Submitted by crumbaker t3_127room
Submitted by majima_san_1 t3_127lzen
Submitted by Extrabytes t3_127fo3l
14 years ago, the cofounder of Deepmind, Shane Legg, predicted AGI by 2025 and that people would be skeptical that it is AGI.
Submitted by boaking69 t3_1275544
Even if OpenAI and all other US companies stopped training models, what’s their logic with China for example? Should we stop developing something that actually has a chance to be somehow ethical and let dictatorships take over AI space?
Submitted by Crypt0n0ob t3_126thbp
Submitted by Ashamed-Asparagus-93 t3_126fg8g
Submitted by Kinexity t3_125w3yy
Submitted by Rand_Longevity1990 t3_1248nln
Submitted by luv_ya t3_123q7ls
From Yann Lecun, one of the central figures in the ML field, who's also the "Chief AI Scientist" at Meta
Submitted by starstruckmon t3_121kkcq
Submitted by Zealousideal_Ad3783 t3_120yyik
Submitted by PrivateLudo t3_120o3x4
Submitted by Few_Assumption2128 t3_1204k58
Submitted by IntroVertu t3_1203xqi
Submitted by Kracus t3_11zky1q
This is becoming prophetic right now. Can't believe how quick people are to find flaws in LLM/AI while ignoring how far it has come already.
Submitted by Lawjarp2 t3_11z8e1e
Submitted by Embarrassed_Stuff_83 t3_11z76ez
Any analysts here working in investment banking worried about their jobs? Bing Chat can read PDFs and financial statements and comment on those values.
Submitted by genuinecluelessidiot t3_11yaze1
Submitted by Savings-Juice-9517 t3_11xoncb
Submitted by AutomaticVisit1543 t3_11wfxwx