’t change. Especially with the dimwits ruling us


aphilsphan t1_itx1d2w wrote

Evidence doesn’t matter when anything you disagree with can be called “communism.”

Economists will tell you if you want less of something, tax it. And surprise, we already HAVE carbon taxes at the gas pump both state and federal in the USA. But any attempt to raise that is called “communism.”


davion223 t1_itx39wd wrote

you know at this point i think its a good thing people are dirty, greedy, mean and stupid if we all die the earth will heal and maybe give way for something better to evolve


Ralltir t1_itz9043 wrote

First the rats evolve but then they are too similar to us and nuke each other. Much later on the squid people emerge from the ocean.

Gluugsnerglug, the first squid on the moon 2973412.


Tigertotz_411 t1_iu00h9k wrote

The planet will be fine. Humanity won't be.

We will lose our biodiversity, I suspect in the region of 90%. But there will always be organisms that can adapt. There's not a chance humanity will adapt fast enough. We haven't been here long enough. We have had 3 million years of being recognisable humans, in context sharks and crocodiles have had 200 million plus, ferns and horseshoe crabs even longer. They've basically been unchanged. In the same time period, mammals have changed dramatically.

Eventually of course life will recover. Long after humans have gone.


amaroque9 t1_ityy19o wrote

The single most immediate and effective thing you can personally do to help offset climate change is to go vegan. Other actions pale in comparison to the immediacy of a vegan diet

Everyone's blaming someone else when you're the consumer of the corporations products

The climate crisis is everyone's responsibility, not "If only X would do this"


brianna_sometimes t1_itz2yvc wrote

Going vegan will not save the world. Corporations and governments have to take immediate and serious action. Why take what little joy some people have left.


amaroque9 t1_itz3ftn wrote

Because science says we need to eat more plant based at a minimum to keep under 2°C rise

"We conclude that reduced ruminant meat and dairy consumption will be indispensable for reaching the 2 °C target with a high probability, unless unprecedented advances in technology take place."


brianna_sometimes t1_itz7skx wrote

Reduced. Not eliminated.


brianna_sometimes t1_itz7x7c wrote

And it specifies ruminants. Nothing about going vegan.


amaroque9 t1_itza04l wrote

Still making excuses. Everyone else change but me. You're the problem here, not corporations


brianna_sometimes t1_itzcaqu wrote

You don't know my diet. I reduced dairy and ruminates years ago. Both to lower my carbon footprint and for health reasons. Sorry. I'm not going vegan.


amaroque9 t1_itzcmwg wrote

Then stop complaining that others aren't doing all they can when you're not either


brianna_sometimes t1_itzdr11 wrote

Are you seriously equating the amount of damage individuals do to the amount of damage corporations and the elite do. If I was flying private jets across the globe daily, maybe I could significantly reduce my emissions. I encourage all to reduce their footprint. Going vegan is extreme.


amaroque9 t1_itzeger wrote

According to the UNs FAO, "animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transportation combined."

It's gonna take everybody doing everything they can. There are 8 billion people on the planet. 8 billion people can do a lot. The results are cumulative as is the damage

As the saying goes, you're either part of the problem or part of the solution. You're a little bit of each, aren't you


brianna_sometimes t1_itzghyp wrote

Again, vegan is extreme. Especially, when I already view it as a lost cause. I do not see any changes being made. The world puts out more emissions annually despite pledges to cut.


amaroque9 t1_itzhpjy wrote

I think the collapse of humanity because you want to eat bacon is extreme but that's just me

But you essentially proved my point anyway. Everyone recognizes changes need to be made but they don't want to make them themselves. That's the real lost cause.


gerundive t1_iu1pgdb wrote

> Going vegan is extreme.

So is climate change.


Dranzell t1_itzjbu5 wrote

Vegans are a different breed, I tell you. They are sitting on a pedestal I can't even fathom reaching.


amaroque9 t1_itzjujd wrote

Love science people that deny science. You're just the best.

