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SnooRadishes6544 t1_ir85v80 wrote

AI is developing far faster than we as individuals can comprehend. Machine intelligence is optimizing our society at a rapid pace. Let's create a world of peace and abundance for all.


VanceIX t1_ir8a2b0 wrote

Peace and abundance for all of planet earth, both organic and inorganic intelligence. I truly hope we reach true equality one day.


dreamedio t1_ir8xla7 wrote

All hail inorganic overlords but in all seriousness why do I feel like your writing this comment because you think in the future AI will somehow read it and get mad


Devanismyname t1_ir8n04y wrote

Can you give some examples of how its changing? I know about the image generators, but would about AI that will have a tangible effect on our society?


SnooRadishes6544 t1_ir8o1p4 wrote

Optimization of resource deployment including money and human labor. Harnessing energy and recycling materials more efficiently which will create abundance everywhere. Optimization of programmatic advertising algorithms on search and social platforms. Mental health care. Personalized drug development. DNA sequencing. AI will be the bridge through which we can transcend our own biological limitations, life extension.

The world is dissolving into data everywhere, and through that process patterns emerge and smarter solutions are discovered. Intelligence knows no bounds.


Rakshear t1_ir8o8kz wrote

Inject that hopium between my souls toes


GhostInTheNight03 t1_ir8roa4 wrote

Best not to get too excited lol...even as a 19 year old I still worry I'm gonna faceplant in front of the finish line which is gut wrenching and sad


DedRuck t1_irao8xo wrote

yep dude 18 here and i cannot tell you how eternally enraged my soul would be if it turned out we’re the last generation before exponential technological expansion


HyperImmune t1_irayinz wrote

I’m twice your age, I remember a time with no internet…I used encyclopedia’s for school projects. I’d say you’re safe to see what you want to see. The world will be unrecognizable when you are my age.


DedRuck t1_irc7xri wrote

i hope so but at the same time im scared it could be a “we’ll all have flying cars by the year 2000” type dream


DedRuck t1_irc84jg wrote

but you’re right i’d say even in the past 10 years technology has come such a long way i hope we can all see it come to fruition


dreamedio t1_ir8xml1 wrote

Life extension for everyone is a bad idea popualtion should decline


kevinmise t1_ir92y1q wrote

You’re silly! There are essentially infinite resources in space - at least for billions, perhaps trillions, of humans. You’re not thinking big enough - and in terms of optimizing what we need in virtual space, think smaller ;)


dreamedio t1_ir934mn wrote

Because I’m not talking long term I was talking about short-medium term


DorianGre t1_ir8w0c6 wrote

I wish I could talk about my job. But I can’t. I can say, every aspect of how large corporations operate will be optimized by AI. 4 years from now the competitive edge between companies will be those who embraced AI and those that didn’t. 8 years from now, the edge will go to those have the best AI.


dreamedio t1_ir8xpo4 wrote

Tbh this what ppl said like is 1980s it won’t happen fast eventually robots are gonna do the work but it’s not gonna be in a year it’s gonna be a slow trend


DorianGre t1_ir9195o wrote

Look at my profile history. I have 27 years of experience in software design with multiple patents in data mining and personalization, currently a sr level architect for a Fortune 100. Even I am getting a fresh MS in AI and machine learning so I can take advantage of the new opportunities. The rate of change currently is blinding.

Robotics takes hardware engineers, path training, manufacturing , safety tests, etc to get them on the factory floor. Robotics is hard. I do it as a hobby. From idea to prototype is months for anything mildly complex.

AI is data and math in the cloud. I can have an idea, locate the right data in our data lake, write and train a model, do regression testing and have it ready for production in weeks. Hardware is difficult to scale and the iteration time is long. Math in an instant access scalable virtual environment is easy.

I don’t think anyone understands what is coming and how fast unless you are working daily to make it happen.


Torrall t1_iraybgw wrote

this is such a bad take lol


dreamedio t1_irb8es6 wrote

Not a bad take ppl in the 1960s imagined 2000 that everyone would be replaced by robots again hardware is much much harder to develop than software


Torrall t1_irbbspr wrote

do you know what exponential means


Warrior666 t1_ir95rzl wrote

My friend, who is a professional illustrator (freelancer), just today said he's expecting a considerable income loss as of immediately. On the same vein, I ordered an album cover illustration 1.5 years ago from another artist, which cost me USD1000. I would not do that again, now with Stable Diffusion generating art on my computer for free. So this is one area where AI is *already* having a very tangible effect on our society.


sipos542 t1_ir9rg5z wrote

And they said creative jobs will be the last jobs in the industry to be taken over by AI. Seems to be reversed now.


Torrall t1_iray9yx wrote

I work in entertainment, each season the post teams get smaller. The entry level jobs become rarer and also spread out over much worse work that doesn't teach them the skills needed to move up.


dreamedio t1_ir8xj72 wrote

What does world peace at this current rate have to do with machine learning


SnooRadishes6544 t1_ir8xshw wrote

AI is influencing our minds and thoughts. It can also analyze people and intervene to prevent a suicide or a murder. Hopefully we can defuse conflict by having people lay down their weapons and relinquish their desire to harm our control others


dreamedio t1_ir8xx5d wrote

Why would Ai care (assuming AI is all knowing like god) about dumb humans? Imagine if ants made you…would you care if they mill themselves personally NO. Their whole colony could die and I wouldn’t care


Primus_Pilus1 t1_irahccg wrote

Empathy is a sliding scale across a species. There are plenty of folks like you, indifferent. But there are the gardening types, forest tenders and wildlife management folks that do care deeply about lesser creatures. So I'm hope the AGI likes gardening.


dreamedio t1_irb81jl wrote

Nope most conservationists care about the species and biological diversity as a whole not individual ants


BusterMcBarman t1_ir90x7p wrote

I’ve never fully grasped the “AI will provide peace, love, and abundance” concept. We’ll screw it all up well before the philanthropic robots come along.


green_meklar t1_ir9447n wrote

>Machine intelligence is optimizing our society at a rapid pace.

I don't know about you, but this doesn't feel very optimized to me...