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Shelfrock77 t1_j4mco80 wrote

If it’s an actual artifical neuron, that means it can transmit memory.


thegoldengoober t1_j4n29q8 wrote

What do you mean by "transmit memory*


Hazzman t1_j4n7rao wrote

Memories are tiny globs of slime that cling to our neurons. Those tiny globs slide up and down your neurons like trains on a track. When you remember something they slide into an area of the brain called "Salitzar's Pit" which spreads the glob across a cluster of cells that 'read' the memory.

These artificial neurons can transmit memories - a capability that eluded scientists until now. Meaning we can take all the globs of a person's memories and put them in an artificial brain and I'm making all of this nonsense up.


sidianmsjones t1_j4nilog wrote

I knew it was bs from the getgo and I still wanted to read and understand whatever lore you were concocting.


Brilliant_War4087 t1_j4ncff2 wrote


vernes1978 t1_j4n92mf wrote

First time I heard something like this described.
Could you link me something on the subject?
I tried googling it but it keeps thinking I must be mispelling Salazar's Pit and shows me D&D articles.


turnip_burrito t1_j4ndvmw wrote

It's a made up lie (a joke). Not real. Hoping that was obvious from... well, the post.

If you knew that and were playing along with it, then disregard.


vernes1978 t1_j4p5jwr wrote

I never get an counter argument if I plainly call people out.
You need to show genuine interest to even get a grain of effort from their side.
After they horked over the link, you slap them around using arguments you pulled from their source.


turnip_burrito t1_j4p9hov wrote

It's a joke though, not meant to be believed. It even says its fake right in the post. If someone reads that and actually believes it, let's say it'll be tough to educate them.


vernes1978 t1_j4pa72y wrote

Never heard of it before.
I'll remember it next time.


banuk_sickness_eater t1_j4nlt6p wrote

Damn idk why this is funny, is it funny because it tricks the ignorant? If someone doesn't know about neurons this is plausible sounding enough for them to just take it at face value.


HolyNucleoli t1_j4o1bne wrote

It's plausible sounding that memories are globs of slime that travel to something called 'Salitzar's Pit' to be remembered?

Anybody who takes that at face value should probably not be on the internet


ThePokemon_BandaiD t1_j4ppjvp wrote

yeah these "neurons" don't actually do anything except transmit an electrical signal slower than a wire...

they simulated action potentials, which is just the way the cells use chemical gradients to send a signal from the body of the neuron to the synapses, and has nothing to do with it's computational capacity.