Seriously, just Google animal agriculture and climate change and you'll find that I'm 100% correct

Sticking your head in the sand is just an invitation to get kicked in the ass


Ralltir t1_itz960f wrote

I don’t personally think it will help. We’re too far gone. But I am vegan. Because it’s morally right. The outcome of a situation does not change the morality of the choices we make.


amaroque9 t1_itzi95s wrote

Every bit helps. Animal agriculture is the third leading driver of climate change. The more people get on board, the bigger the effect

I just get sick of people blaming politicians and corporations and the "elite" while simultaneously being part of the problem

Being vegan IS the most immediate and effective step any individual can personally take


Ralltir t1_itzj0je wrote

Oh I agree. Just pessimistic I suppose. It’s definitely the biggest/easiest impact to effort ratio thing that an individual can do.


Dranzell t1_itzjfgl wrote

So, where I can see the effects that all vegans had on climate change?


beavnut t1_itwv9ao wrote

Yeah that “unequivocally” will definitely sway the climate deniers… don’t know why we didn’t try it before


GeeVideoHead t1_itz98kt wrote

It doesn't take a scientist to know this. Us living on earth see it. We use to get cold winters where I'm from...Now it's 90 degrees in December. It use to snow here every year. Multiple times a year. Now it doesn't snow at all.


AutoModerator t1_itvpxdo wrote

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Electrical_Skirt21 t1_itxfsgb wrote

Ok, so can we get a clear assertion by someone who knows what they are talking about?

What needs to be done?

When does it need to be done by?

What happens if we don’t do it?

I want someone on record about this because I’m 39 years old and I’ve been watching the goalposts move since the mid 90s. We’re at 50 billion tons of carbon emissions per year, now, and that’s on an upward trajectory. We had a brief reprieve in 2020 due to covid and the fallout of that is leading us into a worldwide recession, but we’re supposed to bend this curve down to zero in 20 years or something?

Can someone please just provide some answers in a straightforward way?


Myfartsonthefloor t1_itxarlw wrote

Too bad it’s all a conspiracy to boss people around… AMIRITE????


Highwaters78217 t1_itxwykb wrote

Nature is adaptable no matter what you do it will simply change and take on
new forms. It has survived worse things than mankind. Men are however
in the process of changing it so much they can't live in it. We are
not killing nature we're killing ourselves. People think just because
men can't live in it that nothing can and that's wrong. We are
screwing ourselves over big time and once we're gone we will not be


OuterLightness t1_iu1uo93 wrote

So the dengue virus is causing the climate change? Dang mosquitos.


Concrete_Cancer t1_ityitb0 wrote

Capitalism is the problem—as long as capital controls government (DNC and GOP), they’ll continue telling you that it’s your responsibility as a consumer or voter or whatever to prevent the climate crisis: drive less, recycle, don’t shower, eat impossible burgers, be green, don’t use plastic straws, etc. These aren’t real solutions; they leave the system intact, they preserve our dependency on fossil fuel, and hence, they preserve the power of the industries that are causing this catastrophe in the first place. These solutions are politically conservative. [That is why liberals are just conservatives: they’re both committed to capital.] There’s no solution to this problem without confronting capital. This is an international class struggle; we literally have nothing to lose and our one and only planet to gain.


lookingForPatchie t1_itysh6n wrote

If only older generation cared at all. But they don't.


ILovePornAndDrugs t1_itz7w5u wrote

It said this would happen in the Bible. Turn to Christ!


Living-Performer-414 t1_iu08wjm wrote

Where exactly does bible say anything about global warming? Baseless claims do no good for your religion.


ILovePornAndDrugs t1_iu1yxdh wrote

Revelations bro


Living-Performer-414 t1_iu4no72 wrote

More accurately pls


ILovePornAndDrugs t1_iu665n5 wrote

It says the Euphrates would dry up and thats whats happening now. The six angel is pouring out his cup


Living-Performer-414 t1_iu6chl1 wrote

"The water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East"

So..... where is the section about global warming? Answer the question.


ILovePornAndDrugs t1_iu6zsrl wrote

You just gotta believe bro