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Tencreed t1_j1o0zce wrote

Also, somebody should tell it Muslims are not supposed to drink.


nanoDeep t1_j1o80cx wrote

Some types of Muslims can drink some can't. It doesn't say much about it in the Koran. Mohamed was had his prayers disturbed by some drunks. Some sects take this to mean you shouldn't drink alcohol, others interpret it as don't be a dick when you're drunk.


ItzFlixi t1_j1ph3o1 wrote

"O believers! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and drawing lots for decisions are all evil of Satan’s handiwork. So shun them so you may be successful."



freebytes t1_j1r4iin wrote

It was only one beer so they may not become intoxicated by it.


YouNeedToGrow t1_j1ra50m wrote

Ima take some DMT, and if I come across god I'll ask them what an acceptable Blood Alcohol level is.


freebytes t1_j1s56e1 wrote

God does not exist so the ability for any religion to weasel out of their own religious rules does not really matter in the end. The only concern is the hypocrisy.


ItzFlixi t1_j1r9v2l wrote

dw god i only consumed the legal amount of marijuana it didnt make me high, i aint no sinner!


BeautifulBrownie t1_j1ptq9t wrote

Anything other than 'alcohol is absolutely forbidden' is far from the consensus view.


nanoDeep t1_j1pzfve wrote

Depends on which sect you are talking about. Which is why I stated that. I'm guessing you haven't visited Turkey which is a Muslim country where alcohol is part of the culture. Sunni and Shiite Muslims have different interpretations of the Koran.


butterdrinker t1_j1q1hsz wrote

Which branch of Islam allows drinking alcohol?

In Turkey most of the population are Sunni, which definitely prohibits alcohol (even indirect contact with alcohol, like people drinking it)

In fact most of the muslims in the world are Sunni

Only because people drink alcohol in Turkey doesn't mean that all Sunni in the world do it

Turkey is one of the rare Muslim countries in the world that went through a process of secularization where people are free to follow whatever religion they want and there are no laws prohibiting the selling of alcohol

For example during the Ottoman Empire there was a tax on alcohol introduced when many non-muslim people became Ottoman citizens - that tax was called 'tax on prohibited goods'

So people in Turkey are simply not following at 100% their religion and there is nothing wrong in that


nanoDeep t1_j1q25h0 wrote

The Qur'an is very specific in what is forbidden. Please tell me the verse that explicitly forbids alcohol. It is a very presumptuous person that claims to speak for Allah


ItzFlixi t1_j1qjitt wrote

"O believers! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and drawing lots for decisions are all evil of Satan’s handiwork. So shun them so you may be successful."



BeautifulBrownie t1_j1pzyj8 wrote

I'm no fan of Islam, I left it long ago, but those are certainly not mainstream positions. Just because Turks and Azeris drink a lot, it doesn't mean it's permissible in any mainstream, consensus view.

Don't get me wrong, drinking is based, but to act like it's anything other than a contrarian opinion with Islam is simply false.


nanoDeep t1_j1q0fbl wrote

It was a comment to a flippant comment about a joke. I merely pointed out that some sects of Muslims can drink so that point of the joke is still valid. Maybe time to back under your bridge troll


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1ok6a1 wrote

My Muslim colleague used to say: „Quran has suggestions about not drinking too much, but drinking in moderation - for example just one glass of beer or wine with your dinner - is not a sin.“

I kinda believe him, as a lot of Muslims I know drink alcohol from time to time (but none of them ever drinks so much that they actually get drunk).


ItzFlixi t1_j1pgzq1 wrote

your muslim colleague has a special edition quran or something?


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1psi4p wrote

I think he has just read both it and lots of Ahaddith (sorry don’t know how it is written) and understood most of the wording? He is very, very literate, has a degree in Arabic and English (plus social sciences) and a polyglot humanist with extensive knowledge on Islam. And from what I know different branches of Islam have different Ahaddith too? Or am I wrong?

Please feel free to correct me, I am not an expert on Islam at all and if my colleague told me BS I would be interested in knowing that (someone might gonna get their butt kicked for misinformation when I get back to work…).


ItzFlixi t1_j1q2e8g wrote

the great majority of muslims are sunni, they find the quraan to be the main source and is to be taken literally. they take more elaboration on it from ahaddith (what the profit said/did/approved of). for example: quran says we must pray, ahaddith explain how to pray.

since quran says all intoxicants must be persistently rejected, ahaddith cannot make it legal. furthermore, ive never heard anyone argue that alcohol is halal, even tho i grew up in a muslim country


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1q2loe wrote

Thank you for providing information! I guess I will have to have a serious talk with my colleague when - if - I ever return to this job. It’s not cool to spread misinformation. Especially on a religion that is being discriminated against anyway in many parts of the world.


ItzFlixi t1_j1q71bw wrote

i really appreicate you taking the effort to check the information, especially with people trying to ruin its reputation by linking it to extremists. id be happy to help you and answer any questions!


Utoko t1_j1pqvlh wrote

>"O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful." - Surah Al-Ma'idah, Verse 90

They are just like people in other religions to ignore what you don't like. To be fair I like people who adapt their religion are better than people, who try to stick to it word for word.

Also in my personal student life I also knew a lot of Muslims who would drink on parties, but I would never drink at home.


lloesche t1_j1pr43g wrote

Or maybe the whole not drinking thing is just inconvenient? How many Christians are there that work on Sundays, had a falling out with their parents, committed adultery or have been stealing? I'd be surprised if there was a single Christian on earth that has never defied one of the 10 Commandments. Many people don't take their religion THAT seriously and see it more as guidelines to be a decent human. It's all just stuff made up by other humans after all.


ItzFlixi t1_j1qjrz0 wrote

its not inconvenient, your society is just used to it. in the middle east many, if not most, people never drink in their lives and its fine for them. you dont need to disable your brain to have fun


lloesche t1_j1z9ed0 wrote

Capital punishment is legal in most countries of the Middle East. It appears that they have discovered other means of "disabling their brain", as you put it so eloquently and non-judgemental.


ItzFlixi t1_j1zigrf wrote

how is that any related? do you just wanna critize?

also im pro capital punishment. terrorists who kill innocents should be executed


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1pr9ho wrote

Also true. Secular take on religion is a widely known phenomenon, of course.


WenaChoro t1_j1rsjyh wrote

Thats the joke, you dont get post post post irony?


IncredibleWaddleDee t1_j1ub4we wrote

haha true most Muslims don't drink alcohol, but non-alcoholic beer still exists!