[deleted] t1_jcudzbk wrote
[deleted] t1_jcue2px wrote
anymoredraw701 t1_jcuedfm wrote
We should’ve sent a second one with the Mars Laboratory.
The list has gotten quite a bit longer...:/
[deleted] t1_jcuf9yl wrote
[deleted] t1_jcufklp wrote
AlbaneseGummies327 OP t1_jcuhtj5 wrote
At some point it'll have to be a database on a flash drive.
Due_Menu_893 t1_jcuj65l wrote
That's beautiful. I wonder, are there more artists who have their art on other worlds?
[deleted] t1_jcurfvb wrote
AlbaneseGummies327 OP t1_jcuweym wrote
Not that I know of.
3SquirrelsinaCoat t1_jcuzplg wrote
If you think about the artifacts we have from ancient human history, the stuff that survives is small and blunt. An arrowhead, a shell trinket, even a little carved doll. Imagine historians 60,000 years from now. Will they remember what we did, or is this one of the things that will remain and they'll wonder what we meant by it?
[deleted] t1_jcv0bwa wrote
shanefking t1_jcv3941 wrote
It would be quite a lucky find, given the location
[deleted] t1_jcv3r1l wrote
Moist-Cut-7998 t1_jcv4lay wrote
So this confuses me, a while ago there was a post arguing about whether the moon landing was real or not. I suggested proving the disbelievers wrong by taking a photo of the landing site. The majority of responses said it was too small an area to find, yet we can find a tiny plaque?
asphytotalxtc t1_jcv5o21 wrote
We already have photos of the moon landing sites courtesy of the LRO -
And find a tiny plaque? This photo was taken by the crew of Apollo 15 when they left it there..
ESF-hockeeyyy t1_jcv91ws wrote
Really interesting to see the Soviet names there too. This was practically just past the peak of the space race, and global tensions weren’t any better or worse. A nice touch to include the Soviet sacrifices too.
jeffwolfe t1_jcv968l wrote
It's not on a planet, but both copies of the Voyager Golden Record are now in interstellar space.
[deleted] t1_jcv9o2r wrote
3SquirrelsinaCoat t1_jcv9vwn wrote
To find Neanderthal sites, we imagine their activity and look in logical areas and then get very lucky. In 60,000, if human data is lost at some point (which becomes a greater risk with digitizing knowledge), future anthropologists with slim details about our civilization might only know, "They went to the Moon. We suspect in these areas. Let's see what we can find." And then they get lucky and find this guy with the hieroglyphics plate nearby.
AlbaneseGummies327 OP t1_jcvavnp wrote
I wonder if the Soviets would've done the same if they were in our shoes with a chance to do a memorial like this.
Topsyye t1_jcvn1h2 wrote
I think even back then dying in space was pretty much always a tragedy. Pretty sure nasa astronauts also attended funerals for cosmonauts who died.
benzoe590 t1_jcvn5g6 wrote
There’s one other one that comes to mind, that being the “Moon Museum”. It’s a ceramic wafer about an inch wide, and is believed to have been hidden in the gold blanketing of Apollo 12’s lander legs.
A couple prominent artists were featured on it including Andy Warhol.
AlbaneseGummies327 OP t1_jcvnaja wrote
That's cool, I learned something new there!
NetworkLlama t1_jcvnrew wrote
Every time I see Komarov's name, I get angry. Most astronaut deaths can be traced to a bad decision somewhere, either in design or construction, and none of them expected to die in the ways that they did. Even for Challenger, they thought the odds were with them for a safe flight. Komarov's situation was so blatantly based on politics--everyone was afraid of Brezhnev's wrath in case of a delayed launch--that he knew he was going to die, and he preferred that it be him instead of close friend and national/world hero Yuri Gagarin.
H-K_47 t1_jcvoxct wrote
I'm sure there'll be one on the first crew landing on Mars.
ergzay t1_jcvs0yx wrote
Note: This was placed as a private agreement between the artist and the astronauts and then later tried to claim that the agreement was different than what the astronauts claimed and he tried to later profit off of it and sell 950 copies of the statue.
From wikipedia:
> The crew kept the memorial's existence a secret until after completion of their mission. After public disclosure, the National Air and Space Museum requested a replica of the statue. Controversy soon followed, as Van Hoeydonck claimed a different understanding of the agreement made with the astronauts and attempted to sell up to 950 copies of the statue. He finally relented under pressure from NASA, which had a strict policy against commercial exploitation of the US government space program.
