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stark-atkm t1_iw32ml0 wrote

I'm also in a trade and always wondered to what degree being perpetually busy counted for exercise. Walking around is effortless but climbing up and down the mezzanines kinda sucks, right? Bending conduit and pulling wire isn't effortless but not quite the rowing machine at the gym either. Then again you're doing this kinda thing for 8 hours. I get great sleep though even though I wouldn't say I was exhausted unless I'm working 6/10s or something.


kkngs t1_iw38pcq wrote

It’s the best kind of exercise. Sitting at a desk all day every day then going for a jog three times a week is a poor approximation of being active.

Now, that job isn’t the best form of strength training, so it depends on your goals.


mxjuno t1_iw7tlr7 wrote

It’s a great way to be active! Add in some strength training/balance and you’re golden.