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t1_iu3u50g wrote

This kind of information should be front page news.

Want to get healthy. Exercise. No really. Here's the study. And it's just a few minutes of intense exercise a week. Yes? This is free. So please do it.


t1_iu3xrzv wrote

Run for 3x 15 minutes per week and cut your calories by 20%

Congrats, you just got gifted 15 years of life


t1_iu3xxmc wrote

1 minute intense knee ups a day. And you'll improve your health for the rest of your life.


t1_iu4jsqj wrote

But like walking, people shouldn't be aiming for the literal bare minimum of effort. Build muscle while getting lean as you age is your goal.


t1_iu5oer1 wrote

While I agree with you in principle and practice, you've now added your own stuff on top. In doing so you are perfectly demonstrating why information like this doesnt get communicated or gets lost. People add their own stuff to the proven facts all the time.

Keep it simple. A little bit of intense exercise adds up to good health gains. If People take this up they might see improvements and look to make more gains through other means like weights.


t1_iu8yo5z wrote

Intense exercise that doesn't promote muscle growth isn't ideal. Having muscles into your 40s,50s,60s etc is how you stay mobile and fit far into your late life. It's also how you prevent the majority of naturally occurring pain from joints, back pain, knee pain.

There's enough science for people who want more than the minimum. Listen to Andrew Huberman, David Sinclair or Peter Attia if you want the latest in general health. Cardio is very important but you want both and I would recommend starting with muscle promoting exercises first then everything else. That is the fountain of youth along with sleep, diet (mediterranean) and close bonds with family/friends, sense of purpose and belonging.


t1_iu922eo wrote

Like I said, I agree with you, and do exactly this.

But that's not the point. bombarding People who aren't already active with a big to do list as a way to get fit is a bad idea. Start with little and often with consistency and build from there.

Your attitude will turn people away from a really important realisation.


t1_iu51btx wrote

I need to buy a pull up bar. Best budget gym you can get


t1_iu55y68 wrote

Yes. Pull ups, push ups, duck walk, knee ups for the intensive and fast 1 min.


t1_iu7wj9i wrote

The calorie one isn't as generic though, right? I'm borderline underweight and sometimes move towards a comfortable middle between underweight and overweight so that'd just lead to issues I feel like.


t1_iu8zqd1 wrote

You're a small minority. Two thirds of the US are overweight or obese. Underweight people make up around ~1.5% of the US population.


t1_iu9r8gc wrote

Just to clarify, I was confirming my current understanding which is that doing exercise is essentially always better than a sedentary lifestyle, whereas losing 20% of calories is only relevant to people who are consuming more than they need or who are an unhealthy weight. Which like you said, is the majority of the US (and other countries too).

Although your response does imply that is the case, it's still important to differentiate near-universal advice from majority-applicable advice if someone is unsure.


t1_iu5j5ug wrote

This is something that is emphasized in sports training. A lot of people build up with HIIT or high intensity interval training. You do brief bouts of exercise getting your heart rate up with that training regimen. Also any exercise even walking is super good for you. A lot of people can't do much at the beginning so they tell to try to build up a little at a time. If you can't handle land exercises pool is also a great way to try multiple types including HIIT, low intensity cardio, and higher intensity. It easier on your joints.


t1_iu623t1 wrote

I dunno if I am convinced. A very trustworthy president said that your heart only has so many beats and exercise uses them up.


t1_iu7adi8 wrote

Ironically, I think this is partly true. Someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the human heart generally has a roughly constant number of beats between people of a variety of levels of fitness. One difference is that people with higher cardiovascular fitness tend to have lower pulse rates when they’re not exercising (which is most of the time), so it works out that it takes longer to reach the average number of total heartbeats than for someone who doesn’t exercise.


t1_iu7lvha wrote

The lower resting heart rate is a by product of being fit. The heart is strengthened and thus can pump a greater volume of blood per beat. meaning fewer beats are needed while resting.


t1_iu82vqq wrote

True. If your heart is adjusted to the highest efforts it has much lower idle rate. I have around 40 idle rate all my life and I always liked very energetic cycling.