[deleted] t1_jcvspzu wrote
mrgreenw t1_jcvvh1a wrote
Elon launched a Tesla into space if that counts
Middcore t1_jcw3egw wrote
Didn't he also curse the scientists who designed his faulty capsule on the radio as he descended, or is that a myth?
[deleted] t1_jcw5w7s wrote
[deleted] t1_jcw82rq wrote
kayak_enjoyer t1_jcwi8ip wrote
It seems strange to me that the moon has no weather. I know it has no atmosphere, but every second of my life has been spent on Earth, where weather is unavoidable.
It's still up there? So weird.
RollaCoastinPoopah t1_jcx1hgr wrote
Americans already leaving rubbish up there… go back and pick up your shit.
420binchicken t1_jcxbc12 wrote
We will never know. It’d be nice to think they would. Apollo-Soyuz happened in the 70’s, and that would have taken a lot of co-operation and co-ordination between US and Russian space agency staff. I imagine most of them could put the politics aside and appreciate each others achievements in the field.
[deleted] t1_jcxeof6 wrote
Hattix t1_jcxew2h wrote
What's not well known is that, during the Apollo 15 mission, Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin almost added his own name to the list.
He had undetected and severe coronary artery disease and developed bigeminy while on the way to the Moon. If he wasn't in the pure oxygen and zero-G environment of the Apollo Command Module, that would have had a good chance to progress to full on fibrillation and zero blood pressure.
The coronary artery disease was only detected two years later when he had a major heart attack (at the age of 43!) and was given an emergency triple bypass.
Boatster_McBoat t1_jcxzpw0 wrote
I hope the Russians love their children too
cityburning69 t1_jcy05le wrote
Even during the Cold War astronauts were candid about the overview effect.
[deleted] t1_jcy1n6o wrote
AlbaneseGummies327 OP t1_jcyigrs wrote
I hope so too.
[deleted] t1_jcyl1ia wrote
rattlebonez1 t1_jcz05it wrote
Yea We are so Gullible as a species..No one will ever be able to see this for themselves..I'm more of a hands on see in person kinda guy..lmfao..
Bipogram t1_jcz5s2w wrote
Not quite in the same vein, but there are graffiti in various places:
And, I'm told, on a PCB of Beagle2's avionics there's "We come in pieces".
<such trenchant wit>
Bipogram t1_jcz5xhi wrote
> yet we can find a tiny plaque?
And will be till we put a dome over it.
zeeblecroid t1_jcz5zzd wrote
Moon landing denial is a delusion, not an actual argument with reason behind it. No evidence, up to and including flying one of them to the landing sites, will convince them they happened.
coffeesippingbastard t1_jczmdio wrote
To note- they didn't list nationalities of the names. Nor did they group the names together by mission. It was an alphabetical list.
Due_Menu_893 t1_jczrbvl wrote
I like how the Mars perseverance rover has an inspiring message in the parachute.
DanYHKim t1_jd07xzv wrote
Who will answer the muster for him?
[deleted] t1_jd1wqu4 wrote
Alt-Account-No553 t1_jd9c1qa wrote
Maybe the vaunted Australian Space Agency can go up there and solve the problem.
RollaCoastinPoopah t1_jdbl572 wrote
Clean up your trash again?
Nah, the Aussies won’t do it, America needs to learn to clean up after itself not just take things and leave a mess… like the Iraqi invasion for sweet sweet oil.
Alt-Account-No553 t1_jdbuyae wrote
The US would've lined up Oz and NZ for invasion next, but there literally isn't a single thing of value in that part of the world.
[deleted] t1_jdbvqrj wrote
[deleted] t1_jdc0wv8 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdc1301 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdc1gzt wrote
AlbaneseGummies327 OP t1_jcud9xw wrote
Fallen Astronaut is a 3.5-inch (8.9 cm) aluminum sculpture created by Belgian artist Paul Van Hoeydonck.
It is a stylized figure of an astronaut in a spacesuit, intended to commemorate the astronauts and cosmonauts who have died in the advancement of space exploration.
It was commissioned and placed on the Moon by the crew of Apollo 15 at Hadley Rille on August 2, 1971 UTC, next to a plaque listing 14 names of those who died up to that time. The statue lies on the ground among several footprints.