
Devanismyname t1_j8gyqln wrote

I've brought up chatgpt to multiple people and I get blank stares every time. I just don't think the average pleb cares yet. It isn't a big in your face change to society yet, and yeah, it is incredible, but its not affecting anyones lives in a big way yet.


Devanismyname t1_ixp5uab wrote

I used to lurk on collapse but I was getting too depressed. There was a common saying there. "once you've seen it, you can't unsee it". Basically means once you've seen the reasoning behind collapse, you can't really unsee it. It makes sense and is actually very unsettling. But, like this sub, they have tunnel vision. They aren't aware of all of the things that COULD happen that could save us from collapse. Things such as material science, AI for more food production and better health care, fusion to replace fossil fuels, all of that seems to be outside their awareness. I still think we are walking on a knifes edge towards another dark age, or maybe a 1984 scenario, but if we play our cards right, we can make it through this. If I were to choose a scenario I think is most likely to happen, I think its collapse though. We are rapidly approaching a point where we see peak oil, coal, construction sand, lithium, etc, meaning that if we don't fix our problems before we reach that point and we do collapse, humanity will never be able to reach the singularity after that since once we do rebuild after the collapse, there will be no more precious metals or energy to allow us to rebuild what we once had. We are literally using up our one chance at being a space faring, techno society, and it might never come again.


Devanismyname t1_ixmnwao wrote

The odds of it happening are getting worse as the weeks pass. Scientifically, we are closer than ever. But economically, socially, and politically human civilization is headed for some tough times. Deglobalization is happening at lightening speed. That means our supply chains break down, meaning our food, electronics, vehicles and other goods go up in price or become unavailable. That means more and more countries stop manufacturing goods for the west and the overall standard of living on earth drops dramatically. That means there are less and less civilized countries for smart people to come from and continue to advance science because more and more have fallen to starvation and savage wars with one another as countries and alliances fracture and break apart due to starvation and collapse. We are in the beginning of this horrible period of time. The world is breaking apart, loyalties are shifting, breaking, or becoming stronger. This could result in a prolonged period of lower and lower standards of living and stagnation in science and innovation.


Devanismyname t1_ixkbv5b wrote

How do you not understand it when you literally just explained it? For the entirety of human existence, including right now and the foreseeable future, people have died and there was nothing we could do about it. Now, over the horizon, there is the possibility scientists could fix aging and make people live longer. But most people on earth aren't really familiar with this kind of futuristic tech and still view aging and dying as an inevitable part of life. Its not cult like acceptance, its just acceptance of the reality of being alive. If anything, people on this sub are more cult like because they believe with out doubt that we will be immortal.


Devanismyname t1_ix46r4c wrote

People say this one a lot, but I have thought of a few possibilities as for the reason we haven't seen life yet. Perhaps before a species becomes noticeable, they discover a different way to exist, such as VR. So instead of exploring the galaxy in the real world, they simply create some kind of full dive VR world to explore instead. Maybe aliens simply hide their presence, and the window of time we can discover them is the point in time they have the ability to broadcast their presence to point where they realize its not a good idea, which we've already done ourselves at this point.


Devanismyname t1_isud9f3 wrote

Well, real life isn't a video game. There are no do overs. If we create an AI that is capable of destroying life on earth or giving a single corporation/country complete dominance over all of humanity, we don't get any second chances. I'd rather the people in charge of that stuff actually take a second to make sure we are doing things right and safely. And btw, I don't think anyone is actually doing that. We are going full speed ahead into the singularity. Nobody is actually pumping the breaks on this. Governments and corporations are pouring billions of dollars into researching this stuff without a second thought to the consequences. We are making light speed progress with it. Everyday I am reading about new developments in AI and by the looks of things, we will be seeing AGI by the next decade. So I'm not really sure what you're even complaining about, the scenario you're bitching about not happening is actually happening at this very moment. Its just that technology and science don't happen over night. The people inventing it don't just spontaneously program the mystery of consciousness into a computer because they want to. They have figure out how it all works.


Devanismyname t1_irlqe0r wrote

What if you are the simulation? Like the universe only exists when you look at it. So the second you turn around, everything you were just looking at disappears. When you look at the the stars, its only rendering low res versions of the stars, and the closer you get to the stars, the higher the resolution. So your very consciousness is the computer that is running the simulation. Your entire life could be the entertainment of some higher being. Kinda brings me down thinking about that because then that means I am nothing, everyone I love is nothing. Probably isn't true though.


Devanismyname t1_iqsfa97 wrote

Not UBI, wage subsidy. So if a company hires 10 people right now for one job, in 10 years they cut the hours in half and hire twice as many people. The people get paid the same amount, because the government subsidizes their wages. The company loses nothing, people can still work, and it serves a similar purpose to UBI but without the mass depression from being locked in your apartment all day. Part time work isn't soul crushing and you still have something to get out of bed for everyday. If you can live a comfortable life working 20 hours a week rather than 40, and you can do it at something that isn't fast food, I think that's a healthy life.
